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Tony D

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Posts posted by Tony D

  1. That tool is cool as hell, and makes perfect sense---is that a tapered thread to allow use on various bearings as well?


    Obviously if that works, it wasn't in that tight! Hammering the grease spikes pressures pretty high, much higher than most hand-pumped grease guns (or toilet paper sogged with water...)


    Two Questions:


    1) Where did you get it.

    2) How much did it cost-it's an Amazon Photo so was that total cost delivered, or what?


    I must have one! Just because it's cool.

  2. "Stiffen up the springs" simple?


    "Throttle Body Return Spring"---is that replacing the stock T/B spring because it was worn out? Or is this an additional spring you 'simply' attach somewhere---where was that you attached it agian?


    And when it fails, falls off, or something breaks---what does that spring do then?


    Yeah, 'simple answer'...



  3. Mag Masters in Anaheim has been in business for years, and formerly advertized in the Recycler.

    I had my Nissan '4 spoke' 77 280Z Alloys repaired at my local wheel/tire shop. They had a place to take them that did great work. Don't know where they sent them, but most wheel places have a shop they use. So you pay somewhat of a brokerage fee...I ended up getting mine full polished AND a severely ravaged rim repaired for only the cost of polishing ($30 per rim) because I bought a set of five new tires and had them mounted at the same time.

  4. My bud just turned his back to Nissan after the engine took a dump and Nissan was not so helpful in engine replacement cost breaks.

    He was lamenting his 15mpg when he went from working on the Capitol Mall in D.C. (short drive to the train station...) to another job that had him runing the Titan 97 miles each way, each day... Not loving 15mpg at that point!


    I heard about it a lot.


    To be fair, though, getting 15mpg in a Titan is GREAT! My wife gets maybe 18-20 driving the Y2K Frontier, whereas I get 16mpg. That's a lot more truck, and a lot more room so for me 'that would hurt less'! But in either case having the option to get the Diesel offered outside the USA (Frontier averages 35mpg!) would really help as the last post mentions. Diesels in a small truck providing torque and decent HP? What a concept!

  5. Owatonna Tool Company (a.k.a. "OTC") is hardly a 'cheap overseas brand'... My friend's wife has a direct link to that company: "Uncle Buzz" loved to fly and started a small company in Minnesota which ended up being known as "OTC".


    Personally, I would rate the quality of OTC far above what I would rate "Craftsman". It's the same league (back in the day) as Snap-On or Matco. Now Craftsman is made (in some cases) in Taiwan. So is Snap On and many others.


    Racist ratings of foundry and metalwork really doesn't accomplish anything. You guys are right up there with such enlightened societies like Saudi-Aramco who puts in 24pt Bold Type on their purchase contracts 'NO CHINESE CONTENT'...


    Sure, fine, they pay $12 million for a piece of equipment that they could otherwise get for 1/3 that price. They put their money where their mouth is...


    But we're talking about an oil filter wrench here.


    Were you willing to spend 3X what you did to get a KNOWN 'made in usa' tool? Were you willing to pay that for something that likely will not perform any better or last any longer that what you currently have for what you paid?


    In most cases, the answer is 'no'... So let's go out of business offering the best at a price accordingly.


    I personally think this is a lot of bluster for dubious reasons. It's an oil filter wrench that works. If it doesn't work, if it fell apart when you used it...that's one thing. But how much did you pay for this thing again....and how much did the other ones you looked at cost again?

  6. Yes, but that's a different control loop than simple Tachometer Based wastegate control.

    That would use multiple variables in addition to engine speed.


    The map presented can be modeled in a 3D controller to vary a two variable output controller to move the turbine speed, and then blow off excess in minimum flow situations.


    But it's terribly more complex than simply maximizing speed on the turbine and moving the flow point right based on pressure.


    A compressor wheel could be cut to optimize this kind of control scheme. Right now they are generally compromized knowing they poor overall control the wastegate provides, and that the flow demands of the engine will rise as speed rises so the maps look like bananas to mangoes. If it was mangoes and bigger mangoes, control would be easier!

  7. What takes long pages to read takes but moments to speak.


    I am in a funk today because my friend's dad died. My dad sent me the Obit. I am a bit upset the hometown newspaper glossed over his military accomplishments.


