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Dan Juday

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Everything posted by Dan Juday

  1. I did that. Here is a pic. Here is a link to what I did with it. http://www.zparts.com/showcase/djudayv8proj/index.htm I DID NOT cut out the bottom of the tank. I just drilled two large holes. This makes the bottom of the tank a baffle as well.
  2. Wow, just had another thought. If your pump is for a later car make sure it is not a reverse rotation type for the serpentine belt set up.
  3. Maybe I can help with the heater hose issue. My motor from the JY also has no heater hose connections. It is from a '91 TA. On this motor the bottom hose coming out of the firewall goes to a port on the intake manifold. The top hose goes to a port on the passenger side of the radiator just below the cap. Here is a pic or two that might help: ]http://www.zparts.com/showcase/djudayv8proj/images/fbs01r16f20.jpg' alt='fbs01r16f20.jpg'> My guess is though, that you have no port on your radiator. Sorry, I'm using the small Camero unit with Taurus fan. You may have to swap either the pump to and earlier app or the radiator to a newer one. Hope this helps some.
  4. I wouldn't waste a minute worrying about the hatch swap. IMHO those vents on the early cars were unsightly and more trouble than help (read rust magnet). Nissan must have agreed since they removed them on subsequent years. Lose the bondo and the rust and get a clean straight hatch. If, at sometime in the future, you need the one or two CFM those ugly vents provided crack the window a 1/4". You'll be much happier in the long run. Wow, that was pretty "in your face"! Lone, you must be rubbing off on me.
  5. Hmm.. That didn't work. This is the other shot.
  6. I painted the engine bay before the V8 went in. The rest of the car will be painted at the end.
  7. It's always better to be an idiot BEFORE you cut up your firewall.
  8. I agree with Scott on one point, you haven't found all the rust yet. Repairing rusted out panels is no fun. It can eat up all your enthusiasm before you get to the fun part. Sorry, IMHO, I'd look for a better candidate.
  9. They make a roll of pipe insulation that should work well. It is about 2" wide and 1/8" thick foam tape. You can get it at Home Despot. Just add layers untill you get the correct height.
  10. I think Bubbafet has got it. My money is on the wrong pump. Still have the old one? Swap it out and try it.
  11. I know they have that heat shrink with the goop inner lining for large stuff. I used that for my battery cables (2/0). I was shocked when I saw it oozing out. I thought it was defective or something at first. Then I figured it out (duh). I'll call Napa tomarrow and see if they have it in smaller sizes.
  12. I've seen one or two in the Jegs catalog. I'm not going with big mods. I just want to get the most I can out of the stock motor without spending a lot of money. Can you guys recommend any titles?
  13. Congrats guys! I'm so dense, I just noticed the new forum. This is great. Once I start driving this thing for real I'm going to need help tuning and tweeking this tpi setup. I think I'll take this new forum for a test drive and post a new topic. Thanks .
  14. Well, I bit the bullet and bought the spendy GM stuff on the recommendation of the JTR book. There are NO engine vibrations transmitted to body that I can feel. If you're young and broke buy the cheap ones. If you're old and intolerant like me....well you decide. HEY! I said "intolerant" NOT incontinent! I'm not THAT old .
  15. Don't cut and cap anything yet. Get bold after the V8 is running. Get those 10 or so wires you need and separate them just like it says in the JTR book. You do have the JTR book, right? You MUST have the JTR book. You're not over your head, you can do it! Just read and re-read and then read it again. Most sections I had to read at least 4 or 5 times before I figured it out. It's really not as complicated as it seems right now.
  16. Well I was talking about the hood scoop. Actually it's a complete hood. But, yes, I agree with you on the fender flares. I liked them so much I bought a set for myself. They look even better in real life.
  17. I'm covered in white dust. And I'm itchy too. ! I've been fitting the used MSA airdam I got from Eric @ ZParts to the SubtleZ fenders and airdam ends I got from John Washington of Reaction Research. Considering that the two were never meant to go together, they fit pretty well. I had to cut about 6" off the ends of the MSA unit and sculpt it to fit. The amazing part is that MSA and John Washington chose to design their airdams to be exactly the same distance from the ground. That made my job a lot easier. It's finally starting to look like a Z car again, a very BAAAAAAAAD Z car. No pics of the airdam yet. Some pics of the fenders should be up on Eric’s site soon, (I hope!). DavyZ got e-mailed a teaser of my rear end treatment with YZ fenders and center exhaust. If Eric doesn't get those up soon I'll e-mail it to someone who can put it on the web for all to see. Ciao for now.
  18. You should be OK. I believe all the swap problems are in the doors.
  19. Hey RPMS, is this what you're thinking?
  20. See Eric: http://www.zparts.com/ Just tell him what you want.
  21. LOL. Wait, I know how to use a reverse Polish calculator AND a spot weld tool. What does that make me?
  22. Car & Driver did a CRX that way in the mid 80's. I had a Dodge GLH turbo at the same time. I thought that would have been wild. 300 HP 4WD and super light.
  23. John Washington makes several fiberglass body kits for the Z. I'm using fenders from two different kits of his on my car. He is very professional and a joy to work with. http://www.reactionresearch.com/automotive.html
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