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sq_creations last won the day on January 22 2010

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About sq_creations

  • Birthday 08/18/1978

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  • Location
    Albuquerque NM
  • Interests
    Making Cars Fast.

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  1. Sorry I'm not on here as much as i use to be. A lot has changed with the car since I have been on last. It is blue now. It is still on a 6.0 lq4, powerglide, twin precision 61mm turbos. Made 850whp to the wheels diy led tail lights. There are alot more videos and pictures on my instagram @sqctuning
  2. You really got that thing moving now stony. Nice job on the 8's
  3. I look forward to another turbo lsZ build. Keep the pictures coming.
  4. Engine-> Torque management-> Disable all the etc torque management stuff.
  5. That was a pretty crazy explosion. Glad you got it back together already and the motor was okay. Good luck at the track again.
  6. Congrates on getting it going. Your Z sounds awesome. I noticed in the last video that you knock sensor is picking up knock. Be careful.
  7. Car is looking good. I may have missed it but did you go to a different ems? Holley?
  8. If your worried about back pressure the dump them. If not let them recirculate them.
  9. Your making good progress. I like the gas tank you made!
  10. That is the same place I have mine. I'm adding a second now that im doing twins. How are you liking ms3 so far?
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