    Ever see "When we were soldiers once, and young."? Sam Elliott's character of the Sgt Major?


    This guy was in the 5/7, and was one of the outfits involved in that battle. And that is how the guy comported himself.


    Those were the guys I grew up around. I had no idea at the time there was anything special about him, other than he was in the Army. I did not know he was Garyowen and AirCav.


    I am profoundly saddened by a warriors passing.


    Obituary of George Porod

  8. Non-JDM cars as well, the emissions in Japan had EGR and Catalyst on all the domestic models of the car.


    European and Federal (49 State) cars have them in the years stated. Europe may have an extended availabiltiy, but I'm not sure. Maybe Frank 280ZX knows. They didn't have EGR on their Turbos, but just used a block-off plate (factory!) on a 'standard' Turbo intake in Europe. May have been similar for the N/A's in the same timeframe.

  9. Hinges usually more than pins. The doors are not overhung with a ton of weight there like US Domestic Make/Models and the wear is not that bad. Since they are universal parts, replacement of the whole hinge is many times easier than a hinge pin in Domestic Models. S130's maybe... but S30s? Even 40 years on, the spring follower is wearing but the hinge is still tight!

  10. There is an insulation that is sprayable for the container that makes them very liveable inside. But the wall condensation is a non-issue if you aren't opening it up all the time---it said 'winter storage' and a simple airing out on a dry day before closing it up (and taping over the ventilation holes so the container doesn't "breathe") will negate any thought of condensation forming.


    The 20 footer doesn't need foot prep, and looked like it would hide behind that shed. Though putting a false roof on it would make it look pretty conventional as well with the added security of needing a cutting torch to get inside.


    All that failing, spray it with insulation and bury it---they won't even have the shed to look at then! :P


    I'm unclear, you're putting a door on the lean-to next to the shed, right?


    A typical barn door hung from the top on a piece of uni-strut with a slight angle to it so it self-closes is something you could use---though when open, it would block access to the shed doors, and could only be used with the shed doors closed. Probably not that practical.


    The other alternative door is a 'slider' --- 1X4 sections on an upper and lower track that slide like a roll-top desk to the wall and around the corner (more gradual corner, you can use wider panels, but 1X4's would turn pretty tight!) That would likely be more rodent-proof than the sliding barn door, and like the roll up door uses similar 'channel to guide thin barrier' across an opening technology.


    It's a wood building with a gravel floor....make no illusions, you likely will have friends over the winter. They fit in smaller places than you think, and wood is edible! They will find a way in, they have a taste for underdash wires near the heater, and for heater hoses. Then they crawl up nice and content gorged on glycol and die atop your heater to give the strangest odor when you eventually do fire it up again...

  11. The Blue 240Z at MSA that spun 192HP to the rear wheels on SU's was an Isky/Slover combination (at my suggestion, BTW.)

    The Bonny Car is Slovers (talk to Mike?.)


    Jeff P is running a BCG since Nathan's Dad did the work for E-Motive in conjunction with Isky, and that had some allure. WE had to have 'recommendations' to get them to take on the work, they do mostly Harley Heads now.

  12. " I could care less if you read it out loud, read it on the toilet, whatever. My question to you was WHY did you read it, knowing the engineer was behind you. WHAT response were you looking for. "


    My exact thought: "Does this sound like ranting or whining"


    Bill confirmed the latter, and not the former. So I didn't feel bad thinking you sounded like you were whining about how hard you had it. If someone else feels similarly...then it's not an abberant thought of mine alone.


    If you could care less if I read it out loud...why did you mention it, and then change what you say later? You're right, don't go into teaching.


    ""IN MY DAY I JUST KNUCKLED DOWN" <--- Does it pertain to my situation?"---Yep


    "I firmly stand on saying, you are not being helpful as of right now, you are now here for the soul purpose of stirring things up. "


    Or to simply offer a counterpoint that does not follow today's method of patting your head and encouraging you to do what you feel man. I flunked out of EST. Sorry. I'm not a whiner. Never was, it doesn't get you anywhere. That I don't give you the answer you want...I'm the bad guy. The world needs people who don't sugar coat it. If you can't cut it, then quit, but for GODS SAKE don't whine about it, JUST DO IT!


