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Everything posted by JelmerPatrol

  1. I took my stroker project to the machine shop to get bored and honed, measure the bearings and to put the pistons in. But when the guy saw the pistons (KA24 with press in piston pin) and the rods (L24) he said it isn't going to fit. The rods are used and there are still pistons on there but they use clips to keep the piston pin in there. The guy said that the piston pin from the KA24 piston is not going to fit in the L24 rod becuase there is an bronze bushing in it. What do I need to do?
  2. Can I just change my stock ZX coil for an MSD Blaster 2 coil witout any problems?
  3. I put a 280zx dizzy with E12-80 module on my L28 that had points but I coudn't get it running. It was trying but it coudn't hold it. I used the plate that was underneed my old dizzy on the ZX dizzy and used a coil from an BMW with electronic ignition. What did I do wrong?
  4. I remember now, it said "Naps Computer system". Is this an good intake manifold? Or is it better to customize an diesel intake?
  5. Yes, I think it said "red x injection" in cast on the menifold. I looked way different than the US and Euro intakes. It was an N42 block and head. The guy asked €400,- so I didn't buy it. Maybe I can buy the intake seperate, Ill ask him.
  6. I was at a Japanese engine and gearbox rebuild shop today where I found an 280ZX engine cover under alot of dust. I took a look at it and found that the trottle body had 2 trottles in it! A small one in the bottom that opens first and a bigger one on top. It also had "******injection" on the manifold (I cant remember what it said exactly) Is this comon on US engines too, or is it JDM? I asked the owner about the block, they imported thousands of Japanese engine's over the years and this was an leftover. I also bought an very rare Nissan PTO unit from him a while ago.
  7. I had the exactly same setup in my Patrol. Still have some of those laying around. Just a small carb and intake. I've changed to SU's and gained 20HP on my L28. So, not worth putting on anything.
  8. OK! What about ARP bolts?
  9. I'm looking for a set of 9mm L24 rods. JelmerEppinga@hotmail.com
  10. Found out that the Aussie Patrol L28's are F54's so mine should be one too.
  11. I tried, but my header is in the way! I know that there's an N42 head on it.
  12. Would my 1984 Euro L28 be siamesed? Its not an Z but an Patrol I have all the parts for an stroker and a siamesed block is prefered I read somewhere.
  13. I can get my hands on the parts to convert my '84 L28 to injection. This guy has a wiring harness, ECU, TB, intake manifold, injectors, airflow meter. What do I need more? Where does the ECU picks up the engine speed/RPM signal?
  14. More power always costs money so that is no problem. I used SU's on my Patrol and they over flood to so that's just no option.
  15. Year of the motor is '84, I don't know the type od the head, I know its got squared exhaust ports. I don't need a quater mile beast, just some more HP to spin the 35" wheels some better in the mud. I got 120HP now, so 150HP would be enough for me. I already got a equal lengt header. So I tought injection from a 280ZX and maybe a little hotter cam wil help. I don't want carbs anymore because the don't work great when I'm going down hill.
  16. I have L28 with a single Mikuni carb and Patrol cam. I need more power and torque. I was thinking of injection from a 280zx. Can I just bolt this to my '84 Patrol L28? Which parts do I all need? And how can I get some power out of a 280zx engine?
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