Kevin Shasteen
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Everything posted by Kevin Shasteen
Hey everyone, long time no see. I agree w/michael. Get ur car running, then worry about everything else. Whenever someone asks or wants to bench race hp #'s (and yes its always tempting), i always return with another question. And that is, if u know your static comp then tell me what your dynamic comlression is(?). This is usually followed by shrugged shoulders and blank stares. It is important to understand, as a previous posters said, the engine is a complete pkg. Putting 305 heads on may have increased airflow velocity, but has it really increased cfm? Probably not that much. You are still running small intake port heads with a low lift and short duration cam. Hp increases w/out fear of detonation or ping, must always be approached as a complete package. Never hurts to make little changes along the way as the budget allows as long as you understand what affecfs you are making. Do you rember if your pistons were flat tops or dished? If dished then by how much? Remember that hp is torque measured in time. You are putting a low torque engine in a light weight car. You have already fudged the numbers in the torque game already. Dont worry about high hp numbers until you have the budget to build an engine that can handle higher hp. While your project sits i would do what a previous poster suggested. Begin reading about performance engine modifying. Learn what affecfs are altered when certain components, (with different component parameters) are added and how they affect the outcome. Read books at the bookstore, read everything u can in the hybridz archives, ask lots of questions, and get your car running. Its always fun to come back here!!!!!! Kevin, Yea, still an Inliner
Terry, I knew AFR were the best flowing heads on the market; but I was shocked when I checked out the cfm charts for AFR's. Those heads really flow well! I'm betting your engine will put out a peak rpm 520-550 hp at the very least, and according to the rest of your engine package, that 520 is very conservative. The flow numbers of those heads indicate @ 300 cfm after deducting .150" from your cam lobe lift. If the cfm to hp formula has any truth to it, then your engine should be in the 600hp range. I'm thinking the 10.3:1 SCR may hurt the 600 hp potential...., but the 10.3 should be a lot more friendly to the pump gas factor. 1) Is the give or take 550 hp range close to what you were expecting? 2) Once you get it tuned properly are you going to have it dyno'd? I cant wait to hear your comments once the engine-car is up and running. I am sure I dont have to press you for a response after you have test driven it do I? Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
The concern I had in my past was; does the car have a condernser (can the condenser be moved enough to remove the cam w/out breaking the A/C lines. Do you have to remove the grille, can you do so w/out breaking it. Basically, how much do you have to remove in order to pull the cam out and can you remove those items w/out breaking their plastic retainer ears. W/this engine's position to the front of the car - would the cam be able to come out thru the grille area, core support area w/out hitting any other body parts? If you cant w/out a shaddow of a doubt give a yes to those answers then you are probably better off just pulling the engine. I've done cam swaps w/engines in the car in other vehicles; but never a late model Camaro. Go to your local GM/Chevy dealer or your local speed shop that has their own garage; ask to speak to one of their engine line techs. They should be more than happy to answer your question. I've always had good luck talking to local shops if/when I didnt have an answer to an automotive queston. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
Am I Crazy: New but Quick Turbo/Supercharger Math?
Kevin Shasteen replied to Kevin Shasteen's topic in Turbo / Supercharger
BTW, X64v; thanks for the CFM chart for the I6 Datsun head. Zguy, Thanxs for sharing your hp equations; I am an equation junky! I too think the 60hp spread is too much and because of that have refined my approach to the performance engine parameters for a specific level of performance desired. Btw; I do have the normally aspirated hp thing down pretty tight. This is why I was kind've shocked when this 14.7 turbo/supercharger constant jumped out at me; as my exposure to turbo/superchargers is one dimensional (very little knowledge base). That is why I asked for your/others input - knowing there are some pretty smart cookies floating around on Hybridz. FWIW; one variable in helping me to quality the foundation of any performance engine is in qualifying the size (small, medium, large) of the cyilnder heads relative to the cylinder. Once that qualification has been made I can then factor in the relationship to the Combustion Chamber as this is relative to the DCR SCR relationship. I touched on this in an earlier post but didnt really give details, is to convert the Cylinder in the block to a cc measurement. Then take that number and divide it into the Cylinder Head's Intake Port cc. This gives a constant, a relationship if you will between the cylinder head and the the cylinder. Once you have done this a few dozen times you will see a pattern. This is basically the process I follow when analysing any build. You can then take that Cylinder Head/Cylinder constant and categorize it into a certain level of performance. This process works for all levels of performance regardless of pump gas or race gas. The problem I have w/this process is that very few engine build up spec sheets/dyno print outs, found in articles or how to books, hardly ever give the VE% column. I still agree w/you and understand the nuances of subtle modifications in the variables; such as suspension changes, ect. How I see any theoretical is that its purpose is not to give absolutes. Their purpose is to get the end user close to an objective. The equations given as examples were not my equations; they are equations that have been used for a few decades now. In understanding any theoretical, the end user must understand "the spread" will always be at a low, medium, to high potential for success. I would add to your posts that a rule of thumb when choosing to participate in any level of performance competition, regardless if it is full race, street/strip, or hot to mild street engines; is that a certain set of parameters will apply to each category of perfomance. For instance, the Do it yourselfer, will most often build a NA engine in the 1.00 to 1.35 hp/ci range, while most of the Do it youreslfer turbo/supercharger set ups will fall in the 1.35 to 1.65 hp/ci range. So, w/those parameters in mind, if you had access to a couple hundred, complete build spec/dyno sheets; you could evaluate the outcome and come up w/numerous patterns which would help those w/out experience when building their engines in the future. Talkking to a lot of enthusiasts, most dont understand how to qualify power output, much less that their car-engine belongs in a category all together; and when modified - will find itself in transitioning into another category; and so on, and so on. Attempting to transpose the equations, regardless of the variables, to any engine build has become a past time of mine in the past few years. As your vehicle (body, powertrain, suspension, steering, braking) takes on a progressive transition - it will eventually move from one category to another. From talking to many a performance enthusiasts, I have discovered that most enthusiasts doent understand that different levels of performance even exist. IMO, this is where the confusion, relative to understanding the performance engine, begins and ends. As far as the difference in the HP equations going on the low, medium, to high expectations I dont like a 60 hp spread either, but knowing that this is just an equation; I could accept it in the low high ball park spectrum. I dont really use these equations, I only pointed them out to make the point that they use a constant that was derived by empiracal means. I like my approach when it comes to normally apirated engines. Qualify the cyhlinder head to cylinder relationship, as this further qualifies the level of performance that engine will fall in. Once you have qualified that relationship; with that relationship so too will the DCR to SCR relationship and this will further point the end user in the right direction for an intake/exhaust set up. Thanks for the suggestions; this is what I was looking for, real input, real diablogue, along w/real progress. Even if the progress was to come to the conlusion that we dont know what the constant means. I would still like to get my hands on a hundred different non v8 turbo/superchager builds to see if the constant changes w/displacement; and if/why? Kevin, -
Am I Crazy: New but Quick Turbo/Supercharger Math?