    "You don't hit the age of 45 and say "well I've lived 45 years, I've had 45 years of mistakes and learning. It is now inconceivable for me to be wrong."


    Never contended that. Don't know where you get it. Maybe you're PM'ing with someone else and are guilty of the 'bring another thread here' syndrome. In my experience, transferrence is a big thing with people. You mention it as that is likely what you will do, and assume others will do the same. Same for me and whining. I don't see the point. Neither does Bill. Who, btw said "What website is that on? No, waitaminit, I got to get work done, I don't want to know, he's not worth it!" He's evaluated your situation and discarded you. Are you enraged now that someone has made a subjective opinion about you who has never met you 'he doens't even know me'---welcome to the adult working world! Judgement is something done on a daily basis, and it CAN be unfair. But people weigh their time against the results. Perhaps the weeding is jsut the colleges way of determining who they want to put their time into, and who will give their institution the better name after they get into the working world. That you may not be one of them is really not their concern.


    "-Firstly there is a time and a place for everything, that's an easy concept and we all know this. Your gallivanting doesn't belong in a thread that has to do with someone who is at a confusing point in their life. You wouldn't gallivant in JSM's thread a while ago about how he was having a hard time. You wouldn't say "you're whining too much JSM" and go around talking with your colleagues, making jokes saying he needs some panty protectors because of what he's going through. You could but you wouldn't because you're better than that." :huh: "HUH :huh: ????"


    Maybe I didn't see his thread. I have no clue what you're driving at here---that was poppy who went on about laying pipe with the easy girls AFTER you asked him about it. What answer did you expect? IF YOU DON'T WANT THE ANSWER DON'T ASK THE QUESTION!


    As for 'big' or 'fat' --- If I say "I'm Fat" I see no reason why I would not tell someone else 'dude, you're fat' or 'babe, you're fat' if you are so hung up on obfuscation and the dance of social interaction perhaps you need to go into SALES or MARKETING. Facts and figures aren't polite.



    Harry Truman said 'if you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen'---you appear to be VERY driven by what OTHER people think. Your father, people on the internet, your peers... You need to man up and learn your place in the world. It may not be engineer. If YOU don't like it QUIT! Go into marketing, sales, public relations, basketweaving, really nobody cares. What has to happen is YOU have to be content with YOUR decision. If you let OTHER people's impressions and thoughts about you BOTHER you SO MUCH that you run your life FOR THEM (which is what it sounds like to me...) then you will be UNHAPPY no matter how much you make, what you are doing, or where you are.


    I could give a crap (as you can see) about what other people think. I did NOT do what my parents wanted immediately--I did it eventually as a part of my own process. If you live your life for someone else you're hosed.


    I wouldn't condemn an Alcoholic for going to his first AA meeting, as it takes INNER STRENGTH to ADMIT (and yes, you have to become HUMBLE to admit you have screwed up your own life) he can't handle his problems properly and needs assistance. The same goes for you---you want to seem to hear that there is some way to quit and make everybody else happy so then you will be happy with the decision.


    What you have to learn is that YOU make YOURSELF happy. Other people and other peoples' opinions don't. Do what YOU think will be best. They may not like it. They may cut off the funding and tell you 'you are on your own!'---and then in that case welcome to the world of an adult. Right now you are swimming like a child trying to make everybody else happy and you don't have a clue that it's not OTHER people's opinions that should drive YOUR contentment! Until you realize that, this decision will be hard to make because you are serving the wrong masters.


    Parents may drive you towards something they know will be best for you, but if you can't hack it, you can't hack it. No shame in ADMITTING IT and just moving on. And this is where the whining comes it. It's based from what I can see by the quandary that you have placed yourself into by putting so much importance on pleasing your FAMILY and not yourself. You want to quit and if you were paying the bills you could do so with a clear concience. But maybe you aren't---I don't know, that is usually why kids in school get conflicted because mom and dad are paying.


    I told my parents that if I went to college and was with the same friends I had at the same school I would be wasting their money. They did not appreciate that I didn't want to go NOW NOW NOW. I waited a couple of years. I watched what happened to my friends, especially engineers who gained a LOT of hard-knocks experience and were GLAD to tell me about it. But I didn't go and party with them and fail out of the school. I went when I felt I was ready. And as a result was far more focused and with nobody to distract me worked out better.


