I'm looking for a running motor somewhere in the Bay Area or around LA/Orange County/ Irvine area. I don't really need anything special, just looking for a running l24 l26 l28 or l28et. Please pm me with what you have. Thank you.
I'm looking for the rear quarter panel of a 240z. Preferably one with the dog logs attached as well. Rust free or surface rust is what i'm looking for. I'm looking to buy both sides.
I'm looking to do something like this
Photo credits go to Diseazd of classiczcars.com
i'm not sure how long you have been reading this forum but let me help you identify 5 speed tranny.
the ears are located right under the shift. You would have to get under the car to see it if it is mount on the car.
1 ear = 280zx n/a
2 ear = 280z
The 75 I had was probably the best s30 body I've ever owned ( rust wise ) too bad I sold it. I say you keep the 70 original man, you can never go wrong with original. Where's the updates man?!
I think you should get rid of it. It's old vinyl. Buy a new set here. I saw mold under mine and didn't even think twice about it.
i have the passenger side with the fuel tank in good condition, only thing is is that it only has half the wheel arch. let me know if you're interested, i can send photos if you pm me an email
i have it, let me know if you want it. the trim piece that is. I might also have inspection lids. I'll have a see if you pm me telling me you're still looking for it. just let me know