Kevin Shasteen replied to Kevin Shasteen's topic in Turbo / Supercharger
Zguy, For starters, thanks for your input as I dont consider you or anyone else adding to the conversation as a naysayer - but, I'm not looking for the objectives you have posted as I am very familiar w/the obvious variables involved in engine modeling. As Z8 alluded to, I'm looking for the unknown answers that apparently none of us can offer. I have no problem admitting when I dont know something. that is why I posted this thread hoping to get addt'l input. W/out further data from non V8 tubo/supercharger spec sheets; we have to this point chalked the 14.7 constant up to being a coincidence. But, FWIW; 1) I'm not looking for respect. I'm looking for real responsive answers, not non-responsive answers. I dont care about respect as Math never cares about respect. All that we should care about is the issue at hand on a non bias approach. The question that this thread wanted is to identify, qualify, and offer a repeatable process in other and all turbo/supercharger builds relative to the constant being discussed. You and others are correct in that this constant, by itself is unexplainable. That is why I posted the thread. The fact that this constant by itself is "Not Understood" is why I posted the thread. 2) I didnt bring up the 1/4 mile formula to make the point as to what the equation is made up of. If you think the 1/4 mile formulas are made up of only scientific variables then you would be mistaken. I brought the 1/4 mile formula point up to address the fact that anyone can use those formulas wheather you have a car or dont have a car. The formula is theoretical if you dont have a car. If you dont have a car you can use that formula to obtain theoretical required hp of a theoretical car weighing [x] lbs reaching [x] mph consuming [x] amount of time through the traps. These theoretical #'s give the end user real #'s relative to a potential needed to reach a desired goal..., this is not a bad thing, this is a good thing! My quest to qualify hp in as many ways as I can goes straight to this point, the more data input you have (regardless if you understand it or not) regardless if you do or dont have an actual engine or car; the more data inputs you have the closer to your objective you will actually come w/minimal R&D and less wasted dollars once your project does actually begin. BUT, since you brought up that the 1/4 mile formulas being purely scientific; could you please tell me what the 5.825 and the 234 constants represent for determining: HP = ((Car Weight / (ET/5.825)^3) HP = (mph / 234)^3 x Car Weight Dont try figuring out the constants as I will save you the trouble. Patrick Hale invented these equations, or was the first to admit the equations existed to the public. He claimed the constants were determined from countless hours of empircal numbers crunching. Patrick Hale was not only a drag racer he was also an engineer and a computer programmer. So, if he can admit that the constants either dont mean anything scientific or, at this time are not understood; why cant other constants to other equations also be nothing else than a constant complimenting other real scientific data points? I am personally thankful to Patrick Hale who "fudged" his numbers to give the world the 1/4 mile equations. Another example of "fudged" constants is the overall gearing ratio equation using 335 for a manual trans and 340 for an automatic trans. That equation is: Automatic Trans Overal Gearing Ratio = ((Tire Diameter / 340) x (RPM / MPH)) Manual Trans Overal Gearing Ratio = ((Tire Diameter / 335) x (RPM / MPH)) Larry Shepard created this equation and also admitted that he underwent countless hours of numbers crunching to empirically come up w/the 335 and 340 constants. When a post implies that this thread's constant isnt understood or cant be qualified in itself is not an answer; it is a non-resposive answer. I know the negatives and am not looking for negatives. I am looking for real responsive input. Somtimes science drives the issue and sometimes the little guy working out of their garage or kitchen table drives the issue. The purpose of this thread initially wasnt to disprove or prove the constant. The purpose of this thread was to obtain: a) Why the constant exists What the constant represents In that quest if (apparently none of us can) give real answers to those two issues, then I guess it is implied that the constant is nothing more than a coincidence...until proven otherwise. 3) An idea isnt about posturing one's self to rain on someone's parade. But that is ok as I have a very heavy duty rain coat complimenting my very heavy duty umbrella.., rain away; all that I ask for this thread or any thread is to not posture negatively w/non responsive answers but to try to positively add to the issue at hand. If I (we) dont have a real answer then I (we) need to admit. "I (we) dont know". I dont know what this constant really means; again that is why I posted the thread. 4) Your point that this constant only fits a small set of variables is a good point. For you to say it has no merit is again negative. If I, or anyone, is building an engine w/those small set of paramters; then this constant is a very applicable one w/relative merit. 5) You just made my point for qualifying parameters w/in a specific operating range. If you are using point#5 as an argument to NOT qualify parameters, then there never would be any development of any kind. In order to "develop" someone has to alter the already accepted knowns; otherwise you have zero development. At this point in time w/out any other input, I can accept the fact that this constant does only work for a small set of parameters and w/out further input have accepted the constant as a coincidence. I'm still not going to give up on it; as I will be trying to obtain input from the non V8 turbo/supercharged build spec sheets as those articles present themselves. Thanks for everyone's input. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner) -
Am I Crazy: New but Quick Turbo/Supercharger Math?