    Years later my dad realized I actually KNEW MYSELF better than he knew me, and that I had done the right thing. I got AWAY from my family, friends, and everything for an extended period to distance myself from bad habits and bad paths. It worked.


    But to do that I had to KNOW MY LIMITATIONS. I like to think I do. And to be happy, the first thing I learned was I couldn't live for anybody else.


    If you can get over that hurdle, this will not be a conflicted moment. It will simply be a business decision and you make it and move on. You are tied up in emotions, and are not admitting some things to yourself. These (liek the aforementioned alcoholic) can only be resolved within YOURSELF. All the advice and talking on the internet will not really do a lot other than stroke your decision and console you...or try to make you think.


    In the end, you have to come to grips with yourself internally. Only you can do that. The conflict as I see it is due to your dependence on external opinion. Shed that baggage and this decision becomes easy.


    It's easy to write down, difficult to do. And YOU have to do it.


    There was some point-to-point back and forth, but it culminates in the last bit. It's groundwork. I don't know what the JSM reference was at all, have no clue. The important thing to take away from all this is YOU need to clear your emotions and YOU need to deal with the baggage YOU have encumbered YOURSELF with. It has nothing to do with academic performance. I'm telling you HOW you make this decision, not WHY you make it. Nothing wrong in saying "I can't handle this I quit!" Just make sure it's an honest statement. It may be, or years later you will look back and regret it. Only time will tell. I'm no crystal ball magician. But I've usually got a pretty good handle on people and personalities from how they convey things. And usually younger guys can't stand that I hit the nail so close on the head far too many times. I don't know if this is you in this instance, but I have my suspicions. Either way it doesn't really matter.


    And thank you for using Moot correctly. I am not displeased. B)

  13. One other thing to remember that our resident fabrication genius MONZSTER had a bitchen' captive motor mount design that utilized the moustache bar bushings and some round tube. That was pretty stout looking and really looked OEM.


    The advantage was you could make it at home and used easily replaceable urethane bushings. A spunky individual could knock off an RTV or Plaster casting of the bushing and then cast their own in several different durometer polyurethanes (buy it from McMaster if nothing else...) and get a motor mount with damping and movement suitable to their tastes. With moustache bushings, changing from dampened to solid would be a matter of jacking the engine, and swapping the bushing inserts!


    I'd forgotten how much I liked that mount until I saw a photo I'd taken of them while looking through my archive drive for impeller wheel attachment photos for work!

  14. Well, you would not want to overspeed the wheel. You would keep the turbine controlled via wastegate to an optimum speed, and vent the excess flow to keep the compressor side in the stable flow area of the map (right of the surge curve).


    So yes, normally you couldn't apply this and get those results because you would overspeed the turbo and would need humongo wastegates to bypass at redline.


    You still control to wheel speed and then move the load point over right by venting the BOV and that would keep you in the 76% efficiency island. Keeping wheel speed higher gives you access to the higher pressure ratios in the longest island, but you have to have the flow to do it...the bov makes your 'consumption' off the turbine side similar to the larger engine the compressor wheel would normally be be applied.


    ACTUALLY, the instigator of this whole thing, was looking over my shouldere and said "why only 6500rpms" but he assures me his PID BOV controller manuals are with him on his flash drive ready to transfer to me for digestion. I just reminded him in no kind terms I've been hunting that information for some time now... GIVE IT UP DUDE!

  15. The important thing to ask is 'how long'? Is this happening in a 1/4 mile race? At the end of a straight? Free revving?


    The biggest reason for a 7qt oil pan is the fact that the stock pan does not contain enough oil for the engine to actually pump it all to the top end and have time to drain back to the sump to be pumped up again.


    You may simply be sucking oil out of the pan and throwing it to the top of the engine where it resides long enough that you are sucking air simply because drainback can not occur fast enough.


    "Accusump is your friend!"

