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Everything posted by SuperDan

  1. IMHO 3 things. Pads, shims, proportioning valve. The proportioning valve is very suspect! The car sat for 8 years. There is the chance that the noise could be related to the PowerStop rotors.... not sure though. Dan
  2. Doug, Well, ain't you special That is weird, it really sound like a cookie and or cache problem. If you have not done so yet try: Logout of forum. Surf to some other web site In Internet Exploiter delete your cookies and cache. Also make sure your cache is large enough. Login to forum. In the meantime I will do some looking around. Dan
  3. Im taking the next 2 days off. Working on the site for the last 3 weeks has taken it's toll on me. I need to get out in the garage and do some more drywalling. I wil check the forums after 5:00pm to see if anything is up! Need some sun and vitamin D dan
  4. I found that most of the problems were related to the old Photo Album software. I have not been having the problem since I changed it. If you are useing Internet Exploiter goto Tools >> Internet Options >> Privacy. What is your security level set to? Dan
  5. That's weird. What browser do you use?
  6. Im all for it. I am talking about later in the year, after the mid/north california deal Dan
  7. Yeah, I had a great time, thanks everyone! What about us 5? guys down south I guess it will be my turn to put one together this summer Dan
  8. Some users seem to be having this problem , including myself I am looking into it. Dan
  9. Carefull Tom, if any wifes see this they will know our secrets
  10. Ok, I scheduled with our ISP to rebuild the forum search index this saturday night at 10:00pm. I have to wait until then because it will KILL this server and takes about 11 hours to do Hang in there folks! Dan
  11. Good point Mark! Hmm.... must retract previous comment. Dan
  12. @#$*! Yup, it's offical! Something wrong with the search index. : Dan
  13. Yup, and I am working on a script that will delete all user accounts that have not posted anything over the last 12 months. A little house cleaning. Dan
  14. I am there! Might bring one buddy with me. Who is confirmed? Dan
  15. Look at the bottom of the main forum page.
  16. Yeah, kinda forces some of the lurkers to register huh?
  17. Please read thi post http://www.hybridz.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=18166 thanks Dan
  18. I see your sig fine in all posts. Weird must be your local cache. Are you using MicroShaft Internet Exploiter? Maybe loging out out the forum and exiting IE? Dan
  19. Yup, I am working both ends right now
  20. Try clearing your cache and cookies. Might be a old cached page. Yup, long night.... I really want to rebuild the search index now! But I know my ISP will freak out when he sees 100% cpu utilization for 6 hours
  21. Different code? Not UBB anymore. You are also limited to 255 chars.
  22. SuperDan

    Intro text

    Sure thing. Item number 42 on my check off list.
  23. Yep, It's getting a whole new makeover.
  24. We might be able to offer a choice including some new ones that Scott_D is working on. Scott, is this doable?
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