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About Jboogsthethug

  • Birthday 05/26/1992

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    Riverton, Utah

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  1. Dang that is a nice piece of hardware! That is seriously so clean. Is that the Mishimoto radiator?
  2. Yes please share how you made that! Very interested in that setup! I initially planned on swapping my front crossmember/setup to an r32 gtr cross-member so I can give it AWD (I've swapped an RB25 in) but if your setup gives me more travel/width (need to research bit to confirm either way) then it would make sense to go that route and do a custom setup for the AWD.
  3. Hey dude right there with you! I've been working on my z since June 2015. Kids, houses and responsibilities have all pushed it farther and farther back. But I feel like this is the year and I'm hoping you get back in the game too! also, are the Howe Racing TA2 front control arms made for the 240z or do you have a different cross-member up front? They sound enticing for sure!
  4. Have you considered the Toyota 4x4 conversion? I imagine you have, but from what I hear those are a great upgrade and way cheaper than the Z Car Garage kit. Though that kit looks so dang nice
  5. Man I would love to learn 3D printing, that would be awesome! Those T3 Parts are so sweet man!
  6. man that is nutty. I need to practice my metal work apparently! This is your full-time job isn't it? Not the Z but metal working in general.
  7. So with you seating the DB37 connector does it now fire without issues? Also, weird that the t3 bar has fitment issues. Their stuff seems very well engineered so an oversight like that seems out of character!
  8. sick man! Those rectangle tucked mufflers are funky! ha Hey, what is your instagram?? I keep seeing your Z on the Global time attack instagram but you're never tagged!
  9. You'll have to post some pictures as you go along! I am just "finishing" my huge house remodel, so I'm looking forward to getting back to the Z!
  10. Coming together nicely! Are you competing in the Global Time Attack next year?
  11. It seriously is wizardry, I don't understand how you do what you do haha
  12. dang that's a nice piece of hardware right there! That flange makes me feel the happys haha
  13. All that work is looking pretty solid! Great job on the fuel door stuff. I never even considered you'd need to do that ha. With the bumper indent, do you now just grind those welds down? Also, how do you weld al that without warping? Do you just have to do a tiny bit and then come back later over and over?
  14. Whoa I'm very interested to see the final product, those cutouts/flare things look pretty sweet!
  15. haha moving along faster than I am at this point. Bought a new house that's one giant project and all of my free time goes to remodeling. It pays off in the long run but it's a killer to my social life and hobbies ha.
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