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Everything posted by getoffmyinternet

  1. Ah, that was probably it. I was thinking eclutchmaster was just his ebay name, but yes, his clutches looked like garbage. Flywheel weight as close to the balanced weight as possible? Please elaborate.
  2. Okay, the cheap clutches I was seeing on ebay where either act or clutchmaster and they looked their price so I wasn't sure. You're saying they can be good, they are just overrated so I should get one rated at more than I need to be safe? Before I get a combo I'm going to get a price on resurfacing my fly and see if it will save me very much.
  3. Sometimes it's just a given that a clutch is going to be cheap as hell and I wouldn't bid. Some on there have pictures that make you go "Are you serious?" to their claim that the tin can they're selling pulls 400ft lbs. Are the 300zx flies also interchangeable? I bet there's plenty of market for the clutches too so I would assume it's pretty easy to find a good one. I've seen a lot of stuff on ebay with the JPS tag to it, wasn't sure what they were all about, but I don't see any clutches that don't come with a fly for a pretty penny. I guess I'll keep looking into it.
  4. I suppose that's a good call all around. Right now it actually seems that there's only one seller with a bunch of 6 pucks for the rb26 but I don't have any business cards and in terms of friends I think I'm alone in my principles... I'm not really familiar with which brand names are the best either. If I were to buy one for a 300 off ebay I'd probably be in the same boat. Are the flywheels the same as well? Of course if there's anyone that has a clutch for sell let me know. Thanks for the heads up
  5. Wow, clutches are so cheap on ebay, screw getting the old one refinished. I'm almost tempted to get a 5 puck for like the same price as the stock, but this is supposed to be my daily driver so...
  6. Wow, your motor looks just like mine when I got it. Almost like a mirror. Oh wait, except for the sick clutch that came with yours! Noice!! :0
  7. Okay so obviously progress is slow because I'm still working out the kinks. It doesn't matter too much how fast I go at this point because I want to be as ready as possible before my car is out of service. That said, I doubt I currently have all the funds to buy everything. WHEN I MY FIRST CHECK COMING?? Plus, my dad's truck is in the shop--the very one I will need to drive while mine is out. Anyway, I figured I'd recap my thoughts and plan, and post a pic or two just because. Again, I plan on doing a full writeup at the end for anyone who might be interested in a full "guide" Grocery List: radiator: buy new, or possibly add rows to current one intercooler: going basic fuel pump: Bosche 0580254909 is closest match, looking for a deal fuel pump regulator: still not sure if I'll need one if I get a near stock pump clutch slave cylinder: my car may also need a new master drive shaft: I hear 300zxtt is a start with custom length modification clutch: buy new or have old relined flywheel: buy new or resurface (really bad wannabe stick jockey) downpipe: not sure if stock will fit, otherwise completely from scratch exhaust: leave it to a muffler shop (any ideas on sound?) motor mounts: looking for cheaper options than infiniti mounts oil pan: probably from nismoparts, but fab is a possibility afms: and filters of course assorted relays: might be harder to find, not sure which I need still diode and resistors?: missing from harness, for injectors misc: wiring, hoses, shift boot, throttle cable etc. etc. most of which will only present themselves after the engine sits Current status: tracing wires and whatnot. It doesn't seem as hard as I initially thought. Most of the plugs will obviously be cut out. I didn't pick up this for the power steering and anti-lock brakes. BTW: If there is anyone out there that wants the original pan or steering pump let me know. Also, I'll be selling my 5spd and the engine. So far it seems that the engine will be better separated since there's not a crazy market for l24s and stuff like the SUs sell on ebay not bad.
  8. Cancel that. So my best bet is to pay the extra for the stock maf it sounds like? That would be the j60 then right?
  9. It seems that it would be both cheaper and easier to get the mafs than to buy a standalone ems because one of those would be much more of a hassle to put in than one I already have that is mostly together, is built for the engine, and just needs a few accessories to be complete. Don't the pros outweigh the cons of going with the stock ems since I am already heading that direction?
  10. I think I got it covered now. I found one of the 5plugs, but the other was cut off. If my scouring on ebay serves me right, I'm either looking for the J60 maf that came on the r32 or an n62 from a 300zx for about half the price, right?
