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Everything posted by JelmerPatrol

  1. I'm trying to contact Jeff but he doesn't respond to my Pm's. Does anyone have an email adress of him?
  2. Strange is that you can find the bellows for the 3.0l 6 cilinder diesels in EPC but not for the V8 which is the same part.
  3. I got the Mercedes bellow on the manifold! It is from a Mercedes 420 SEL V8 W126. I used the connecting tube from the 280zx because the Mercedes tube is longer. It fits perfect!
  4. Looking for a L28 turbo valve cover
  5. What do you guys think of this one: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1984-1989-300ZX-Z31-Garrett-T3-turbocharger-Eurospec-/152008319253?fits=Model%3A280+ZX%2CZXT&hash=item236466e115:g:0aAAAOSwSHZWgZQq
  6. This is more of a help: http://forums.hybridz.org/topic/29475-problem-with-european-kn2-turbo-exhaust-manifold/?hl=%20mercedes%20%20bellows
  7. I was local to you for a couple of years! Lived in Texas for a while...
  8. guys, I think this turbo is still to big for my suits. I need 200Hp max, torque is what i'm after. Stock 280zx turbochargers are almost impossible to find in Holland/Europe so that is not really an option.
  9. Coudn't find anything on JeffP's website but found something you wrote Tony, back in 2006 about the couplers They appear to be from an MB 420SEL http://www.ebay.ca/itm/121914399764?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  10. I didn't get any reactions in the S130 section so Ill try it here too: I bought a euro turbo manifold from Frank280zx. It has 1 of the couplers cracked. Frank said the coupler from a Mercedes 230 or someting would fit but he wasn't sure wich one. Anyone who knows this?
  11. I bought a euro turbo manifold from Frank280zx. It has 1 of the couplers cracked. Frank said the coupler from a Mercedes 230 or someting would fit but he wasn't sure wich one. Anyone who knows this?
  12. When I Google on the 49178-05120 stamping it says this: TD05H-06*18G-10.0 There is also 49179-53030 on the housing.
  13. I have a L28E in my 84 Nissan Patrol and looking into turbo charging it. A couple of month's ago a friend of mine had a RB25 turbocharger but he can't find it anymore. He came with the turbo that you can find in the attachments. Would this be a suitable turbo for me? I need torque, not 300Hp since it is in a truck.
  14. I don't need 200+ Hp so it won't be high boost.
  15. I can get a RB25DET turbo. Would this be a suitable turbo?
  16. I have a stock L28e in my 1984 Nissan Patrol and want to convert it to turbo. I already have to following parts: Turbo manifold Megasquirt Intercooler Now I'm looking for a turbo that gives me torque since my Patrol is almost 5000 lbs. Any suggestions?
  17. Depents. My last stroker was a succes and ran perfect. This one will too (I hope! )
  18. Thanks, I think I'm going to use this block for a budeget stroker build.
  19. I don't know. Like I said, the block and head both say N42 while my '84 euro Patrol L28 a F54 block and N42 head has with dished pistons.
  20. A guy I know has a bussiness in rebuilding gearboxes and engines. They imported lots of engines and gearboxes from Japan in the past and still has a L series engine. The block/head combo are both N42 stamped and the intake manifold says "NAPS computer system" with the twin butterfly throttlebody. What are the specs on these? Hp, torque, compression?
  21. I have a 280zx fuel injection setup on my Nissan Patrol. I don't have the 280zx fuel pump but I have a BMW fuel pump laying around. This comes from a '85 535i and these have 50psi fuel pressure. Can I run this pump in my stock L28E injection setup? I'm using the stock 280zx fuel pressure regulator.
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