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Everything posted by SuperDan

  1. Working on it. We had a little "security issue" yesterday.
  2. Yes, what was your username?
  3. I like you too Pete I found out that this is a known problem, to be fixed in the next release sometime in May. Dan
  4. Yes. That is not a problem Dan
  5. I may increase the storage space in the future after I find a reliable way to check for people hot linking the photo album. BTW, hot linking is a no-no here in case no one knows that Dan
  6. Disk quota is 1024kb for ALL users. You have reached your limit. Dan
  7. For the love of....
  8. Adding the logo is a little more difficult, but I am working on it. Should be a little faster now.
  9. Please send me a PM so I can check this out Thanks, Dan
  10. Put the letter "a" in Search Ads and click the Go button.
  11. A young punk gets on a bus and sits down in directly across from an old man. The young punk has spiked green, purple and orange hair. His clothing is a tattered mix of leather rags. His entire face and body are covered with piercing and his earrings are big, bright red, yellow and green feathers. The old man stares at the young punk as the bus travels across the city. Finally, the punk looks across at the old man, and yells, 'What are you looking at, old man! Didn't you do anything wild when you were young?" Without missing a beat, the old man replies, "Yeah. Back when I was very young and in the Navy, I got really drunk in Singapore and had sex with a parrot... I thought you might be my son."
  12. No problem, not flaming you. Thanks much for helping out and rallying the troops! I just thought I would post this here in case it was missed. Dan
  13. I posted this in another forum but it applies here also. That is a great idea! As of this morning we are 52% there. I don't think that will ever happen unless we did some heavy advertising and/or sponsorship. Like I said above, there never has been a interest in making money off this site and for the past 4 years I never really had problem paying the tab for the site because I enjoy working on it. I am and have allways been a firm believer that information like this on the internet should be free, I know it's a old out dated belief but I am old And I am also anti-advertising. I think one of the best things about this site is the lack of distracting ads. But due to recent changes in my life I have had to change my priorities. It's funny to look back on it, 1 to 1 1/2 years ago I had money and no time. Now I have no money but more time (to spend working on the site). Dan P.S. You guys are the best group of people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting on a public forum. You guys have really come thru as allways!
  14. Question. What option are you guys using to change your avatar? 1. Upload Avatar from your machine 2. Upload Avatar from a URL 3. Link to off-site Avatar Also, there are 2 different profiles that share some common information. Avatars and signature lines there are 2 types. To change the one used in the forums: 1. Goto Forums 2. Select Profile from the top menu. Not My Account on left menu. Dan
  15. You can't. Sorry Yeah I can, but it can cause some major problems with other modules that use the username instead of user id.
  16. Just a FYI. I found the fix for this problem and will fix it tonight when I get home from work, about 4:00pm PST Thanks! Dan
  17. http://www.hybridz.org/nuke/modules.php?op=modload&name=FAQ&file=index&myfaq=yes&id_cat=2 Dan
  18. Email notification should be working now.
  19. Interesting, I will look into it. Yes. Dan
  20. My bad Wrong image converter was selected. Try it now. Dan
  21. No prob, thanks for the info I made some changes last night. You will need to do the usual cookie thing. Login to HybridZ. Logout of HybridZ (this is VERY important, it updates your session record in the DB) Surf to some other site like cnn.com Clear your cookies, delete your internet cache. Go back to hybridz and login. Also, when you login do you guys use the forum login at the top of the forum page near faq, Profile etc? If you do, try the login in the home page on the right hand side instead. After you login goto Forums then Profile at top of page and select the button at top that says "Refresh your PostNuke Profile" Let me know if it worked this time.
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