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Posts posted by violacleff

  1. Unfortunately, the countries with trouble are extremely rich in history. I plan to visit lebanon in the next couple of years and go back to Jordan as well. Although I did take many precautions the first time around, this time, I may not stay in a popular western hotel, or if I do I will be sure to stay on the top floors, and not hang around in the lobby....eat out.


    As far as keeping your nationality a secret, its impossible. And to be honest, it got me free drinks at the bar! And the chicks love Americans. Your odds of being hurt in a terrorist attack are still less than dying in a car crash. I'm just going to keep living my life, and not letting any damned terrorist dictate where I go (within reason of course).

  2. Hey Bartman,


    Let me know when you install it. If its on a weekend, I'd love to come and give you a hand, as I plan to install one myself if I ever get my car running again. When the time comes, I don't want to spend another $$$ for someone else to install it. I rather learn helping you. Might help the process go quicker as well :-)

  3. Wow, I was staying in that Radisson that got blown up in Jordan earlier this year. Next time I go, I will make sure to stay on the top floors and eat out as to stay clear of the lobby.


    I don't get why these guys do this in their own countries. Its sad for those who died. I'm glad though that they seem to stay clear from the US....at least for now.

  4. Intake was by thagard back in the day if I remember correctly. He did a run of them a while back.


    BTW, If I remember the story correctly, didn't james go twin turbo because he couldn't get enough power out of the T64? And yet your'e making 500rwhp on yours. James made 450 at 26 psi am I correct? Perhaps it was more of a spoolup/lag issue?

  5. Ah curse of the built L28et. Yes I too have not driven my z in over 2 years since my swap for one reason or another. Car is currently at the shop where noone can figure out what is making the clink clink noise, and I'm starting to think that my car is done for and I wasted 10k that could've went towards a decent running car. Anyway's sorry to hear about that.


    Honestly, I say sell it and put the money into the hulk. You'll still be happy about your car, and someone will be very happy with ole blue. Lets just hope they don't V8 it. OOps just thinking out loud :-)

  6. Congrats on the numbers!


    I was curious if you were using the bhj damper on that setup, since strokers generally have problems over 6k on the stocker (or euro, ati, for that matter)?


    Its always cool to see someone extract this kind of power from an L. Its too bad that it takes so many one off parts (well header and intake at least) to make it happen without N20. Glad to see you didn't go with a boring automatic on your setup. How hard is that G-force setup to come by? And how do you like it so far? Was your choice in staying with low compression decided for reason of high boost/pump gas? And how do think it'll affect the spoolup of the new turbo?

  7. Is that time on street tires or slicks? Also do you have LSD or open? And why is it so hard for the rest of us to get 11's with built motors and hybrid turbos, when you're doing 12 flat on a stock t3?????!!!!!! Thats some crazy driving right there! Sensei, you must teach us the way of the ninja shift.

  8. Hah thats funny, 489hp is the exact same number that other friend of thagard's made with his stock block rb25. Wonder if motor will go boom at 499 :-). With the Big turbo and custom heaer/manifold on your motor, do you think it that power comes at a better price than doing an rb26? If i'm correct, an rb26 needs only rebuilt turbos and injectors to make that power as well the upfront cost plus tranny being higher. What's your opinion J?


    BTW awesome numbers!

  9. As some of you may have read, the tranny shop pinched the oil line inbetween the block and the motor when they changed the tranny. When I drove the car, it started making a "clink clink clink" sound after about 8 miles of driving, and wouldn't boost well. So I took some pics, and towed it back to the tranny shop to show them what they had done. I figured that noise was the bearing in the turbo, since it would only make the noise after 3k rpm or so.


    Anyhow the shop changed the oil line before starting it up, and told me that they are not hearing the noise. My fear is that now that it is lubricated, it may not be making the noise, but the turbo may be damaged and fall apart after putting some miles on it. Am I paranoid or is this not even a possibility? I was think that if the bearings were damaged, it would have problems even after it got oil again. What do you guys think?

  10. Its actually a straight 6 3.9l. It runs just fine. I was just thinking that gm motors dont usually last long as say honda or nissan motors. So just thinking into the future. Perhaps this is one car that should stay all original for its value.

  11. So my boss lets me drive his '85 Bitter SC coupe as my own. Its got a str8 6 3.9 opel motor. Anybody ever seen one of these cars before? I cant help but think how cool it would be to V8 this car with an LT1 or something whenever the o.g motor dies. Or maybe a datsun L28et? What do you guys think?



  12. OK, so after 3 unsuccessful attempts at installing the tranny properly, I finally bit the bullet and took it to a tranny shop. They fixed installed the proper t/o bearing collar, I drove the car home which is less than a mile, and parked it for 3 weeks at my parents (I live 50 miles away). Today I come back for dad's b-day and drive the z to the mall and notice that the turbo's not boosting or spooling. I have an oversized t-bine housing, and was just cruising so I didn't pay it much mind. On the way home though I started hearing "clink clink clink" (kinda like bb's in a tin can) noises from the motor, and thought oh crap there's goes the motor. However when I pulled off the freeway and looked at the engine bay I noticed that the oil return line was bolted inbetween the tranny and the block, pinched like a water hose! So my guess is the turbo was starved for oil and what i'm hearing is the bearings. Is this a correct diagnoses? And how would you handle this with the tranny shop? I plan to take pictures of it and for my records. I don't want them to screw with it since they are tranny guys, and I myself don't want to pull off the turbo and what not since I don't know what I'm doing. Is it right to ask them to pay to tow it to my mechanic to dianose the problem?

  13. I have haltech and it rocks. Had vildini set it up for me, and they loved how simple it was to wire. Look for a company called speed options (I think) in SD. They have the cheapest price. Here is they're number 760746 3117. It will actually cost less than or same as a microtech from these guys $1250 for everything.

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