Kevin Shasteen replied to Kevin Shasteen's topic in Turbo / Supercharger
Zguy, For starters, thanks for your input as I dont consider you or anyone else adding to the conversation as a naysayer - but, I'm not looking for the objectives you have posted as I am very familiar w/the obvious variables involved in engine modeling. As Z8 alluded to, I'm looking for the unknown answers that apparently none of us can offer. I have no problem admitting when I dont know something. that is why I posted this thread hoping to get addt'l input. W/out further data from non V8 tubo/supercharger spec sheets; we have to this point chalked the 14.7 constant up to being a coincidence. But, FWIW; 1) I'm not looking for respect. I'm looking for real responsive answers, not non-responsive answers. I dont care about respect as Math never cares about respect. All that we should care about is the issue at hand on a non bias approach. The question that this thread wanted is to identify, qualify, and offer a repeatable process in other and all turbo/supercharger builds relative to the constant being discussed. You and others are correct in that this constant, by itself is unexplainable. That is why I posted the thread. The fact that this constant by itself is "Not Understood" is why I posted the thread. 2) I didnt bring up the 1/4 mile formula to make the point as to what the equation is made up of. If you think the 1/4 mile formulas are made up of only scientific variables then you would be mistaken. I brought the 1/4 mile formula point up to address the fact that anyone can use those formulas wheather you have a car or dont have a car. The formula is theoretical if you dont have a car. If you dont have a car you can use that formula to obtain theoretical required hp of a theoretical car weighing [x] lbs reaching [x] mph consuming [x] amount of time through the traps. These theoretical #'s give the end user real #'s relative to a potential needed to reach a desired goal..., this is not a bad thing, this is a good thing! My quest to qualify hp in as many ways as I can goes straight to this point, the more data input you have (regardless if you understand it or not) regardless if you do or dont have an actual engine or car; the more data inputs you have the closer to your objective you will actually come w/minimal R&D and less wasted dollars once your project does actually begin. BUT, since you brought up that the 1/4 mile formulas being purely scientific; could you please tell me what the 5.825 and the 234 constants represent for determining: HP = ((Car Weight / (ET/5.825)^3) HP = (mph / 234)^3 x Car Weight Dont try figuring out the constants as I will save you the trouble. Patrick Hale invented these equations, or was the first to admit the equations existed to the public. He claimed the constants were determined from countless hours of empircal numbers crunching. Patrick Hale was not only a drag racer he was also an engineer and a computer programmer. So, if he can admit that the constants either dont mean anything scientific or, at this time are not understood; why cant other constants to other equations also be nothing else than a constant complimenting other real scientific data points? I am personally thankful to Patrick Hale who "fudged" his numbers to give the world the 1/4 mile equations. Another example of "fudged" constants is the overall gearing ratio equation using 335 for a manual trans and 340 for an automatic trans. That equation is: Automatic Trans Overal Gearing Ratio = ((Tire Diameter / 340) x (RPM / MPH)) Manual Trans Overal Gearing Ratio = ((Tire Diameter / 335) x (RPM / MPH)) Larry Shepard created this equation and also admitted that he underwent countless hours of numbers crunching to empirically come up w/the 335 and 340 constants. When a post implies that this thread's constant isnt understood or cant be qualified in itself is not an answer; it is a non-resposive answer. I know the negatives and am not looking for negatives. I am looking for real responsive input. Somtimes science drives the issue and sometimes the little guy working out of their garage or kitchen table drives the issue. The purpose of this thread initially wasnt to disprove or prove the constant. The purpose of this thread was to obtain: a) Why the constant exists What the constant represents In that quest if (apparently none of us can) give real answers to those two issues, then I guess it is implied that the constant is nothing more than a coincidence...until proven otherwise. 3) An idea isnt about posturing one's self to rain on someone's parade. But that is ok as I have a very heavy duty rain coat complimenting my very heavy duty umbrella.., rain away; all that I ask for this thread or any thread is to not posture negatively w/non responsive answers but to try to positively add to the issue at hand. If I (we) dont have a real answer then I (we) need to admit. "I (we) dont know". I dont know what this constant really means; again that is why I posted the thread. 4) Your point that this constant only fits a small set of variables is a good point. For you to say it has no merit is again negative. If I, or anyone, is building an engine w/those small set of paramters; then this constant is a very applicable one w/relative merit. 5) You just made my point for qualifying parameters w/in a specific operating range. If you are using point#5 as an argument to NOT qualify parameters, then there never would be any development of any kind. In order to "develop" someone has to alter the already accepted knowns; otherwise you have zero development. At this point in time w/out any other input, I can accept the fact that this constant does only work for a small set of parameters and w/out further input have accepted the constant as a coincidence. I'm still not going to give up on it; as I will be trying to obtain input from the non V8 turbo/supercharged build spec sheets as those articles present themselves. Thanks for everyone's input. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner) -
Terry, I believe you made the right choice on your heads and will be very pleased. I know you like the high rpm rev'g engine - so more curiosity; what cam profile did you choose and which SCR did you decide on? Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
Am I Crazy: New but Quick Turbo/Supercharger Math?
Kevin Shasteen replied to Kevin Shasteen's topic in Turbo / Supercharger
A few years ago I made my own Tq/Hp loss due to Aero Drag Calculator and Turbo calculator. With your gearing and the assumed .45 to .49 Cg and 7psi boost; I think your engine was putting out more than 180 hp. My Aero Drag calc does not take turbo/supercharged psi into consideration as it merely takes the Cg, Frontal Area, Gearing, HP, Tires, MPH into consideration but the Turbo Calc obviously takes boost into consideration. The Aero Drag calculator indicates 180 hp at that rpm w/your gearing would be experiencing a -3 to -17hp depending on which Cg of .45 or Cg of .49 you went with. My Turbo Calc uses Corky Bells calculations from his book. His assumption of a low to high hp puts your engine in the 165 - 245 hp range. Since you said you had a little more throttle left at 141 mph, I'm betting your engine was in the 200 hp to 200+ range. I'm betting your engine was making more than you thought it was. When you hit the 141 mph mark did it feel like you could've grabbed 5th w/out loosing speed (or did you have a few other things to worry about - like staying on the road)? Did the engine feel like it had a little more to offer? Its late, I gotta get some sleep. Talk to ya in the morning. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner) -
Terry, Thanks for the post. Which cylinder heads did you decide to go w/for your stroker? Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
Am I Crazy: New but Quick Turbo/Supercharger Math?
Kevin Shasteen replied to Kevin Shasteen's topic in Turbo / Supercharger
What trans, differential gears, and tire size were you using at that time? Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner) -
Am I Crazy: New but Quick Turbo/Supercharger Math?
