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Everything posted by dmiller240

  1. I've been looking at the same issue. I'm putting the LS1 in a 240 been looking at cells but don't like filling from inside the hatch and I dont weld. Does any one have pic's of their surge tank setup and where have they been mounting them? Engine compartment or other?
  2. It's all scare tactics. The truth is that laptop had student info going back to the 60's name's, ssi #, parents names addresses etc. California Law if any computer systems is compromised reasonable effort must be made to if form all people compromised. That’s a butt load of money for Buckley to accomplish the task. That doesn't count the lawsuits if the wrong person uses the data. The question is why was this data kept on an unsecured laptop.
  3. I've been looking into both as options. Firesafe also make an 18g that is 34x20 1/2x6. I haven't measured yet but if it can be made to fit. You could use the floor pan (after spare well cut out) as balk head. SCCA requires a balk head between driver and fuel. Cell would not hang under the stock rear valance. That is at lease what I've been looking at. If we could get a bulk purchase they might be willing to make a exact size fit.
  4. If your looking for a v-8 bike check out this site http://www.bosshoss.com. They don't have the rpm's but they do have the pony's.
  5. I'm going to replace my front crossmember. It is currently setup for the JTR elongated motor mount hole. But I'm plannig to go with the John's cars LS1 setup. The Question are all 240 - 280 crossmembers the same?
  6. Let use know how the install goes I've been lookin at using this setup. also what was the cost?
  7. I saw the program Rides on the learning channel last night. Next week they are putting a sbc 350 in a Lexus. And thought bfd compared to what people are doing here.
  8. Well I'll take #24. But I might have to try for king. Pulled motor in 1987 had engine comp and under side sandblasted all rust holes in ec welded new frame rails and floor boards. Just put car on cinder blocks this year. Todo's before z8'ed poly bushings halfin 4x4 brakes ordered coilovers ordered disk rear cv axles lds diff replace brake lines Hopefully v8 and t56 mid to late next summer Why couldn't I be born RICH insted of just good looking I'll worry about getting the body done after I can drive. Off the road for 6mo of the year in MN.
  9. Try these sites. http://www.discountedwheelwarehouse.com http://www.discounttiredirect.com You will have to check the manufacturer to verify a specific rim has the right bolt pattern and offset.
  10. Try this web site show the bolt patern and off set for all prodution models http://www.discountedwheelwarehouse.com/Vehicle_Bolt_Pattern_Reference.cfm
  11. I quit riding for 10 yrs when I started again I bought a Honda shadow 700. It was Ok for getting used to street riding again. I weight 220lbs but I wouldn't want any thing smaller. I now ride shadow 1100 but would like to sink my teeth into the 1800 VTX . Smaller bike have smaller wheel base i.e. less legroom. Make sure it conferrable. I took my riders test on a 250, nice and nibble but I would ride it more then 5 mile. Even the last time I rode my 700 felt like me knees were in my teeth compared to my 1100.
  12. In mho why get a Harley at all. I personally ride Honda’s. Pro's and cons Harley’s Con Air-cooled Belt driven Higher purchase price and parts Pros It's a Harley Honda Con It’s a rice grinder Pros Water-cooled Shaft drive It’s a rice grinder I currently own a 2001 shadow saber lots of chrome, after market pipes jetted. Runs great. Paid $9200 new try buy the equivalent in a Harley.
  13. I'm in the process of replacing the same bushing on my 73 240. The stock t/c bushings have a thin washer housing the the bushing on both sides of the frame fit into. Mine are realy rusted. Looking in 2 dif stock replacement parts cat's don't show these at all. Anyone seen these before? are they needed?
  14. Hi all, Just finely starting on my Z after a very long brake. Looking for advice from people that have z8'ed already. My plans are to buy a sbc 350/330hp/380lb crate. carbed, don't want the hassle of injection wiring. I'm not worry about hood clearance using a 2" cowl fiber hood. I'm using the jtr setup. Would like to use a t56. I'm guessing the blocks being used are the pre-injection 350. Has any one do this setup? Or would I be better off, for simplicity, going with a wc t-5? This will be a street car maybe some A-cross.
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