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Posts posted by nismopick

  1. I don't think it's in there. The bulb check is for the dash warning display (head / tail / brake lights), and the inhibitor relay is for the auto transmission (no start in gear).


    The relay might be on the passenger side rocker / kick panel. I've personally never looked for it.

  2. Oh, and the city of Escazu (south west of San Jose) is where most of the Americans live due to the US Embassy and Intel being close by. So... they have a lot of US restaurants like Tony Roma's, Outback Steakhouse, TGI Friday's (if you get sick of the rice & beans). Most any restaurant is fine to eat at, but stay away from the street vendors.


    There's also a Denny's on the main highway between the airport & San Jose.

  3. ^^^ Buahhaha!!! 100% to the "T" how it is. :D


    La Liga won the national championship while I lived in Alajuela, so I'm puro "Rojinegro".


    Roostmonkey, you are going during the best time of year too. Unless you go to Limon, you probably won't ever see any rain.

  4. I lived there in 2001, and went back in 2003 for a time. It's absolute paradise.


    Places to go:


    Manuel Antonio National Park - you can chill on the beach w/ monkeys.


    Dominical - Surf beach, not very crowded.


    Quepos - Cool town.


    Jaco - Surf town - overrated.


    Downtown San Jose - Lots of tourist shops / restaurants.


    Volcan Poas - Very cool volcano, and right where the earthquake was.


    Volcan Arenal - Active volcano, you can usually see lava at night.


    Limon - Caribbean Coast - aka Jamaica. :D Awesome food & beaches - hot as hell.


    Tortuguero - Swamp / jungle guides. Hard to get out there.


    Playas del Coco - Awesome tourist town up by Nicaragua.


    Flamingo - Tamarindo - Panama - Linda - Nosara - Samara - All world class beaches. YOU MUST CHECK THEM OUT.


    Liberia - Town at the crossroads of the northwest coast. Cool place to chill.



    Anyway, that's just to get started. If you want more info than that, let me know.


    Make sure you keep your passports on you at all times. The authorities love North Americans, but sometimes like to "check you out". Change most of your dollars to Colones - everything is cheaper in Colones ... and you'll get "took" if you pay in dollars.


    Take cameras and batteries!!!! Those are double the cost down there.


    Lots of car rental places... but the roads suck, and they are crazy drivers, so drive defensively.

  5. dont feel power when throttle wide open in 5 th gear


    #1... Did this suddenly start happening?


    #2... Is it ONLY in 5th gear that there is no power? (FYI... due to gearing and wind resistance... obviously it will feel less powerful in 5th).


    #3... Have you check the TIMING, AND ALL SENSORS / CONNECTIONS?

  6. What model Z do you have?


    If it's an S30 or S130... it's not called "rust prevention" it's "rust repair." :D Anything you spray over existing rust won't stop the rust (aka rubber undercoating). Rust converter will slow rust, but not stop it entirely. The only way to STOP rust is to remove it completely.


    So having said all that, treat what you can w/ rust converter or POR15.

  7. I popped the hood and actually watched the belt slip at the crank. I'm now hearing from others that it could mean the pulley is bad? Haha, it's always something with this damn car...




    See previous post:


    How tight is "tight" ? On the longest side between pulleys, can you twist it very much?


    but if the belt is squealing, it's almost always too loose.


    Again... check the tension / tightness.

  8. If yours doesn't have cruise, then any 79-81 non-cruise should work too. Junk yard is always an option.


    FWIW: I did a quick search & found a wrecker w/ 280zx steering column parts in IL:



    Steering Column

    Nissan 280 ZX


    $60 Bryant's Auto Parts USA-IL(Westville) E-mail 1-800-252-5087

  9. EDIT... ^^^ Good find.


    Mine is for a late 80's Camaro 305... 75amp. I paid $70 at AutoZone and turned in a burnt 280zx alt for the core. There are higher amp ones for a slightly higher price.


    You can turn it upside down and fab a new top adjuster bracket, or cut the bottom of the alternator to fit the 280zx bottom bracket. Swap pulleys and you're done.









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