Kevin Shasteen replied to Kevin Shasteen's topic in Turbo / Supercharger
Its okay to be critical. I am probably the biggest critic of myself. My agenda? About 7 years ago I began researching the engine behavior to an nth degree. Since then, crunching #'s to identify patterns has become a past time for me if/when I have the time. When you have crunched as many numbers as I have (I dont like the way that sounds because it sounds haughty - and I'm not haughty in any way), you will actually begin to see patterns. I have played w/the turbo math and like the idea of turbocharging an engine - yet have never had the time to actually turbo an engine. All my hot rodding was years ago w/the muscle cars; normally aspirated at that. When I saw the coincidence, as you put it, while crunching #'s, it kind've took me by surprise. Knowing that any IC engine is an air pump and that all components that when factored into the next component it interacts with will create a ratio or create a value, which ever vernacular you prefer; and that this value can then be quantified to determine components as mild, moderate, or maximum..., then regardless of displacement the coincidence should surface on any turbo/supercharge engine. If one accepts the assumption that any engine is prepped or optimized for street/strip use; then the only caveat to this coicidence would be in not knowing VE% and not knowing if/how much the constant (the 14.7 coincidence) changes w/variances in displacements. What I wanted to see, if possible, was any turbo/supercharger spec build to find any meaning at all to this concidence. What am I trying to accomplish? Nothing, maybe nothing more than passing time! BTW, this process (not including turbo/supercharged engines) works very well for the normally aspirated engines running in the 1.00 to 1.35 hp per cubic inches regardless of displacement. Once you get beyond the 1.35 normally aspirated hp per cubic inch, there is more going on than just airflow; which comprimises the close tolerance the cfm hp formula brings to the table. Crunching #'s of any engine build article is kind've a facination of mine. I like to attempt to prove to anyone willing to listen that engine performance is mostly predictable; if you understand how to qualify the variables involved. I was not looking for this coincidence when I came across it. This coincidence that this thread concentrated on was nothing more than a numbers crunching accident that took me by surprise; and I wanted others to offer their input before I moved on. It appears the data on the turbo/supercharged non v8 engines are not as easily obtained as v8 performance is. With that in mind - apparently this thread has run its course. Unless someone has something else to add I think we have beat this dead horse as much as we can. Thanks for humoring me everbody. x64v, Does anyone have a cfm chart for the Datsun I6 cylinder heads? I have searched the net over and can not find them for the life of me. You would've thought someone by now would have posted a cfm chart for these engines. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner) -
Am I Crazy: New but Quick Turbo/Supercharger Math?
Kevin Shasteen replied to Kevin Shasteen's topic in Turbo / Supercharger
x64v, how did you go about guessing at the hp of your turbo L24? Why do I need the cfm chart? My need for the cfm chart is the same reason any pro engine builder will utilize the cfm chart. Engine builders will use that data to prove their required paratmeters [on paper] before they build that engine. I always like to ge a cfm head chart of any engine build as it futher proves the cfm hp formula does work (not including this anomaly), in the real world if you know how to use it. This process takes the full cam lift x rocker ratio to obtian full valve lift. With that full valve lift the process then deducts .125" to .150" from the full valve lift; and whatever that value is - we can then go to the cfm chart and obtain the cfm required (according to the cfm hp formula) to determine what the theoretical cfm is required to obtain that hp output. For turbo/supercharger engines the full valve lift minus .100". The cfm to full valve lift minus the appropriate .125" to .150" for normally aspirated engines to .100" for turbo/supercharger engins is the cornerstone of the process. That is why I need the cfm charts for any cylinder head as well as the cam profile specs; as those two are interacting. I know this anomaly/coincedence (whatever you want to call it) has no real sicence to it (as we know at this time) I just find it interesting. You gotta admit it raises an eye brow! Believe me, I am very methodical when I examine an engine build. I understand the pressure ratio math. I still find this anomaly interesting and when I come across something that has repeatable resultes (even if it only occurs on v8's at this time), my mind does not let it go until I am satisfied that I have approached the oddity from every possible angle. I would really like to get as many non v8 turbo/supercharger engine build articles, in my hands, to analyse as possible. I've tried reading the non American V8 engine mags for data but they never give parameters for their cylinder heads and rarely will they give all the spec's for their cams they use; I have a good idea of what their cam specs are. I would really like to know their cylinder head parameters. BTW: since the VW issue came up, I bought a Performance VW book in the early 90's where KRE was claiming type 1 VW engines putting out an easy 250+ hp engines w/a turbo on mild boost, 400+ hp on that same engine w/more boost. In that same book at that time KRE had a methonal burning type 1 VW enigne putting out 600+hp using a turbo. Kre says prior to the 70's you were lucky to get max 180hp. With the advent of cylinder head tech the 180 hp engine is an easy one. Of course they never gave a dnyo in the older book, never gave a cfm chart for their cyl heads: they did give cam specs for the 250 and 400 engines. KRE since then has been know for 1000+ hp for full race type 1 VW engines. Can anyone point me in the right direction for turbo/supercharger articles that offer as complete as possible data regarding engine parameters for a non V8 engine? Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner) -
Am I Crazy: New but Quick Turbo/Supercharger Math?
Kevin Shasteen replied to Kevin Shasteen's topic in Turbo / Supercharger
Z8, I would say yes, the articles anyone presents needs to be a turbo/supercharged engine for us to further prove/disprove this anomaly. Along the lines of x64v's following questions, I would more than welcome non V8 examples in an attempt to see if the 14.7 constant changes w/engine displacement. I wouldnt say horrible assumption.., I would say "Not yet qualified" assumption. Hence the purpose for this thread. I would agree w/you in that the only articles I have are from American V8's; as the European crowd is horrible in not giving complete parameters in their magazines and they, the Euro mfg's seem to be leading the way in regards to turbo engines; yet if they are leading the way then why are they so non-revealing when it comes to their engine paramters in their performance mags. That is one element I really appreciate about the American magazines - they are about the most complete articles of all others. In an attempt to qualify the anomaly's process relative to your VW and L24 engines; my first question would be: 1) What does the cfm charts for both the L24 head indicate and What does the cfm chart for the VW head indicate 2) Secondly, if you were going to use a turbo on the L24 or the VW; then you would want to utilize a cam lift whose max lift was .100" higher than the cylinder heads cfm required to make that hp per the cfm hp equation. If someone can come up w/a cylinder head chart for the L24 or VW engine I believe this would be an excellant example to further qualify this anomaly. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner) -
Am I Crazy: New but Quick Turbo/Supercharger Math?
