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Beau M

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Everything posted by Beau M

  1. I like the pickle. Looks classy.
  2. Sorry for the lack of updates. I ended up having to replace the rear lower quarter too, and have to finish that before I put on filler and make it pretty. I have the drivers side done. The datsun panel is all welded in though, I would take a picture but some prick broke in my house and took my laptop, TV and camera. I will definitly keep you updated though, and I can say it looks great so far.
  3. You know the lower rear quarter panels, where they curve around and become the roll pan? When you buy new lowers, is that piece there too? I have been trying to make it by hand, and I suck at it. Thanks!
  4. Wow! It looks 100% better than it did in primer. Nice choice in color.
  5. Does anyone have pics of a 2+2 painted BRE style?
  6. Amazing stuff. I like the "love my nuts" remix also.
  7. Things have been moving along, just not with the rear. I pulled my engine and sold it over the weekend. Now I can start on the back again, I bought some material the other day. I'll keep ya posted.
  8. Big day today. My friend Ahren came over, and we yanked the engine and tranny out. It was way easier than expected, took us all of 2 hours, and this was the first engine pull ever for both of us. And here she is gutted like a fish. Now I can work on prepping the engine bay for paint. It was nice to turn wrenches instead of cut and weld for a while.
  9. Like I said, I'm flying by the seat of my pants here. The curvature differences are not that extreme at all, it will flow pretty good once I start tacking it in. I cut the bottom so short ( 1.5" shorter than stock) because the tailgate had some rust issues down there that I would have to fix anyway. I am also having to make lower rear quarters, so I think I will just make a custom rear end basically. The tailgate was 38 bucks at the yard. As far as diffuser, I have been looking at the ones on Porsche 944 turbos.
  10. I have no idea what I got myself into with this rear end. I think I have a way to get me out of the mess I'm in, we shall see. I started off by chopping out the old roll pan: Then I chopped out the part from the tailgate I want to use. I think that because I'm replacing this, and the lower rear quarters are toast, I'm going to end up fabricating the entire lower 8" of the bodywork. Yikes. Here is the piece mocked into place: Stay tuned.
  11. Well, here we go. I suck at welding and body work, but here it is mocked into place.
  12. I'm not a huge fan of the Z31, but that blue one is beautiful.
  13. Just a little update. I came home with this today. I have been swaying back and fourth to go smooth or not. This was cheaper than the raw metal for a smooth rear would be, so here we go.
  14. Not much new to report. I unhooked all the wiring and whatnot from the engine to prepare for pulling it in the next few weeks. I took out the center console: I also cut off the stock exhaust: Then I started back in to the body work right behind the rear wheel well. This is going to be tricky. I also picked up my new rear roll pan at the junkyard today for 38.00. Some assembly required. I hope this turns out good.
  15. I'm not usually a fan of in-car videos, but holy F. Those motorcyclists must have had the crap scared out of em.
  16. So I used the software, I really like it. To have two of those made from .05" aluminum is 190 bucks shipped. Yowza.
  17. Thats awesome. I'm going to request a quote.
  18. Stereos like this have been around a long time. http://www.vintageautoradio.com/ The big selling point used to be that they could control a CD Changer.
  19. ^ Nice tip. No I don't break check, if they are behind me acting that way, thats their problem.
  20. Pretty cool, but when I tried watching videos in HD full screen it kept stalling and kicking me out.
  21. Don't let that brown one fool you, she has some very sharp parts.
  22. Both of mine are rusted through pretty good. Finding replacements is hard and/or expensive, so I have decided to make my own. The part I am worried about is the bottom edge, I just don't know if I have the skills to re-create that part. So, to cover up mistakes I may make, do you think one of these could be fitted? The lower rear valance thing? I'm just tossing ideas around, I guess I should just try my best to re-create the originals. -Beau
  23. Yes, do yourself a favor and ghost your drive when you have everything set up on a brand new install. Saves a ton of time, I do it at work at least once a week.
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