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A to Z

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  1. 02-20-2025 TURBO PROJECT UPDATE: So, when it is about 7 degrees outside and you have some small things to get done, you do it inside I guess. Carb issues. Brand New carb, but some small issues have arisen that I have to address. the pilot jet and main jet appear to be plugged, as the engine only runs if you pump the gas, as the accelerator pump is squiring fuel with every pump, and it won't idle. So a small piece of wire and some carb cleaner spray should be able to handle that. Secondly, the float bowl overflow tube is leaking gas. So, I will shortly go out and remove the carb, remove the float and clean it out so the float will turn off without any debris keeping it from shutting off, AND there is the possibility that I am pushing a tad too much fuel pressure at it. I went ahead and ordered a pressure regulator and gauge on amazon, and a 20 micron fuel filter I will install right before the fuel goes into the carb. from what I understand, this motorcycle carb likes 2.5 to 3 psi of fuel pressure. This should do the trick. At any rate I got the threads all seal taped up and have it ready for install. Pics to follow. Cheers!
  2. 02-15-2025 TURBO PROJECT UPDATE: I installed a choke on the carburetor, did some work to hold the throttle cable into the firewall fitting, and then finished out the insulation for the turbine (hot side) of the turbo, the exhaust (downpipe) and the brake master cylinder cover, the cover for the brake master cylinder is tight enough it holds it in place against the corner of the turbo. I opened the flap and folded it back, and then started cutting strips from the lyrufexon blanket which has a heat rating of 2600F and really is just a trimmable ceramic blanket. By cutting it into strips, I was able to use a small bar and pry the master cylinder gently and tuck the strips in there to give even more insulation. After that I cut thin strips and put them against the side of the master cylinder facing the exhaust, then the flap just folds over and holds it all there right in place. Then I just found a nice way to tie it closed and then do a little trimming and painting to make it look ok. Pics follow! Cheers!
  3. I love it. Something different....something unique. You put a Mopar air grabber in the hood I see too!
  4. Man it sounds great! Fun stuff! I hope you are feeling better. I have had that twice and it took my mom. is there any rust that needs to be addressed? Seems like rust likes to hide in the rear hatch under the window weatherstripping at the bottom. Intrigued about the CNC intake. What will it offer than you don't have now? Just looks? Serious question. The $50K came from me. I am big believer in setting a budget. IMHO 50K is safe budget. If you come in less....GREAT! A lot of little things you haven't thought of, will need to be replaced since the body is fresh and all. The internet has a way of showing the worst in people. I am actually a nice guy! The other day having my engine start and hear the turbo whistle was a moment of feeling 1/2 ton of weight fall off my back!
  5. 02-11-2025 TURBO PROJECT UPDATE. It is below freezing out, but I had to try some starting fluid.....It fired up! so cold, it will only run on starting fluid....but it tells many things........all 6 cylinders firing and my J&S Safeguard works! No oil leaks, oil pressure up. no air leaks. pumping the gas to keep it running let it rev just a tad and I could hear the turbo whistle! The carb doesn't have a choke, but I have one on order. But I have a sense of relief as it works, no pinging so far. So clear skies ahead!
  6. Not negative at all! I like the direction he is going. We live in a world where guys are all sensitive these days. I am old school, raised old school. If you are going to do the body up, it seems like now is the best time to do it wild if you like them like that. There are ways to blow 50K and ways to spent 50K and enjoy it. I said it sounds like he found a good way to spend 50K. So, no offense meant......I'm not good at explaining myself.....I generally do what I want, and feel no need to explain my actions to anyone. Id like to see updates of the car as it progresses.
  7. I hope the insulation you have on your turbine and exhaust header is sufficient. Its going to get super hot. Neat that you found a cool way to spend $50K dollars! Might as well add spoilers and flares and get some big meats for the car.....give it an hourglass figure!
  8. 02-05-2025 TURBO PROJECT UPDATE: I set about getting things masked off and then painted the areas that needed it on the inner fender. Once the paint is hardened, I can wet sand and polish it, and some will need touch up painting, typical stuff. I was then able to install all the heatshield I had to protect the brake system and fluid. I then replaced the 2 water/methanol supply lines that had damage on them and then filled the Water/Meth tank about half full of windshield washer fluid (30% methanol). Good progress! it is almost complete. Pics:
  9. 02-01-2025 TURBO PROJECT UPDATE: Another step(s) forward. I managed to get the oil drain line installed. Of course, I ran into problems, this time being the steering rod was right smack in the way. . By using parts I had and some thread sealer I picked up at Lowes, I managed to get it in. In the picture, you can see a clamp at the oil pan area. That is squeezing the hose open, as no matter what I did it wanted to pinch a bit. It worked!! I also used a piece of aluminum with zip ties to cover the drain hose where it touched the steering rod. This will protect the hose. After all of this, I got my outside air temp probe mounted....it is in the passenger wheel well. I then began the process of grinding down screws and sanding to prep the inner wheel well area behind the turbo for paint I got it feathered out and then blew the area off. Next time, God willing, I will wipe the area down, mask and paint. After that I have to re-run some water methanol lines and install all of the heat blankets, etc. I have for the brake master cylinder. Other than a trip to the muffler shop to tie the exhaust in, the project will be done (finally, feels like it is taking forever). Cheers! Pics:
  10. It's a handy place to put stuff. That area is where my water/meth tank is.
  11. You are being VERY detail oriented. It is paying off. Really looks great. Thanks for sharing.
  12. 01-17-2025 Turbo Project Update: I decided to jump on the jobs I have been putting off and get them over with. I re-bled all my brakes using my Motive power bleeder. Then I reinstalled all my wheels, dropped the rear back to the ground, and jacked up my engine under the oil pan again, to see if I could get any extra room to work around my brake master cylinder. Maybe 1/16 more, so I will make it work. I also drained my 20W50 oil and switched to a full synthetic 5W30 because of the Turbo. I think it is the way to go, being full synthetic, it will handle higher temps better and it flows faster. I added a bottle to Risilone ZDDP additive to make sure everything is well lubricated. I also managed to finally get my intake on the car. Before coming in, I jacked the nose of the car way up on jackstands, so later I can install the turbo drain hose. Every step forward counts I guess.
  13. My larger turbo drain hose is ready for install. We move forward:
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