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Posts posted by ZT-R

  1. I have the Mckinney pan but with external pickup. Its very nice quality except they didn't deck the flange after they welded it. I had like a 1/4 gap which probably would be fine with a lot of "the right stuff" but i had it milled down flat anyway. I would highly recommend it. if your tracking a lot i would look into an accusump and i would also put an alarm on your oil pressure gauge. Not a lot you can do without opening the motor up. also probably put an extra quart in at the track.

  2. Its not that big of a deal to put a nice pan and pickup on your car but there is so much Hype on the RB motors. Other than the sound thats about the only good thing about them. I think what your looking for a 2j would be better for you. that extra .4 litre is a lot. I went from a rb26 to a 30 and its a huge difference in torque. Granted i never get to drive it cause its always broke. RB= waste of money compared to the 2j. The way you use your car i would say go for that. Be careful with the thin head gasket depended on your pistons. Watch your quench zone clearance. 

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