I recently picked up a 1975 280z to build into a nice weekend warrior car. I'm stilling working on another motor for it so for now it sits..but not for long...While I'm building my other motor to put in it, I thought I would at least get it into running condition so I can enjoy it for a little before school starts. When I bought it from my friend he told me that the car wouldn't go over 40 mph because the injectors are clogged and that the gas tank is rusty, that's why the injectors are clogged. When I sold the same exact car to him a couple years ago, the injectors weren't clogged.
Everything works fine, except it doesn't want to go over 40 mph. The car will crank for a bit, then start and idle just fine. It will rev..just fine and shifts into gear just fine. It's completely stock.. So is it true? Are my injectors clogged and filled with rust? That's why it won't go over 40mph? That's on a lucky day too most of the time it's 30mph. It will go up to 40 and I can just keep gassing it but 40 mph is where it wants to be.
Do I need to replace the injectors? Or is there another way to clean it out? Or is this not the problem at all? Could really use the help. I just want some reinforcement before I go through the hassle of replacing the injectors.
Thanks HybridZ