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MerloZ last won the day on October 11 2024

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    Mechanics. How things work. Females. And datsuns

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  1. What size injectors. It was previously mentioned 440cc were running out with this setup. I'll probably get them from godzillaraceworks along with everything else needed. 550cc??
  2. Ok so not sure if this is exactly what we are talking about but I think it is I set required fuel to 300cc injectors. I've read these injectors flow 330 when clean and at 40.5 psi. That's all about where I'm at but I never cleaned them just ran them for years. Did some autotuning to adjust the cells down and drove a few miles. At 4-5k rpm with a fuel load of 160-180kpa two cells down from the top my pulse width goes over 25 might of even hit 30, and my duty cycle hits 120% I think injectors are the correct answer here right? I did a engine +map log but I'm not sure if that has the injector info on it or not. I didn't see a pulse width or duty cycle log?.
  3. Sounds like something tunerstudio can read on the megasquirt but I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking for. I know I have injector pulse width in milliseconds as a gauge. I'll try to do some quick digging and maybe a data log to see if the injectors flatten out on a graph or something. I wish I had the time to dig into this like I did when I was 16.
  4. Others have told me it's not the injectors and you have said it is so I just don't know
  5. Oh I forgot if I mentioned this in the thread. I replaced the O2 sensor and recalibrated it and I'm no longer making out the ve table. Like I mentioned before right before the "bucking" or the lean condition you think I may have from lack of injector I am at 15 psi and 11 afr at around 120 on the ve table. My old O2 was definitely reading bad and was doing the same thing but much much worse. I know this turbo flows way more air. What is a way I can test if the injectors are maxed out.
  6. Right before it "bucks" it is at 15 psi and 11 afr. While bigger injectors might be the fix it also seems odd. How can 17psi run 440cc injectors out when I hit 15 no issue Only difference I see is timing right?. I know my timing is quite conservative. Anyway I could change fuel numbers and test the injectors or something. I'd rather not just throw money at it Car runs great with this turbo until it hits the top two rows on the ve table. After 4500ish. Just seems odd to me. It really doesn't seem like boost is kicking in and it's going lean. It seems more like the fuel table is fine and at that point it's rich all of a sudden and floods the plugs. I let off the moment it "bucks" It doesn't seem like detonation to me but I guess I've never blown up an engine. I'd say that's a good thing.
  7. Problem still persists. Changed fuel counts from 70-200 still does the same thing for top two fuel rows
  8. I agree and sure if like to not spend money but I posted this to figure out if I need bigger injectors. Below the top two rows of my fuel table my afr reads 11 then spikes lean. Do you think that's actually lean? Or just out of range. 12 psi on the factory turbo didn't seem to be an issue at all for the factory injectors.. hell I pushed 14 on that turbo before with steady 11 afr. These are factory turbo ones not NA ones.
  9. Okay so in the top two rows of my fuel table my car bucks quite hard. I've changed ve table numbers from 70-200 No matter the number my car does the same thing. Rich or lean. While graphing afraid goes down to 11 and then spikes like it goes out of range or something. 82 L28et Intercooled 15 psi on he351c bored out Wastegate hole 255 fuel pump Factory spark Ms2 ECU 240sx throttle body Factory turbo injectors turned up a few psi to like 40 or so Lc2 wideband 3 inch straight pipe I thought I would run out of injector with this turbo but I was previously told I should be ok. Ive been tuning it and I cant figure it out. Does seem rich or lean necessarily it just stops making power and reads out of range.
  10. I'm going to try to re calibrate my sensor. I can't find much for testing online for it. I did recalibrate in the exhaust cold but it does say to do it out of the exhaust. It never read like this before I did this swap but I did do that recalibrattion. Weird because that's always how I've done recalibrations but weirder things are possible.
  11. I notice while watching the wide band on tuner studio while trying to auto-tune. I was adjusting the idle fuel cells. If I adjust them to 12.5 AFR like the engine usually likes at idle. The tuner studio number will sit around there for a few seconds and then go lean and out of rangem I'm not sure what my lc2 gauge is reading as it's hanging. Not sure if it reads 12.5 or if it reads 22 like tunerstudio does. However the lc2 gauge never showed me that issue before.
  12. The injectors have never been cleaned. When I originally built this engine I figured slap it on see if it runs and it always I have ran some fuel system cleaners through the gas previously for that reason. But never professionally cleaned. My injectors are brown, not green so that leads me to believe that they're factory turbo injectors because that's what they came off of. Also I was running 12.5 PSI with the factory turbo. Also, I apologize, I do have a front mount intercooler as well. With the old turbo I at one point ran 15 PSI of boost just for haha's and it did not lean out. . I guess we are thinking a wide band issue, If I had to take a stab at it I would guess it's the sensor. I believe I've cooked one before but it was on the stock. L28 downpipe. Once I read the manual I then bought a bong and put it about 2, 2 and 1/2 ft down the down pipe, it's probably a few inches past the bellhousing after 2 45 turns. A local friend of mine has some car meets and I always go to them and win an exhaust competition from spitting 3 ft flames, I believe this to be the reason the factory turbo went bad. Maybe the wide band is on its way out as well from all the flames?
  13. So I did increase required fuel and it gave me more head room but it didn't seem to affect it. How can I tell factory turbo injectors from non turbo ones? Also yes the turbo is set higher for ten psi but I haven't even been able to hit that yet. The moment its under boost it seems to go lean
  14. So I did increase required fuel and it gave me more head room but it didn't seem to affect it. How can I tell factory turbo injectors from non turbo ones?
  15. The injectors should be stock l28et injectors. I've been running a map from chickenman for years with that setup on the stock turbo. Too many backfires killed the thrust bearing. I will double check the type of injectors I have maybe they had non turbo injectors on the engine when I got it but none of it looked tampered with back then. If not the injectors than what might be the issue? Just the wideband going out of range?
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