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Everything posted by Rustyfriend

  1. The rear of my 2+2 was already done from the drivers area to the rear of the car, now it is time for the front rails to be replaced. I am ordering the pair from zedd findings and my question is this: how much should i be looking to spend for a welding location to perform the surgery? i only ask because the last time i went somewhere for a quote they took advantage of me....big time... so anyone have a ball park estimate?
  2. my stock starter works and everything but it is going to go soon so i purchased a new one. i put it on and everything is hooked up, but when i go to start it the starter motor spins but it is not engaging the flywheel. i tried to put it on several more times with the same result. any ideas?
  3. good news....i got the z to start once again with help from chris holmes. it ends up that when i was backing it back into the garage a month back i knocked a wire out of place from the ignition and didn't know it. once we found the loose wire it started right back up again
  4. i got into the glovebox today...ends up it was just stuck and not locked. the sticker is gone so i will be going at the door
  5. i'll see if i can break into the glovebox and get the code
  6. When i first got my z it had no keys at all...the owner lost them. so a few weeks later he gave me a different ignition with a key that worked. so now recently i was on ebay and found a complete key set for a 280z.....sadly i lost (VERY rare that i do) by $2.50.....i was ignorant and thought i had no one out to get me so i thought $190 was fine....WRONG anyways i am in need of a complete key set with keys, it can be missing the ignition if need be. i am looking to actually be able to lock my doors, open the glove box, and open up the hatch so i can get my project under way
  7. funny because i just got one remanufactured from ebay for $35/shipped
  8. those vents....do you think it would be ok if i molded in those vents that are on the mustangs? i forget what the vents are called
  9. seeing all of these 2+2s makes me really excited for when i finish mine. i picked it up last month for $1200 and i have a bit of body work to do and a new layer of paint is in order as well as a body kit. oh yea, some welding on the front end of the frame and does anyone know a good place to get keys made?
  10. i did at first just want to repair the airdam that was on the car and stick with that, but i am not experienced with body work ( i know how to do it for the most part, but don't have the extensive knowledge...and small patience) but the front airdam doesn't fit correctly on the car (i am guessing the previous owner got the wrong generation airdam). at first i was going to shave the rear clean but it is too much for me to do. i have seen the kits on the 2+2 and i personally like it. thanks for the link to the zstore, those are great! i love that msa kit! question...is there really a difference in body kits for the coupe vs. a 2+2? is it just sideskirts or what?
  11. I have searched around and I have not found many options for body kits around. I have a 1978 280z 2+2 that i picked up last month and to begin my work I am doing the body. So far I have only found the Xenon body kit but is there any others? Idealy i would be looking for a full 5 piece kit
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