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Everything posted by GarageRatt13

  1. Hey guys my car is going to the body shop soon to get some repairs done that happend when i got rearended and im going to get it repainted at the same time. i want a dark blue color like a midnight blue. can you post pics of your car and color codes? thanks!
  2. hey sorry i havnt added you yet i was busy all weekend. i'll do it in thew morning when i get off work.
  3. ok i took a few more pics after i took the mud flaps off and put a set of wheels on it from my 280Z. and some bad news..... ive had the car on the road for about a week and yesterday morning some lady ran into me at a stop sign the rear bumper is crushed and the drivers side under the bumper is pushed in. luckily it was her fault cause i was stopped and well she didnt so the insurance company is going to pay for it so i should get a new paint job out of it . i'll post some pics of the damage tomorrow.
  4. 4 letter? do you mean you can only search for the club tag? if so the tag is HZCC. but you should be able to find it. also if you give me your gamertag i can add you.
  5. i'll check into it this weekend, thanks.
  6. Well just as the title says my 73 240Z is sputtering at idle. But if you bring it to 1000 rpms or above its smooth. When i got the car last week it had old gas in it so i drained it and put new gas in. Do you think it still has some old gas in the system? Any ideas would be great. Thanks.
  7. yeah you dont have access to everyones full garage but you can share as many cars as you want. i dont think the club garage has a limit.
  8. no just one club at a time, and you dont have to race online just join the club and we can all share cars in the club garage. its pretty sweet.
  9. Ok so the HybridZ car club is up and running! the name is HybridZ.... duh lol. so search for it and join! my gamertag is Richthofen13.
  10. thanks man, i'll let you know if i need any help.
  11. well personally i dont mind that it isnt much different than FM3, i mean why change a game thats already awesome? just add some new tracks, cars, and update the graphics and its all good. i do like how they did the world tour though, its alot of fun.
  12. you cant beat the sound of the Z I6, its one of my favorite motors of all time. they just sound so clean no matter what you do to them.
  13. Some people just have weird tastes i guess... but i mean the guy could have put legit flaps on haha. oh yeah and there was tazmanian devil seat covers and a CB radio that wasnt hooked up. the previous owner was pretty weird lol.
  14. lol the mud flaps came off as soon as i got it home i think they look terrible. they werent even real mud flaps.. just pieces of hard plastic cut to fit.
  15. thats pretty sweet, i'll have to see if i can find my copy of FM3. Also i'll make a club for Hybridz when i get home on friday.
  16. thanks man! i'll keep you guys updated on the progress, it should be on the road tomorrow if all goes well at the DMV.
  17. yeah i thought it was a pretty good deal. Its been garaged for most of its life and was only driven in the summer. Im thinking about doing a turbo swap with a 5 speed but for right now im just going to drive it and enjoy the stock goodness. Also im going to get it repainted because that color is aweful lol.
  18. ohh man! you need to put that vinyl in the marketplace if its not already. And since there isnt a Hybridz club lets start one!
  19. its a 73 and i only paid $2600. it runs and drives and everything works.. and no rust holes!! i was pretty happy when i went and picked it up. i'll get some more pics up this weekend.
  20. thats a pretty sweet setup man. So do we have a Hybridz car club yet? I think that needs to happen.
  21. So i went and picked up my first 240Z the other day and i love it! I have a 280Z with a V8 but nothing beats that I6. Not sure on the Plans for it yet but as of right now im going to give it a tune up and drive it! (In the last pic you can see the 280 sitting on the side of the garage).
  22. man that was some good stuff!! love the tracks. i DJ more electro house and Dubstep but that was sweet. what year Z was that? 1970?
  23. Wow your car looks great man! i love the color. where in MA are you? i'd love to come check it out. (Im in Danvers).
  24. alright i saw some pages about body re enforcement so i'll do it that way. right now because of the torque the body is kinda tweaked :/ hopfully the re enforcment will straighten it out.
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