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Everything posted by B00STDZ

  1. Why would you keep an empty can? Why not just buy two K&N filters one for the valve cover and one for the crankcase?
  2. The L series engine is already baffled in the valve cover... so what would be the purpose?
  3. Well thats what I originally thought but I have tried every way possible and it just doesnt match up with the throttle stop! In this picture it appears one is on the far end... but then again... mine is bottom cooled and the spring setup is different. I have two medium sized green springs and 1 silver small spring, all the SAME DIAMETER. It appears with the top cooled there are two springs with different diameters...
  4. Again as I said before, You have a top cooled, mine is a bottum cooled DOHC ka24de throttle body. The throttle assembly appears different.... The parts in the picture I posted is what I have...
  5. Lol... Another one of these? As said in a recent previous thread. That would be off the chain if you could swap a 76 motor into a 75! lol... For the short answer yes, you can. All L-series motors are interchangeable from 240z-280zx....
  6. As long as its close up on the pulley side at different angles...
  7. So can you take the crank pulley/CAS assembly off of an 81' engine and use it to completement the 82-83 distributer CAS? (using the distributer CAS for cam angle and the true crank angle sensor off the 81 to detect crank angle) Or am I off in left field? I appreciate the help.
  8. As I've said previously I have already checked service manuals/ shop manuals etc... to find nothing about the throttle body assembly...
  9. Here's what I have, doesnt match up to what your pictures display...
  10. The throttlebody I have has the cruise control assembly..
  11. So they both provide the exact same information for the ecu? Or does the 300zx have more slits to provide a more accurate and detailed reading? So the Cas in the 82-83 distributer detects both the crank and cam angle. The 81' JUST has a crank sensor mounted on the front of the engine.. They have two options, I can do an anti-lag launch system or a rally style anti lag system... Yup its going to be a project. Another reason why my car I believe isnt running particularly smooth is because I have a BOV right before the intake releasing some of the "metered" air. This ecu swap will envolve the removal of the AFM and the use of a MAP sensor...
  12. I guess the main question would be what is the difference between the 300zx CAS and the 82-83 280zxt CAS?
  13. 1 big turbo will move more air than 2 small ones! But you could probably sell the kit if you wanted to...
  14. This is the top cooled 240sx throttlebody isnt it? I have the bottom cooled or the DOHC ka24 throttle body version...
  15. Anything is possible with the right supplies... I would start saving up some cash... http://www.zccjdm.com/catalog.php/azcarbum/dt43033/L_Series_PRODUCTS
  16. No one has used a 300zx CAS in a 280zxt distributer on an aftermarket ems?
  17. I have taken apart my 240sx throttle body for cleaning and cannot figure out how it goes back together. I have checked service manuals, shop manuals, google, everything but cannot find anything that has a 240sx throttle body diagram to show how it goes back together. Anyone know how it goes back together or can provide some detailed pictures of an assembled unit?
  18. Alright I have a question, Many people i have seen swap out the CAS/trigger wheel out of a 300zx distributer into a 280zxt distributer... Is this an upgrade? How? Is there any advantage to running the 300zx trigger wheel setup in a 280zxt 82-83 distributer if you are planning to keep/use the distributer for now? Can this 300zx trigger wheel/CAS be used with any coilpack or coil on plug setup(by keeping the distibuter in and just capping it off)? Do l28et's have a CAM angle sensor? And has anyone setup anti-lag launch control on a l28et?
  19. Yup, they said you can monitor it via laptop realtime. That sensor came with the haltech ecu, it has 5 different colored wires coming from the sensor.
  20. Well, Enough of me talking about what I have, here are some pictures... Will this not be sufficient to control A/F ratio?
  21. I have an o2 sensor... So I have to get a seperate "wideband" sensor? I thought wideband was o2....
  22. The stock 280zx Turbo is an Airesearch T3. No larger turbo is a direct "bolt on". It is easier to upgrade to a t3/t4 because you dont have to modify the exhaust flange on the exhaust manifold. How is a t3/t4 better? Pushes more efficient boost.. Had to clear up some of the misinformation... As far as rebuilding a turbo, if you have performance in mind(if you plan on pushing the motor), I would just buy a new one, or a very good condition used.
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