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Everything posted by padam07

  1. Ok I am cool with that.
  2. ^ Good point. Just saying that I think people should have a choice on what they like and not like. Even if they get one little bit of information to help them in their own build then it is all worth it.
  3. i understand what you are saying. I love this place there is so much information you can spend days looking at it but it does say in the rules "enhances performane OR styling" Doesn't say performance only.
  4. Don't forget about side mirrors also. Rememeber USDM cars have "objects in mirror are closer than they appear" on the passenger side mirror.
  5. I know this thread will be locked most likely because it is going way off topic but I just would like my opinion heard. I don't know PurePontiacKid from the next guy but I agree that I think it kind of sucks that his thread was locked and moved just because it "goes against what hybridz is" I haven't seen a mission statement saying that anywhere. I think his thread should be available to all to see. If you don't like it don't look at it. Feel free to leave your opinions but then never look at the thread again. There are people here that like it. When I first nought an S30 the first thing I did was google for forums. The 2 major forums that I found was www.classiczcars.com and www.hyrbidz.org. I love them both. classiczcars is a good source for OEM and originality anf hybridz is for everything else. In fact when I hear the word hybrid used in car terms to me it means that a motor has been swapped from a different model into a car. I never really thought hybridz was for performance only. If that were true then everything people talk about here would be strictly for performance only and not aesthetics. I think aesthetics are just as important as performance whether your style is slammed on the ground or almost stock. Hell I purchased a set of fender flares and Rota wheels from the group buy just for looks and not for performance. To me Hybridz should be a place where people can gain and give knowledge of z cars on all aspects. People have to stop being so sensitive about things that they don't agree with or like. In fact rule #1 in Hybridz.com says this Check out the bold parts. A little hypocritical I think. But anyway just wanted to give my opinion.
  6. I do believe if you use any of those sizes you will have clearance issues. Do you understand tire sizes? A 285/40 tires will be taller than a 275/40 tire. A 295/35 tire will be shorter than both 275/40 and 285/40. The first number is the width in millimeters. For example the tire size of 285/40, the number 40 is the tire's aspect ratio. The aspect ratio represents the percentage of width to height. Therefore the height of this tire is 40% of its width.
  7. The rims are the Rota's that I purchased through the group buy on this forum. Here is the link. http://forums.hybridz.org/index.php/topic/57565-rota-rbrb-r-4x1143-17-z-offset-wheels/ yeah it is nice to have. I haven't needed to use it yet though. Your car is about a million times nicer than mine. I need bodywork and a new paint job. I guess a good thing is I don't have rust. Here is a link to the same lug nuts. This seller has a lot of them and I got them within 5 days of ordering. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/20PC-NISSAN-SUBARU-RACING-LUG-NUTS-12X1-25-GUNMETAL-/360169002480?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item53dbbed5f0
  8. Ok I made the largest purchase for the car(besides the car). They just arrived on my doorstep yesterday. The front wheel is on the left at 17 x 9.0 with a -13 offset. The rear is on the right at 17 x 9.5 -19 offset. Lug Nuts I got off ebay. I wanted to go away from chrome so I bought gun metal ones. And of course the tires from Tirerack I got a few days ago. Sorry for the crappy cell pic. Front 245/45-17 Rear 275/40-17 General Exclaim UHP Hopefully this week I can get the tires mounted this week. Just have to find a reputable shop that will install tires not purchased at there store. Once I get time I will be heading down to the shop to start getting the fender flares installed. I wanted to wait until I got the wheels and tires so I can make sure the height of the flares are correct.
  9. Well the wheels showed up on time yesterday. Take a look at some quick pics I took. They also put a couple of hats an t-shirts in one of the boxes. Now I have to get them mounted. Hopefully this will get done this week. My lug nuts came in also. I got these on Ebay.
  10. Well gentleman the time is getting closer. UPS says the sceduled delivery date for the wheels is Monday. Look what showed up on my doorstep today. 275/40-17 rear 245/45-17 front
  11. Got an email from Kim last night with a tracking number. Wheels shipped today. I will be seeing them on Dec. 13th.
  12. Well guys I just placed my order with Kim for a set of 17x9.0/9.5 -13/-19 in gun metal. He said that I should be seeing them in about a week. Can't wait. Just got off the phone with tire company and ordered new General Exclaim UHP 245/45 17 and 275/40 17. Can't wait to get these so I can start my install of the flares. (i wanted to wait until I got the wheels and tires for correct installation) I will get pics to you guys ASAP.
  13. Thanks for the replies. You are correct in saying I should have said how much I wanted to pay but when I post wtb ads I like to let the seller set their own price. On the other hand on a forum where we should try to help out fellow members I don't expect to be gouged on items either. I do agree $120 shipped is steep. To finish I already purchased what I want from nelsonian (another member) for an excellent price. Thanks!! This thread can now be closed.
  14. I am looking for a brake master cylinder from a 79-83 280zx. I believe those years are correct. I need to upgrade mine in my 260z. I am doing the toyota 4x4 swap. Condition doesn't matter because I can rebuild it. thanks, Adam
  15. I sold them to a guy who will be using them in building a Gulf Miller 1946 rear engined Indy car with a late model jaguar 4 liter engine. this guy builds replica vintage race cars. www.Babineaumetalworks.com
