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Everything posted by galloguy05
So this is going to be pretty long bit it is kind of complicated so please bare with me. Alright so this is the situation.  I have this friend, well ex-friend, that I wnt to highschool with.  A couple years after highschool we decided to become room mates.  Now this friend of mine was making the same amount of money as me (about 2,400 a month) but did not have any other bills besides living expenses.  His "living expenses" were higher than mine though because, well to put it plainly, he is a pot head.  (I know I shoulnt have made the mistake of moving in with a pot head in the first place but oh well.). Well over a year ago he decides he can't afford to live on his own and gives me about a months notice that he will be moving out.  I couldn't really afford the place on my own so I moved in with family again.  We BOTH opened a storage unit of te same size to keep our stuff in.  We agreed that we would pay it until the other either needed their stuff or something of that nature.  Well he never paid a single storage payment and my stuff that wa in his unit got auctioned off.  (a washer and dining room table and other miscelleanous things a sow priceless items that my grandmother had given me that I thought were in my storage but weren't). Well throughout this time he is dodging my phone calls and texts messages about weather or not he is paying for the storage.  In February I decided to get a place with my girlfriend and I wanted my things and found out they were long gone.  He said he would give me a washer and dryer and kitchen table that was at his moms house that were now his. He never follows through and dodges my phone calls so I end up navigation to buy used things off craigslist.  The only things that were in my storage was a mattress and a bed frame with headboard.  I took those things with me to the new place.  I sold the mattress for 30 bucks since it was like 10 years old that's all I could get for it.  I used the bed frame for about a month but it was crap but disassembled it ad made a work bench out of it.  Lol. So now here comes the issue.  He finally texts me the other day sayid he found another job (because he just stopped going to work when he worked at the same company as me so that's considered a voluntary quit and he can't collect unemployment). And will pay me however much I paid for the washer and dryer.  I told him 125 and he said ok.  Last night he tells me I owe him 1000 dollars for the bed frame and mattress.  He bought the bed frame along with 2 night stands and a big dresser and an entertainment system from his dad for 1000 the previous year.  So somehow he says I owe him the 1000 dollars that he paid fr all those items when in fact he has all of them except the mattes ad bedframe, which were in my storage unit for nearly a year and at my house the last 2 months. So he says he is going to sue me because I never tried to contact him and never told him i was moving.  My question is this, does he even hae a leg to stand on to sue me for that??  And if so is there a way for me to get my phone records and text message records from AT&T from the last year or so for me to take to court?  Thanks for any of you who read this whole thing.  Â
Wow that must be an easy job with it on the lift. Not that it is all that difficult without one, but doing mine on an inclined driveway sucked so much that I only did half the job and am still waiting to install the rear. Eventhough now I have a garage I still haven't got around to it. Lol. I'm envious of you right now.
I have seen the one in Atwater, Ca many times driving by. I just thought it was a display version and not the actual real one. I might have to go ad check it out now. If that museum isn't closed down now that is. :-/
I saw this too. Said it will be released as a production model sometime this year and cost about 20,000 euros. Not sure what that converts into as far as dollars. Don't really know much else about if, but it looks super cool. If i had all the money in the world, I'd drop the cash for it!
NewZed- You were correct. It was not the fuel pump. I took it out to replace it with the new one that I got and i noticed that one of the power wires was barely hanging on there. So tapping the pump and messing with the wires fixed the wires temporarily until they shifted again and would not allow current to get to the pump. I put new connectors on the ends of the wires and hooked them up to the pump and it works perfectly fine. Thanks everyone!
Alright everyone, I am finally getting around to making a build thread for my 75 280Z. I have been a member of this site since before owning a Z and have learned a TON of info that i could have not learned any other way. So before I start, I would like to thank all of you for the help you have given me. I started looking for a Z car about a year and a half ago, originally wanting a 240z because of the small bumpers and I didn't know that they were interchangeable, as well as the air dam that I didn't (at the time) know could be put on a 280z. After a couple of deals on 240z's fall through, I was introduced to this car that a guy was selling for $1,500. Since I was a friend of a friends son (confusing I know) he would sell it to me for $800. I went to look at the car and this is what i found. The previous owner said that it possibly had a bad throw out bearing and a bad battery. So I had him start he car and it purred perfectly so i snatched it up and bought it. I brought the car home and noticed that the paint was chipping in some places and there were a few dents. Someone had also done a poor job at shaving the side molding trim the interrior was fairly nice though, with a cracked dash and some minor pieces missing. So since I did no have any tools hardly or a garage to work on the car, I took it to a buddys house to do sanding to get the paint off. To my surprise it looked like someone used house paint or something because the paint just peeled right off in many places I have a TON more work done to the car and it was rattle canned flat black to last over the winter after this. A few months ago I moved to a place with my own 2 car garage and have since then installed: 280z front air dam Speedhut reverse El-Glo gauge faces. New (to me) center console refreshed (sort of) interrior Tokico Hp struts Complete bushing kit XXR 522 wheels 15x8 with 205/55/r15 tires 5 speed swap from 77 280z I have also been doing a lot of body work, which i am currently doing. I have a lot more pics and update but I havent uploaded the pics to photobucket yet so I will update once they do. Thanks for looking!