Kevin Shasteen replied to Kevin Shasteen's topic in Turbo / Supercharger
Z8, looking foward to your ideas. Thank you kinked chrome. I never even thought of it that way; but I do believe you have nailed it, which is why I posted the thread. If you get more brains attacking an idea it is merely a matter of time before someone comes up w/the solution. Why, try to get as close to a HP rating as possible? Have you not ever read an article where the authors of the article and the builders of that engine state before they put the engine on the dyno that said engine should make [x] amount of hp; and once the engine is put on the dyno they are w/in 10 to 30hp of their guestimate? I personally like the idea of knowing, within as close a proximation as possible, what an engine will make prior to that engine being put together. The purpose is to make sure I dont, and to make sure any other performance engine enthusiast doesnt, OVER BUILD/OVER CAM their engines. I ran into a guy (never met him before) who had built a twin turbo SBC engine. He had it entirely build, spent a lot of time and money; yet couldnt get one of the turbos to spool. He said the cam company couldnt give him any answers, his cylinder head company couldnt help him and none of his friends could help him. He told me his tt engine has been sitting now for about 6 months and he was thinking about pulling it and putting in a BBC. I asked him what his cam specs were and in two minutes I suggested his cam had to much overlap in it. He told me Comp Cams had sold him a cam according to his wishes. I told him I dont know what he asked Comp Cams for and I dont know what Cam they think they sold him - but, if his cam has as much overlap in it as he says it does....his cam is the problem. He told me that, if the cam were his problem, that I had solved his problem in two minutes that no one else has in the past 6 months. He had even called the turbo company and cam company multiple times trying to figure out why his one turbo would not spool up. He came by my work a few weeks ago and told me that Comp Cams had on their computer sold him a turbo cam, yet somehow someone had grabbed the wrong cam in the warehouse and sold him the wrong cam by mistake. Comp Cams gave him the right "Turbo Cam" with the correct overlap in it. Now he has a TT SBC that kicks but. Why couldnt anyone else help this guy? Why did it have to be me? I dont know - but I like the idea in knowning that my efforts helped some guy out there that was about to give up on his tt engine becuase of an accident at the cam company. Why do we spend so much time staring at our computers utilizing an engine simulator trying to decide which combination is best. Doesnt anyone realize that these simulators are based on equations? I like the idea of knowing what an engine will make before that engine is put together; that is just me and so when I read an mag that has a well written article in it - I buy that article and put it thru a lot of scrutiny in an attempt to further my understanding. This scrutiny adds to my past knowlege base. Anyway, that is why I go to such exstremes. This anomaly being discussed on this thread is identical to the 1/4 mile equations where if you have a time slip of any car going thru the 1/4 mile trap, you also will have the speed of the car, get the car weighed w/the driver in it and then you can solve for the amount of RWHP needed to make that 1/4 mile trip. With any equation you can transpose those variable if one variable is missing and all others obtained. With that 1/4 mile formula in mind - the end answer will give you RWHP. Then you can add the usual assumed 15% loss of power due to drivetrain inefficiencies to obtain FWHP. Now that you have the FWHP you pretty much know how your engine stands performance wise; yet this 1/4 mile formula in no way dictates which car should be used, it in no way dictates which engine/trans/cam/heads/suspension...or anything else should be used. If you didnt even have a car you could still utilize the 1/4 mile equations to know how much FWHP is needed to get a theoretical car down the 1/4 mile if you had car weight of [x] and wanted to go thru the traps at a speed of [x] you could determine how much FWHP is requred of your engine (you have not yet built) in order to perform at that level. So, if you dont have a car yet you can use the 1/4 mile formula: what good is it? By itself, nothing; yet it is good in giving the end user ideas of how to get close to their desired objective. From there good ole research and development takes over. I believe this anomaly - if it plays out falls into this same category. For those of you who think the numbers are fudged; I do have a process for normally aspirated engine analysis; and I can work it forwards or backwards depending on which variables are known or not known. You dont have to know everything in order to come up w/reall #'s. You need to know a lot, w/common sense; but the mfg's take care of most of the intangibles. I always try to concentrate on three relationships: 1) DCR to SCR relationship 2) Peak Power to Displacement relationship 3) Peak Power RPMs This is how I approach every well written performance article. The very first thing I do is determine the relationship between cylinder heads and the cylinder. This relationship gives me a constant that after you have done this a few hundred times you will begin to see patterns. The qualifier you will begin to identify by doing this will determine if the cyl.heads are mild, medium, or maximum for the level of performance you have chosen. The second thing I do is determine the overlap of the camshaft. Anyone who has been researching engines will recognize the cam overlap chart that has been around for years. This further indicates patterns; of which further allows the researcher to understand the category of performance that engine will fall. The third thing I do is locate a cylinder head CFM chart of the cylinder head(s) used in the article. Once I have that CFM chart I then determine what cfm is required to make the hp the dyno dictates. Again, after you have done this a few hundred times you will begin to see patterns and these patterns will allow you to know what an engine will put out before you actually ever look at the dyno. The one floating variable that can not be known is the volumetric efficiency of that engine. For most do it yourselfers, it can be assumed as most do it yourselfers build a normally aspirated engine in the 1.05 to 1.35 hp per cu.in. and in the 1.45 to 1.65hp per cu.in. for turbo/supercharged engines. Yet when a master engine builder puts together an engine and has utilized all of ther resources - the VE% can not be assumed as they know things you and I will never know. So, for the average engine build you and I read in any performance mag or how to build engine books, the pattern I have seen regarding the: CFM x .256 x #cyl's = HP formula, is this. For a [normally aspirated] engine you CAN NOT use the maximum valve lift number. You have to deduct .125" to .150" from the full valve lift number and take the CFM from the cylinder head chart that matches the full lift minus 125-150"; and input that valve into the hp formula. VE% not withstanding, you will be within 10 to 35hp of what your engine actually makes about 95% of the time. Other patterns I have noticed regarding the VE%, relative to the CFM x .256 x #cyl's = HP formula is this. If your normally aspirated engine is utilizing an 8.5:1 to 9.25:1 SCR, then you can assume an .85 VE%. If your normally aspirated engine is utilizing a 9.5:1 to 10.0:1 SCR then you can assume a .90 to .95 VE%. If your normally aspirated engine is utilizing a 10.5:1 to 11.0:1 SCR then you can safely assume a .95 to 1.00 VE%...., all this is assuming your cylinder head to cylinder relationship is proper (with all other components being properly fitted...even in the mag articles sometimes the components are mismatched) Vizard thru all of his books will say, "Providing the other components are properly matched"..., so if he can assume properly matched components - then so can we when making calc's for a paper engine not yet built. Regarding the turbo/supercharged engines, the valve lift per cfm chart number needed to get close to actual output is usually .100" less than full valve lift...but, my exposure to a turbo/supercharged engine is limited; which is again why I posted this thread. Other patterns I have notices is the DCR to SCR relationship regarding performance engines. This relationship further ties into the cam overlap to engine-car intent relationship, which further falls into the cylinder head to cylinder relationship. DCR will usually be in the 8.25:1 to 8.5:1 for engines utilizing an IVC of 55 to 65 degrees ABDC which allows somewhere in the 80% to 85% cylinder filling once that intake valve has closed. DCR will usually be in the 7.75:1 to 8.0:1 for engines utilizing an IVC in the 70 to 75 degrees ABDC which allows somewhere in the 70% to 75% cylinder filling once the intake valve has closed. DCR will usually be in the 7.25:1 to 7.5:1 for engines utilizing an IVC in the 75 to 80 degrees ABDC which allows somewhere in the 70% to 65% cylinder filling once that intake valve has closed. With this you can utilize the DCR to decide which optimum SCR is required to overcome the harmful side affects of the cam overlap being used. All this can be confirmed through the DCR^1.2 x Atmospheric Pressure = BMEP equation You can utilize this equation to confirm what cam IVC spec is required if you want a particular BMEP relative to Atmo your engine will be operating in. And if you know BMEP then you can further qualify things thru the, PLAN / 33,000 = HP, or the IMEP - FMEP = BMEP eqution. How many ways one decides to qualify hp depends on that persons personal understanding of hp. I have a process - many may not understand it, but I do have a process that works and is repeatable. If I ever run into a person who has desiged software for an engine simulator, my first question will be to have them show me how they have calculated IMEP. I know how to calculate BMEP and I can calculate FMEP..., but I can not seem to come up w/anyone who can show me how to calculate IMEP. The IMEP calc's are very proprietary. Again, how one decides to qualify HP depends on their personal understanding of hp. I believe I am well read on most subjects and I have built a number of engines in my past so I have experience in that dept as well. I would not call myself an expert as I am not an engineer nor do I have access to the indicators and propieriatry equations those engineers have access to; but I can hold my own .02c's worth when needed. The process is an equation that can be transposed, extrapolated, and done forward or in reverse; as long as you understand the equations. Again, thanks Kinked Chrome for your input. I think your comments are a bullzeye. This was an anomaly that by itself means nothing; but I still like it. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner) -
What aluminum heads on gen 1 sbc?
