Thanks Asta! Glad you like the project! Hope you come around and change your mind. I'll sure keep my Z until it vaporizes or something : )
The lack of updates now is due to waiting for my theory man (chassis guy) to do some calculations on where the S14 front end should go. I'd like the geometry to end up as good as it can possibly be. Should be some more engine-action come next week though. I hope. Guess we'll see... Plans include sand blasting the valve/timing belt covers and painting them.
I'm pretty annoyed with the exchange rate btw, the dollar's gone up a whole lot recently, which adds $140 (compared to the end of june) to my order-to-be from MSA. It's not much, but it's still pretty annoying when I keep thinking I could've placed the order 4 months ago Whatever. Chassis/engine is first, then after a whole bunch of things it's time for cosmetics.