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Zerrari GTO

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Posts posted by Zerrari GTO

  1. Here is the email I received regarding the MG latches:


    "Dear JP


    Thank you for your e-mail.


    I wish I could say yes on this one, but there are 999 key combinations and I doubt I could get our suppliers to check all their stock as the locks are individually wrapped.


    The lock does come with the washer and nut.


    Kind regards


    Dave Parker

    Mechspec "


    My feelings are with the other guys on this latch; I don't want to reinvent the wheel to make these work. I'll continue to look for Honda latches or use the 280z setup.

  2. Here is what his email said:


    Dear Sir


    Thank you for your e-mail. I can supply the following:-


    1. MG Trunk Lock $30.00

    2. MG Trunk Lock $30.00

    3. Shipping to USA $12.00


    Total $72.00


    I will email him back and get the rest of the details.

  3. You can find the MG buttons fairly easily. I found plenty of new replacement ones on ebay or you can try Victoria British: http://www.victoriabritish.com/ .


    A few people have said the MG button is larger and does not look as good as the Honda button...but now that I know they push instead of twist I may go this route.


    I emailed this guy: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/MG-MGB-GT-Tourer-Roadster-Lock-Set-2-Doors-1-Trunk_W0QQitemZ260081150161QQihZ016QQcategoryZ33648QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem and he said he would sell a pair of the trunk latches w/out the locks. He says there is a discount for multible orders so maybe we could put something together.

  4. That's why I love these cars. Throw in a decent engine, run off an 11.7 without breaking a sweat!


    I'll second that. It's amazing how scary fast you can go with a V8Z.


    Great first time out! I can't wait to see what you can do after you've got everything dialed in. Congratulations!

  5. I found a diagram for a pushbutton door handle for the GTO kit. Now that I have built the mechanisms, I can't locate the Honda part number (056120-9) referenced on the diagram.


    Bill :(


    I can't find the diagram/instructions for the pushbutton door handles. Does anyone know where it is listed???

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