  16. Small Update I have done a few things recently. I had a clutch issue since day one that I finally figured out the problem. The problem was I could not keep any clutch pressure and I always had to bleed the system. I replaced the slave cylinder thinking that was the issue but to no prevail. It ended up being a bad rubber clutch line going to the salve. I ordered a new SS clutch hose from MSA and installed it. Now to tackle the brake problem I have. I have a lot of brake fluid seeping out behind the master cylinder. So i decided to upgrade the front brakes which includes a new larger master cylinder. The car already has toyota 4 x 4 calipers installed but they are the ones that use the stock solid disc 260Z rotors. I picked up a set of 1988 Toyota 4runner calipers which allow me to use a set of 1984 Nissan 300zx vented rotors. I will also have to upgrade the brake master cylinder with a unit from a 1979 Datsun 280zx 15/16" dia. Now I have to track down these parts. Here are the pics of the new calipers.
  17. Well I had a big night last night. My buddies and I were able to get the Mikunis installed. I also wrapped the header beacuse I don't have any kind of heat shield in between the carbs right now so I figured the wrap might help a little. I was a PITA to bolt everything up but was very rewarding when it started on the first try. The PO was correct when he said that they came off a running car. They were pretty close when we sync'd them. After header was wrapped and installed With such a short intake it was a bi@tch to get the fasteners on. Just getting the last ones on. That is me on the right. My buddy Adam on the left (yes we are both named Adam) After carbs are installed In the video the fuel lines were temporary attached just do get it running. It was about 1 am at the time of the video sp we were getting tired.
  18. Well since I last posted my buddy and I were able to get all the front sheet metal back on and aligned as best as we can with the junk fenders and headlight buckets. The big day is coming up on Sunday when we install the new mikuni carbs. I can't wait. Feel like it is Christmas time as a kid. Today I went to another friends house to pick up some spare parts just in case we will need them for the install. Never know what could happen. Take a look below. Mikuni Jet kit Mikuni gasket kits, spare accelerator pumps, intake/exhaust gasket, and Nissan silicone gasket. I will have more pics and hopefully a video Sunday night after we finish.
  19. The carbs are in good shape and run well but I just couldn't pass up on the auction on ebay for the mikunis. I am not sure if I will sell the HD8 SU's to recover some of the cost of the triples.
  20. Here is a pic of a 240z that I sold earlier this year. Sorry I don't have any better pics. But by the way the car was half hazardly repaired elsewhere I doubt the speaker cut out was clean.
  21. Well my buddy and I went to the garage the last two nights to do some work on our cars. I was able to repair the battery tray area. I was also able to elongate holes on both fenders to get them to line up properly. I did not finish bolting them down until after I reinstall the hood to make sure it lines up. I also put seem sealer on the floor patch. Next time down I will spray it with undercoating. Mocked up front air dam Here is pictures of the driver side seat bracket and the corresponding floor modification. Installed seat Here is a picture of the rear bumper installed. Right now it is temporary. My end goal is to narrow it to get it tighter to the body and weld the seems to eliminate the bolts. I will be painting it a matte black to match the fender flares. Carbs came in on Friday!!!!! I took a short video of the engine running before I remove the Jag SU carbs for the triple mikuni setup.
  22. Well it sure has been a long time since i have updated this thread. I have been caught up with having a new baby. I have done a lot of work on the car but still have not got it registered for the road. I had to put new shocks in the car because the old ones were completely blown. While doing that I ended up putting new spindle pins and cleaned up the rear control arms with some paint and new bushings. I fabricated a new bracket for the celica seats. this job was quite extensive seeing that I had to cut the hump out in the tranny tunnel to fit the seats. I also developed a fuel leak in the carbs. turns out the PO never put in a fuel pressure regulator and it is just over powering the seat float bowls. So I now have to purchase a fuel pressure regulator. While figuring out that problem I ended up winning an auction for a set of mikuni triple carbs. (Mikuni Triple Carbs ) So I will be getting rid if the HD8 SU carbs. I think I got a decent deal. Attached are some pics of the carbs
  23. I used own a 1993 MR2 and I purchased a wrecked 91 turbo to do the swap. I ended up selling the car before doing the swap so I just sold all of the parts. I still love those cars and I still frequent www.mr2oc.com. I actually have a 91 NA that I am parting out as we speak. i am using the profits of that car for my 260z I am trying to get on the road. Nice job on the rebuild.
  24. So I was able to get to the garage and try to get the car moving under its own power. There was something worng wit hthe clutch. I tried to bleed the system but that didn't work. I already had a brand new slave cylinder that someone gave me and I went to Autozone to buy a clutch master cylinder just in case. The first thing I did was replace the slave cylinder. It fixed the problem and I was able to get it outside for the first time to take a quick spin. Next on the agenda is buy a carpet kit and a new front air damn. I am going to buy the carpet kit that you see on ebay and a new fiber glass air damn from MSA. After the interior is where I want it I am going to tackle the suspension issues in the front. After driving it I noticed that there might be a bad u joint. Here are the pics from earlier tonight.
  25. can't wait to register the car in spring time

    1. padam07


      Argh...never happened this year. Hopefully next season.

    2. MidnightRider


      Spring is coming up

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