75 280z running everything stock as far as the engine and fuel management. When unsaid it doesn't fire I meant that it doesn't start. I have spark at the coil and at each plug and the timing is correct. I can't say that the tapping on the fuel pump is what solved the problem. I took off the main fuel line into the fuel rail and there is no fuel coming out at all.
I went to start the ca. And it started but immediately died. Then afterword it just turned over with no fire. I was also thinking that maybe it could be a bad afm? Since I know that the afm controls the pump power. I will install the new fuel pump later and see ifthat fixes anything. I just didn't want to spend the money ifthatbwasnt the problem but I went ahead an bit te bulle and got one anyways, that way I figure if it still doesn't work then atleast I know it Isnt the pump.
Ok so here is my problem. A few days ago I parked my car in the garage to do suspension work. After gettig the front done I wanted to take it for a drive to feel how the ride was. But to my suprise the car will not start. I go through the steps to figure out what is wrong and discover that I am not getting fuel. So I go into the back and tap on the fuel pump and then the car starts! So it runs fine after that for a while ad then I let the car sit overnight. Go to start the car the next morning and nothing again. Fiddle with the wires on the fuel pump and tap the pump again with a wrench and it starts. It ha ran fine since then (allbeit at idle since it was in the garage.). So today I go to drive it again and it starts and I pull it out of the driveway and park it on the road. I go to take off and after a few feet the car dies and will not start again. So my question is, is this a bad fuel pump or a bad relay or bad wiring? Thanks in advance.
fuel pump options for my 75 280z
galloguy05 replied to galloguy05's topic in S30 Series - 240z, 260z, 280z
sweet thanks! I am running the stock l28 so no added Hp or anything. The car is completely stock besides suspension and wheels. I will keep an eye out for one of those. Any other vehicles put there that have the same type of fuel pump? -
fuel pump options for my 75 280z
galloguy05 replied to galloguy05's topic in S30 Series - 240z, 260z, 280z
Awesome, I will have to purchase that when i get the money. My question was more of what kind of car can I pull a used one off of at pick n pull to tide me over until I have the money to get a good new one. Thanks for the link though! -
So today I was doing the suspension on my 75 280z and I got the front all done and went to test drive my car to see how it rides, and my car wont start! I drove it into the garage the day before yesterday and it was running fine. So to make a long story short, I was under my car to while my brother turned the engine over and I tapped the electric fuel pump and all the sudden it started. The car ran fine for a while and then acted like it was running out of gas and then sputtered and died. So I am fairly certain that the fuel pump is toast. My question is, right now I don't have a ton of money to buy a fuel pump new, and my local pick-n-pull is having a half off weekend this weekend. So I figured I could snag a fuel pump from there just to last me until I get the money in a few weeks. I am nearly positive that they do not have any 280z's or any Z's for that matter period. So would a fuel pump from any other car work? And if so, which ones? I have tried searching but all that comes up is about fuel regulators, and even ebay has them priced at over 100 bucks each. THanks in advance guys, Matt
Yeah there's a thread on here I THINK ( either this site or ratsun.net) that has a tread for this. Either way thanks for sharing. I got the coupon in the mail a couple weeks ago and used it on a 60 gallon air compressor. It saved me 80 bucks on the price so it pretty much paid for the extended warranty.! Thanks for sharing though, I absolutely love harbor freight. Haha
Sorry f this is off topic but where are you located? I could swear that this is the carthat I wanted to buy when I was 16 years old and wanted a Z but my mom wouldn't let me get it. I know it's a far stretch that it's the same one but it had the same grey paint and wheels an everything minus the side skirts. This was also 6 years ago too. Lol. Sorry for gettig ff topic though I just had the worst case of Deja vu when I saw the pic of this car. I would suggest buying the book that the poster above mentioned. I knew my fair share about z cars and then I just purchased this book last week and have been reading it and I am learning a lot from it. I think it's like 20 bucks on amazon ad you will find yourself using it MANY times throughout your build. Atleast I know I will. Nice looking z though! Edit: sorry I was viewig this thread on my phone an the mobile version doesn't show locations, so I switched formats and saw that you are in north Carolina so I doubt it's the same car.