  11. AND the waste gate on one of the turbos is smashed. Greaaaaaat. ... I'm seeing 5 wires on the mafs, but the wiring diagram I bought for r32s shows a 5plug with 4 wires...
  12. Can anyone get me a better price than $175 for the motor and trans mount kit that was quoted to me from nismoparts.com?
  13. Alright fine that one doesn't look bad at all, but that's all the credit I'm willing to give it.
  14. First purchase! I know I'm slow. R32 Repair manuals on CD. Lol. There's another copy if anyone else wants one. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Nissan-Skyline-R32-R33-OEM-Service-Repair-Manuals_W0QQitemZ220166493018QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item220166493018 Also, apparently the guy I bought the engine from used the term "uncut" loosely because I was taking a closer look and found that the plugs for the MAFs have been cut off, so now I need to find two MAFs AND the plugs.
  15. I think I just missed a good deal on a 300zx MAF but I was unsure if it was the right kind. There seem to be a lot of different part numbers for these things, who's got em? I am right in thinking the 300zx MAF will work right? I'm not sure on year specifics though. Anyway, if there's something I should know, pm me. I'm just trying to find a cheap pair on ebay and all I have to go on is 80mm 300zx. Is it imperative that they are specific model or are at least both identical to each other?
  16. I found out that the r32s only ran 43psi at 190lph fuel pumps, so I think I'll try to find something that will do the job. As I've been counting my money and adding to the shopping list, I'm getting impatient that I might have to wait longer to afford parts. Basically it's time to shift into budget mode. It's better that way anyways. If it costs me more down the line to buy a ridiculous fuel pump so I can pass 600hp then so be it. Actually my dad can order any bosche from work for about $40 and I think my radiator can just be recored to 4 rows at a local shop.
  17. Oh hell no, I've never gone in debt over anything. The only thing I ever plan on borrowing money to buy is a house, but that's just a necessary evil.
  18. Not to mention he seems quite happy overall. Crash protection: don't get in an accident
  19. Yeah, your "wimpy" setup. Nice try, but I've already drooled over all the 200 some odd putfile images on car with said setup so I recognize that little deal... Do you mind telling me ballpark how much you've put into your engine bay so far? It indeed looks silly fast and museum worthy. I'm thinking like as much as I make in a year? I'd do it in a heartbeat if I could get that much cash advance though.
  20. They are said to support 600hp each, which explains why he has two...
  21. I've always thought that in terms of philosophy it was like this go big or go home = rb26dett embarrass a corvette on a budget = rb25dett don't overdo it on power or your wallet = sr20det Why use an rb20 when you can decide between an rb25 or an sr20? It's not about the number of cylinders, it's about raw power. The sr20 is a great match and has plenty of budget, easy to find potential--an overall balance. The rb25 has even more potential on a slightly bigger and more long term budget. If you're really good with the knowhow, I would think you'd probably either go for the rb25 or the sr20 because either of their potential depend a lot on the mechanic--in a way, the possibilities are endless.The possibilities of an rb25 end about at the point where you discover you should have gone with a stronger block to keep it from destroying itself with all your upgrades, and the possibilities of an rb20 end much sooner than that. Unfortunately for me, I'm bound by my go big or go home mentality. I just started my project, so I figure I have to just plan on being single for quite a while. So the question is, which philosophy do you abide by?
  22. Oh, and I need a fuel pump! I'm not sure which is best. Just any universal Walbro 255lph off ebay perhaps? If anyone can help with how to get a hold of the right parts let me know. Thanks!
  23. I hope you mean uphill, right? Anyway, I thought if I was going to do a crappy male name it would at lease be somewhat clever. Rob is just an added O, you know. It's not really that clever though.
  24. OH MY GOD I COMPLETELY FORGOT!! I haven't even named my z yet! My last car (a wrangler) was just too rugged to have a name. What's a good name? What are your names, I'm curious (I'm not going to use yours, that would be lame). I'm bad at naming cars. The first thing off the top of my head is "Rob" but perhaps that is too retarded to even be funny. Obviously it would be unprecedented in that it is a male name...
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