  16. "Also Tony, what was your goal when you decided to read that out loud to your friend? I don't necessarily appreciate you making a joke out me or my situation, although its uplifting on a very minuscule level. My words to anyone who say "back in my day they paddled me"... its not your day anymore, its my day and in my day some of those things don't happen."


    Uh, this is a classic case of someone doing something and then getting self concious about it in retrospect. And you single ME out for reading it out loud. As if putting it on the internet is some solemn pristine place where privacy and personal discretion is the watchword. Give me a break! :rolleyes:


    At least I was HONEST about what I did, and what comments were received. I know there are FAR more people who feel the same way about it upon reading your 'whining lament'...


    I was a big 'don't give me "Iustas" dude!' kinda guy. I didn't care what guys USED to do when they were my age blah blah blah. Usually when it came to people making ignorant commentary about things which are UNSAFE.


    In your day you don't WANT things to happen. But I'll remind you my classes were hard as hell, and I passed. I am not the one failing. Consider that you simply aren't up to it. I didn't whine about it, I knuckled down and passed.


    "I have been there" but you don't like it because I'm not a touchy-feely in-touch with my female talk about it side. I preferred then, and prefer now not to whine and lament my position in life. Instead I choose to do something about it, as it's MY business.


    Soon as you put it out there for comment, you loose the right to whine about what someone thinks about your whining!

  17. In this case, venting to atmosphere would be all that is required. Remember the wastegate is now controlling to peak efficiency speed and will only open when the overspeed of the wheel is looking like it would occur.


    Generally, venting to the lowest pressure place would be the best, and that would be the plenum under the air cleaner to blow backwards through the filter to dislodge debris. Blowing into the turbine won't really keep the speed up, the wastegate isn't controlling the boost any longer under this control scheme. The wastegate controls turbine speed, and the BOV is now the effective pressure-control valve!



    On an aside, there was a device called the "Miller Woods Turbo Group Fueler" which had a fuzzy logic control of the wastegate to severely overboost the engine at lower engine speeds, using excess capacity of the fuel system to supply fuel at lower engine speeds. As the engine speeded up, the fueler tapered boost back so the stock injectors could make the horsepower requirements. Their philosophy was that if you can supply fuel for 200HP at 6000 rpms, then you can DOUBLE your torque at 3000 rpms by boosting higher at 3000 than you can at 6000. Really amplifying the low-speeed response of the vehicle. They basically douobled the boost and the injector pulsewith was moved to 'full load/full rpm' type of mapping at the lower engine speeds, porportionally adjusted depending on what kind of response you had in mind.


    Great profit for them...Not a lot inside, but the chips.....ooooh, the chips! :P

  18. I'd kill somebody if they puked in my kombi.

    Kill? I'm Italian, and the revenge went something like this:

    10 years to the DAY HOUR MINUTE SECOND that he puked on my floor, I called his house. When his daughter answered the phone she was told to ask her daddy 'What were you doing 10 years ago today, daddy?'

    Who is that on the phone?

    'He says "guess"---what were you doing 10 years ago this second daddy?'

    Ten years ago, ten years ago? Hmmmm Can he give me a hint?

    'The Toy starring Richard Pryor'


    'Daddy, why is Bacardi and graham crackers on an empty stomach a bad idea?'




    What do you do, dude, write this shite down or what?

    (hear in the background: "Mommy, what is Bacardi? Will I get sick if I eat graham crackers?"


    Actually, I did, and I figured I'd scratch your brain about why you didn't listen to me and get out of my F-ing van when I told you to!


    (hear in the background a little girl getting agitated "But I don't WANT to get sick mommy! I LIKE graham crackers!"







    Besides, he slipped on his own slick and bashed his head on the backside of the floor as he went out on his arse...and I was laughing so hard I almost peed myself. Of course all the cheerleaders were around saying "Is that XXXXXX XXXXXX getting sick?" Hey dude, I TOLD you to go to the bathroom, if you had listened and not tried to be Joe Cool Bob Bitchen and went to the bathroom you could have puked in private and everybody would think you were still some cool drinking gawd. Now you're "XXXXX-the-Puker"---and that's going to stick. And one day, 10 years from now, you will get a phone call and I will REMIND you of this day, and make you THINK about what you did!


    And I did. And his daughter gave him hell for 13 more years after that call! :lol:

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