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Posts posted by nismopick

  1. If the Ford / Chevy one puts out the same ohms at the same temps, it should work... and if they are threaded the same, or at least the same depth so it will be reading the temp in the correct location.


    Funny that I'm the first to respond to this Shady! :D

  2. does anyone have any ideas on modifying NA 280zx dizzy for the 300ZX sensor and chopper wheel? i tried yesterday with one of my extra dizzys but it didnt work like i thought it would.


    If you get an 82-83 280zxt distrib, you just swap chopper wheels. The n/a distrib isn't big enough to fit the CAS into... so buy an 82-83 dizzy & you'll be set.

  3. Z cars don't have clutch cables... they have hydraulic master & slave cylinders. The car will still start w/o the clutch pressed, but it should jerk forward if it's in gear.


    As for floor pans & body work... it's never "easy" but the difficulty depends on your skill level.

  4. Hey guys. Haven't posted here much but the guys at ZDriver are becoming retarded in trying to help me with my problem, so I am posting it here hoping that someone can help.


    Actually... just to clarify.... xtreme didn't follow the instructions & wired things INCORRECTLY. :D But thanks for the "retarded" part.

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