Kevin Shasteen replied to a topic in Gen I & II Chevy V8 Tech Board
I have to agree about the pictures thing, if you have them we need them; lots of them! Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner) -
I have to agree w/Paul. I like the idea of the LS BMW, even if it is for an M3. It is your car so do what you want w/it. BUT, since it is an M3, be sure and save all engine parts/attachments in case you wish to sell it one day. Hey, Michael. I also have been following Vorshlag for sometime now regarding their e36 LS kits. It is one of the reasons I have not really pursued my V8/Z. I keep going back/forth as my college car was a 240Z and I really like the original design of the Z so I cant really seem to let the Z go. With that in mind I have seriously been thinking about buying one of the e36's as they have become really affordable in the past few years; yet I dont really know anything about them. How dependable/temper-mental are they? I was thinking about buying one and driving it till it gave up the ghost then maybe do a swap as the budget allows. Vorshlag, claims their power to weight ratio is near 50/50. When Vorshlag first began the development of their kit there was some guy up north, Indiana or Iowa?, that had already done the swap in an e36 and the mid 90s 5 series. He was also planning on making a kit. I am sure most would go w/the 2doors, but I like the idea of a small 4 door and american v8 w/european styling with 50/50 power to weight bias. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
What aluminum heads on gen 1 sbc?
Kevin Shasteen replied to a topic in Gen I & II Chevy V8 Tech Board
Is your 4spd an automatic or standard trans? If standard, which one? If it is an automatic, which one? If flexability is a requirement then you need a broad torque curve. With an SCR of 9.0:1, I would keep your Aluminum Heads in the 185 cc and nothing bigger for the 350 displacement. Again, if flexibility (broad turque curve) is your desire; any cam in the 260 duration cam or a 270 duration cam. Either duration cam would need a 112 LSA and .450" to .475" will make for a very sensible well mannered street engine on 89 Octane pump gas. That is only around 36 degrees of overlap with the 260 cam and 46 degrees overlap w/the 270 cam; which is a very minimal amount of overlap as far as modern performance engines go. If you are stuck on the 9.0:1 SCR, the 260 cam would be best for lower octane pump fuel. If you want to use the 200 cc Darts then you will need to consider a higher SCR than 9.0:1 or volumetric efficiency will suffer. Can I ask why you have chosen 9.0:1 SCR? If you want a peppy street engine and plan on using aluminum heads, why not go a little higher to benefit from the aluminum; say in the 9.5:1. At the very least consider 9.25:1 SCR. As far as which heads to purchase, any of the top brands that jt1 listed should work fine. They are the brands that flow the best. If you want to know what your paper engine will put out simply read the articles grumpy posted and follow their instructions. With flexibility in mind; keep your engine components mild as well. You really cant go wrong w/any of the top brand aluminum 185 cc heads, the 260 duration cam w/112 LSA and .470" lift, if you are certain about keeping w/the 9.0:1 SCR, then these mild parameters should work great for you. Are you looking for a mild peppy street engine or are you looking for an H/O street/strip engine? Are you really wanting to rev to 6k and when you say "flexible", exactly how flexible are your wanting it to be? Do you want a choppy engine, are you wanting to run on lower octane fuel or are you planning on using higher pump gas 92 or 93 octane fuel? Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner) -
Am I Crazy: New but Quick Turbo/Supercharger Math?
Kevin Shasteen replied to Kevin Shasteen's topic in Turbo / Supercharger
Zguy, That is a good point about turbo sizing. My issue w/this anomaly isn't that it is to be an end all to any turbo/supercharger engine. It, the anomaly, is nothing more than an anomaly. How I see this anomaly is how I see any auto math equation, if said equation is by itself and not added to the entire picture then any auto math equation is by itself worthless. This anomaly, as I see it makes no promises other than..., it is there. It is a fact that it is there and I cant duck it; and so far no one else has given any real input other than: "There are too many variables to take this process for real" comments. I liken this anomaly to the same point as, let us say someone began bragging about the SCR of their engine they were going to build - but couldnt give any other details because they didnt know how to qualify those details. Any real engine analyst worth their salt knows that SCR by itself means nothing; so big deal. I understand that w/out further variables being added to the after thought of any paper engine's initial beginnings; it, by itself, means nothing. I am not trying to say to anyone that this anomaly replaces actual sound conclusions obtained thru facts. All, I am saying is "Here is an anomaly" and I find it interesting. I guess, that would be one quailification of this anomaly. 1) All other components being properly sized/selected..., then, and only then this anomaly (w/out any other input at this time) appears to have some interesting merit. I like your idea about manipulating one variable to confirm the equation; my only problem is I dont have access to a turbo/supercharged engine, additional components for swapping, and an engine dyno to prove it out. BTW; what numbers do you think were fudged, as I approached each example the same way? I like your post and it appears thought out, keep your insight and your ideas coming, please! Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner) -
Am I Crazy: New but Quick Turbo/Supercharger Math?
