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Posts posted by 240ZR

  1. Lol My new thing since i am i the military and rent cars ALOT now (my baby is in cali) is learning to get an automatic RWD car sideways......... so far, I've tried a GTO (no luck too much weight, and made a very ugly powerslide int he parking lot), 350Z needs to be a stick ebreaking and lack of power and drive line control make it impossible......



    So..... I'd like a list of cars you think are difrtable and are rentals.... I've been hunting the rental companies out here and i've found a FEW places that have sticks you can rent but they are hard to get.... i've got a Mustang lined up with hertz for next week...... and I am working on a Miata for sometime soon.....




    only a few more months untill I get the John C, make over and join the 35k+ into a 30 year old car club.....

  2. Karl1.jpgsaw a pic of a the concept 240z, and it has some NICE round Cobalt looking lights so, I was wondering anyone tried fabing some round lights on the rear of a 240????? Anyone know where i start with this kind of project? Can i just find some lights i like center and mount then get a shop to fab me a new rear panel to fit them?
  3. So tonight I joined the As Fast as my Datsun Knows it can go club.. Dose anyone here know how to mount those "car" VCRS and Camera sets? Dose it just run an inverter to the VCR or is there something more needed? a VCR cant be pulling that many amps.....anyone know of a decent kit?


    Want to see me Next time I get Pulled over?

    http://videos.streetfire.net/video/73EB764B-3592-4EFB-BDBF-A048836C75BD.htm well not really but i feel like it.....



    So tonight After a going to my girls house and and watching gone in 60 seconds, I was feeling invincible and wanted to see How fast I could take the Z..... Merged on to the 118 in Simi at Madera, its a pretty long flat stretch from Madera to Khuener (maybe 5 miles or so) so I figured All or nothing lets try it, by the time I was off the ramp i was at 65 and climbing fast, so i just leaned into it, and then freeway markers just disappeared I was on it for a good 30 seconds before I did it... I "pinned the Needle" 160MPH...... let me say this 0-65 is a normal 66-100 is very noticable 101-130 starts to get scary, 130-160+ Pure Velvet... the car was smoother then i expected only problem was that whine in the rear sounds pretty bad getting up there, but once I hit it it felt solid....


    I had to back off quickly and slow way down b/c i saw traffic ahead and my off-ramp was coming, as well i did NOT feel like dodging and weaving or coming to my ramp at 160mph... I can say this coming up on a car doing 75-80 when your are doing double that WOW it comes FAST a lot faster then i expected....... and after all this I think I have realized that I need to keep it on the track and get a DD...

  4. Congrats, you better give me some god damn fire-support....


    got a 99 and i joined...

    I am shooting to go WOC next year with one of the programs the army has and fly whirlybirds.... we will see... i doubt it... but then again i have wanted to fly helocopters since i was 10.... anyone remember gunship2000 >_>


    Dont worry about security I just passed and well... lets just say i've already had a NJP and an dishonnerable....... and i still passed clearance.... just 2 things... DONT HIDE ANYTHING AND DONT LIE ABOUT IT B/C they WILL FIND OUT... i remember a while ago some pilot got **** canned for having lazic and had to repay all his flight status pay for the last 8 years or something crazy

  5. a common problem I BELIVE... You need to a) look into getting a new fuel sending unit looks liek you car sat for some time and gumed it up, B) Run it dry once and mark how many miles you are able to take it on a full tank, then fill up 50 mile befor that, c) try those fancy engine deguming agents, someone on z31 had a similar problem filled tank with doubble the deguming agent recomened let it sit for a week and it fixed it (might be back for engine tho?)

  6. If you want More info talk to the guys do do Pikes peak...... I think you loose something insane like 50% your horse on the way up..... regardless of NA/SC/Turbo and tuning.. at least that's what i remember from watching the old pikes peak rallies that's part of the reason all the pikes peak cars run insane HP set ups.. b/c they know over halves that power is gone by the time you hit to top.... I forget what pikes peak car it was now bit it was an AWD beast with 700 horse and weighed like 1900 lbs

  7. B/c I know when i cop sees/hears my Z he is thinking OMG this guy is in a sports lets give him a ticket RIGHT NOW.... >_>


    when i had my z31 one i ran to the bank to deposit my pay check, someone backed up into me and cracked my rear taillights pretty bad... on the way home (less then 3 miles) i was pulled over for haing no tail lights..... Now on the other hand i drove a sad volvo 240dl for YEARS as a junkyard car, did a 50 mile drive every other day in it drive with out taillights On the right side, back up lights or left head light for nearly a year and ONLY got pulled over once........

  8. Mount the Jammer up front in the grill and be shooting cancer at people infront of me.. aslo i dont belive its a fedral crime...... hell you know that those door openers are stores use radar.... atleast i think i rember my old anarchists cookbook telling me that was a palce to get a redar detector for free >_>


    And Yes Mr. Maudlin I pay attention I am nto fearful of cops that are dirving in traffic.. and catching up to me.. I am pretty observant in the car... its the bike cops that hide or the other cops that set up speed traps that get me... or my all my tickets since 16 where mostly bike cops hiding or not in plain view.. like parked in a sidestreet or alley....

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