I agree. As long as you keep the cat ad don't run a test pipe in it's place or a hollowed out cat, then I believe they are all legal as long as you aren't over 98 db's. I could be way off on that number though so don't quote me on it.
Lubrication for shop air compressor/motor oil-atf
galloguy05 replied to zgeezer's topic in Fabrication / Welding
Alright thanks. I must have misunderstood what that part meant. For some reason I thought it meant that the stored air was bad for it as well. Thanks again. -
Lubrication for shop air compressor/motor oil-atf
galloguy05 replied to zgeezer's topic in Fabrication / Welding
I don't mean to thread Jack but I have a compressor question. I just purchased a 60 gallon compressor and it does not see a ton of use like a shop compressor does. I've actually only used it twice so far. My question is, should I drain the tank in between uses or is it fine to let the air sit in the tank until the next use if I have an in-line water seperator? I don't want to ruin the life of my compressor. I am the only person I know that has a compressor like mine (as far as size and what it's used for). My grandpa say leaving the air in it is fine but I don't want to ruin it. I'm sure that draining the air couldn't hurt though right? Thanks -
Yeah I wanted the 16's but I didn't want to risk any rubbing issues since I can't find clear anwsers on what will or will not rub. So I got the 15s to be safe. I think I am going to lower it atleast 2 inches now instea of the 1-1 1/2 like I originally planned. I think that'll offset what the 16" wheels would have made up for. I think they will compliment my green paint that I plan to go to eventually (after I sand all that black off and some mint body work). Overall I am super happy with them and those tires ride so nice and grab really well.
alright guys here are the ics of my newly installed xxr 522's. I am running 205/50/r15 tires. The car is ugly right now so please pay that no mind as it will be going into the garage for body work and paint next week. I will also be lowering it 2 inches and I think it will look 10x's better. I am currently running the stock suspension and will be installing tokico suspension. They are 15x8 and i drover it around the block a couple times and didn't find any rubbing. The overall look of the car (being ugly as it is) takes away from the rims so i apoligize. Overall, I am happy with these but i should probably have gotten larger tires but oh well. Hope you enjoy the pics.
Sorry for the lag on pictures guys. Yesterday on the way to the car shop my car kinda caught fire. I didn't have the battery secured and it slipped offte tray and (I guess) broke a ground somehow (because the previous owner has the wiring all Jerry rigged) so for some reason those ground wires and a wire from the altenator caught fire and melted so I had to fix that ad put the battery hold down beaker back in(I know it should have been there to begin with duh). So now I need to find my wheel lock because it is misplaced and then I can put the wheels on and take some pics for you all.
center console heater panel hatch glass interior panels
galloguy05 replied to getoffmyinternet's topic in Parts Wanted
I have a center console and possibly the heater panel. Not sure what you mean by heater panel though. You mean the panel with the map light correct? Pm me if you would like pictures. price is cheap because they will not work in my car. I have a 280z and the center console is useless to me but in really nice shape except it has been trimmed a little to allow shifter travel for a 5 speed. (atleast thats what the p.o. told me) -
If you mean the thread titled "tips for modifying a z car on a budget" then it is the first sticky in the miscelleanous tech section.
Two80z4me-What suspension set up are you running currently?
agree. When i post pictures it will be of my 75 280 with a urethane air dam but at stock ride height. I plan to put the car on jacks the same day as I get the wheels to do some suspension work to lower the car about an inch and a half and some body work as well. Maye if I feel up to it I will just put the suspension back together and see how it looks lowered as well. I will say this though, pictures really do not give these wheels justice. I personally like how the "spokes" concave back into the wheel and when you see that 3D effect it makes them look so much better. I disliked these wheels when I first saw this post, but when I saw them in person in the flat black color I loved them.
I just purchased these wheels the other day in 15x8 at 0 offset. I'm going to run 225/50/ 15 I believe (don't quote me on that as I haven't picked them up or finalized tire size yet.). I got them in flat black as well. I LOVE them in flat black but not so much in the other colors. I am picking them up on teusday so I will post up pics on how they look eventhough my car is ugly from not having a paint job and rattle can primer at the moment. Lol by the way they only cost me 720 with tires out the door at a shop. So they might be even cheaper if they were bought online and thn had tires installed.