Kevin Shasteen replied to Kevin Shasteen's topic in Turbo / Supercharger
Thank you Z8, that is exactly what I am looking for. What we need from your articles are: 1) Engine Displacement (Bore x Stroke if offered) 2) Cylinder Heads (and their Intake Port cc's if offered) 3) Cam Profile (Lift, LSA, and Advertised Duration and the @ .050" if given 4) Also, I would like to know on the cam profile if it was a flat/roller, hydrualic/mechanical camshaft 5) The peak psi the Supercharged or Turbocharged engine created at peak hp rpm. Also, please note if the peak psi was pipe psi or carb/throttle body enclosure psi. 6) If the article gives a CFM flow chart of the cylinder heads being used, we will need that data as well Here is another example from this month's "Engine Masters" winter 2007 issue. The add on the front of the mag says 720hp but their dyno indicates 712hp. It is a modern 712hp 5.7 Hemi using a Paxton centrifugal supercharger at 10.4 psi at peak hp at 7000 rpms. The cam was a Comp Cam XFI 273 hyd.roller with 224/228 duration at .050" lift using a .547/.550" lift. This engine utilized new performance cylinder heads from Chrysler's own Mopar Performance Parts dept. They gave a CFM flow chart for these heads after the porting was completed. The chart is as follows: Lift"......Intake...Exhaust* .100.......64.........47 .200......134.......109 .300......210.......152 .400......266.......187 .500......300.......215 .600......320.......227 .700......321.......231 *Exh test w/a 1 7/8 inch flow tube With this in mind we can put the numbers into this process. 712hp - (10.4 x 14.7) = NA HP 712hp - 152.88 = NA HP 559.12 = NA HP CFM x .257 x 8 = 559.12 CFM x 2.057 = 559.12 CFM = 559.12 / 2.057 CFM = 271.9 So, if we have a cam whose lift is .550"; we can now deduct the usual .100" less lift, which according to the CFM airflow chart puts us at .450" lift flowing somewhere in the 270cfm to 280cfm. One more time this anomaly plays out. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner) -
Am I Crazy: New but Quick Turbo/Supercharger Math?
Kevin Shasteen replied to Kevin Shasteen's topic in Turbo / Supercharger
Forgive me for implying the 14.7 represents atmospheric pressure; maybe it does or maybe it doesnt. I am not saying that any of this makes sense. I am saying if you do the math you will see that the anomaly is there: what it means, I dont know as I came upon it by accident. I dont know if the 14.7 actually represents atmospheric pressure; I do know this constant multiplied by the amount of boost plus the amount of hp created by whatever the cylinder head valve lift cfm; equals the peak hp of that engine. Another example is from "Power & Performance" magazine's winter 2005 issue. It swapped cams in a Ford 4.6 DOHC engine and then installed a Kenne Bell supercharger running at 15psi. The engine produced 670hp at 6500rpms. The cams were 262 Duration, w/.425" lift and 112 LSA. That amounts to 38 degrees overlap. Putting these numbers thru this anomaly process we get: 670 - (15 x 14.7) = Normally Aspirated HP 670 - 220.5 = NA HP 449.5 = NA HP Take the NA HP and put it in the hp formula to obtain the required cfm flow at valve lift and you get: cfm x 2.056 = 449.5 cfm = 218.63 My problem on this one is I can only find a cfm flow chart for a Stage III 4.6 DOHC engine. I dont know what these heads flow from in stock form. The Stage III head flowed 300cfm at .400" lift and 255 at .300 lift. I dont think a 35 cfm increase from a stock head to a Stage III head is out of the question. So once again this anomaly plays out. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner) -
Am I Crazy: New but Quick Turbo/Supercharger Math?
Kevin Shasteen replied to Kevin Shasteen's topic in Turbo / Supercharger
I believe you are correct regarding what you have listed is the Pressure Ratio. That value is then used to calculate temperature rise prior to the intercooler having its affect. I'm not putting forth this anomaly to aid turbo trim or intercooler affect.., I'm not sure what its function could be other than it is there for us to build up or shoot down. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner) -
Am I Crazy: New but Quick Turbo/Supercharger Math?
Kevin Shasteen replied to Kevin Shasteen's topic in Turbo / Supercharger
Greg, Yes, to answer your question about it being a check point. This anomaly amounts to nothing more than a shoot from the hip check point. It is the same as using the hp formula: Valve Lift CFM x .257 x #cyl's = HP by itself and not taking into consideration SCR, DCR, Cam Profile, or Peak RPMs, and peak hp intensity. If you dont include all the variables available to us, a not yet built engine could care less about the hp formula...yet we all still use the formula anyway. So, using the hp formula w/out actually having an engine on hand does not mean we cant build that engine - it just a tool to help in choosing a cylinder head. When comparing this hp formula to the other needs in an engine we can then gain value from the hp formula. As I said in the post after you posted; it is nothing more than an anomaly. It is an iteresting anomaly - but does not represent the other real world variables that goes into a performance engine. Therefore, in order to acurately ustilise this anomaly, you really need to understand the remaining engine variables that make up performance. Besides that point, I would still like to obtain more supercharger/turbocharger articles that include all variables including a dyno to further prove or disprove this anomaly. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner) -
Am I Crazy: New but Quick Turbo/Supercharger Math?
Kevin Shasteen replied to Kevin Shasteen's topic in Turbo / Supercharger
x64v, you dont have to apologize - that is the scruitinay I am looking for. I know this is nothing more than an anomaly; it is definately an interesting one - but nothing more than an anomaly yet it is one I would like to see played out or put to rest. After looking at the few articles I have on hand, I would agree they are in the 450 to 650hp range; with the exception of one. The one exception was a 1030hp superchaged engine planned for the salt flats at 22psi boost with a 150 shot of nitrous. When I have a little more time I will get all those numbers and put them up here for everyone's scruitiny. It appears to me, the real variable is VE%. One article I have where David Vizard built an 8-71 Blown BBC 509 ran at 1.09 VE; and that caused this quirky anomaly of mine to be 4psi off. The article did admit they used a combination of high octane fuel w/pump gas.., dont know what effect that had. With that in mind, the other 4 or 5 articles I have fall right in line. Here is one example built by Corky Bell himself when he was promoting his TT SBF Cobra Kit. The article was written in the April 2006 Hot Rod magazine. The engine was a 385 using Canfield Heads. The article didnt say which cc head they used but I would venture a guess that it was their 192's. SCR was 8.5:1 and the tt set up only utilized 7.5 boost. Unfortunately, the article did not give the actual cam specs. Corky was quoted at stating the RWHP was 505. With those figures in mind we can take the RWHP and assume, yes I said assume again, a 15% hp loss between Flywheel and the rear wheels which would put the assumed FWHP at 594. That's 1.54 hp per cu.in. Following this anomaly's process presented in this thread we can then deduct the boost psi x 14.7 from the total HP, 594 - (14.7 x 7.5) = [x] 594 - 110.25 = [x] 483.75 Now take this 483.75 hp anomaly value...for the lack of a better word, and put it in the hp equation to obtain the required cfm that must flow through the cylinder heads. .257 x 8 x [x] = 483.75 Since our engine is a V8 we can simply divide the .257 x 8, which is 2.056 into the 483.75 for our cfm requirement. 483.75 / 2.056 = 235 cfm Interesting isnt it? The 192 Canfield heads flow 242 at .400" lift. Because this engine is only utilizing 7.5 boost; it is a pretty good assumption, again I am assuming, that the cam is also a mild cam probably in the .500" to 550" lift range with a 114 to 116 LSA and probably using a 260 to 270 duration. Oh, and this is one of the articles where an intercooler was used. I'll offer the other examples when I get a little more time. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner) -
Am I Crazy: New but Quick Turbo/Supercharger Math?
Kevin Shasteen replied to Kevin Shasteen's topic in Turbo / Supercharger
I'm well read on the Mechanical, Volumetric, and Thermal efficiencies of an engine. I wouldn't claim to be an expert but I would say I could listen and talk w/the experts and digest as well as add my .02c's worth. Let me add this; I didnt mean to imply that the math is correct in that it is literally representing functions w/in an engine at any time. Nor did I intend for this idea to be an absolute. What I meant to say is that I extrapolated a process, that worked on the few articles I have on hand, w/in the component parameters used in those articles. If this process plays out then it is more of an absolute than merely going by the .50% times boost psi process you hear everyone spouting. I would like all those who eat, sleep, drink, walk, and talk turbo/superchargers to cut this idea to shreads or to prove it out. I've only got 5 well written turbo/supercharger articles to view and that is why I'm running this by ya'll. Three of the articles were turbos and the other two were superchargers. If I remember correctly only two of the articles used intercoolers. The other articles ran the engine on an engine dyno. I'ld like all who are interested to check their articles and crunch the numbers or check your own engines, their parameters, providing you also have a dyno to prove the numbers. Assuming, yes I said assuming, that we all do the turbo trim calculations correctly, and we sized the supercharger selection correctly, then as far as my numbers for these articles have shown, will allow close proximation within 10 hp, of what that engine could produce. I guess what I will do is go grab those articles and give ya'll the data on this thread so you too can see how the "extrapolated" equation does seem to play out. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner) -
For beginners, I dont hang out in other BBs so I dont know if what I am about to say is new or old hat. BUTT, of all the magazine articles, and how to books I've read on turbo / supercharger engines I've not read anyone explain how they've come up w/the engine performance relative to the turbo/supercharger parameters utilized. What I always try to do when I get a hold of a well written engine performance article is try to extrapolate their data to an equation or process of some kind; whereas if I had not had access to the engine dyno at the end of that article - I could still predict w/in close tolerance what said engine output would be. Last night I think I had an interesting break thru regarding the turbo/supercharger engine potential that anyone can use to determine engine potential. This process isnt going to aid in turbo trim or supercharger selection as it only deals w/engine potential based on displacement, cylinder head CFM flow and Cam profile. The process doesnt address peak engine rpm; but only addresses peak power potential. I would like someone to either tell me I'm on to something, its already been done, or whatever. After I stumbled on to this process I went through all my magazine and how to book articles where turbo/supercharger write ups were done anywhere from 500hp engines up to 1200 hp engines and the process was w/in 10 hp each time; so here is the process - tell me what you think. The first thing I always do whenever I'm looking at a new performance article is to work the HP to Cylinder Head formula which is: CFM Cylinder Head Flow at Peak Valve Lift x # of Cyl's in Block x .257 = HP As you know this formula only addresses a Normally Aspirated engine and doesnt take into fact the affect a positively charged intake would have on engine output. So, other than going by Corky Bell who says in his books that engine output w/a turbo or supercharger will amplify performance anywhere from .052 to .077; how would you know what affect your Boost PSI will have? 1) Take the Boost PSI you plan on using and multiply it by 14.7; the 14.7 will represent the atmospheric pressure in your area - so use whatever pressure your environment represents, but you have to use the atmospheric value not the Barametric value most turbo/supercharger calculators use. Anyway, if you are going to use 6 Boost PSI then multiply the 6 x 14.7. If you are going to use 10 psi then multiply the 10 x 14.7. Whatever Boost PSI you are going to utilise; it needs to be multiplied by 14.7 2) Now take the CFM your Cylinder Head flows at Peak Valve Lift -.100"; why .100" less than peak lift. Because the valve doesnt stay at peak lift long enough to really use that value. I've noticed that the HP/CFM formula works w/turbo and superchaged engines if you use .80 of full valve lift and .70 of full valve lift on normally aspirated engines. So, .80 of full valve lift works out to be .100" valve lift while .70 of full vavle lift usually works out to be about .150" less that full valve lift. Anyway, HP/CFM value with the 14.7 x Boost PSI together and that will be your engine's peak HP potential w/in 10 hp. You can also work this process backwards. Say you wanted an engine w [x] hp and were going to use [x] Boost PSI. Simply deduct your desired peak hp from the Boost PSI x 14.7. Take this value and divide by the .257 x #of Cyl's in the HP/CFM formula which will give you the amount of CFM your cylinder head must flow at .100" valve lift less that peak valve lift. Is this making sense? Or, has someone been pumping funny gas in my house? Take a 350 V8 as an example, say it uses a .500 lift cam where at .400" valve lift the cylinder head flows 200 cfm, the HP formula would then look like: 200 x .257 x 8 = 411 hp Now, if we were desired a 575 hp engine we could deduct the 411 hp from the 575 hp, like so: 575 - 411 = 164 Then take this number and divide it by 14.7 to get the required Boost PSI, like so: 164 / 14.7 = 11.15 Boost PSI Is this process already known w/in the turbo/supercharger crowd or am I on to something. Let us take this same 350 V8 and let us say we wanted 650hp from it and were going to ust AFR heads and a cam whose profile had a peak valve lift of .600" lift; and the .500" lift flow value was at 250 cfm. 250 x .257 x 8 = 514 hp normally aspirated 650 - 514 = 136 136 / 14.7 = 9.2 Boost PSI required I would also assume this value is after the usual 2 psi lost due to port inefficiencies leading up to the throttle. Again this doesnt address turbo trim, maps, temp rise, density ratio's ect. required for turbo selection or supercharger selection, as it only addresses engine potential based on what the cylinder head flows relative to cam profile: and assumes an 8.5:1 SCR. Ya'll tell me what you think! Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)