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Everything posted by Hoover

  1. A distant friend of mine gave me a call today. He said, "I've got something for you." When he handed me this poster with Mr. K's autograph, I nearly fell on my aXX. He told me that his x-girlfriends father worked at a Nissan Dealership where Mr. K visited and he had him sign the poster. He's kept it in storage for many years and when he found out I was working on my Z cars again, he went to his storage and fished it out. I asked him if I could buy it, and he said, "it's not for sale. It's a gift for someone that can appreciate it, so please keep it." Wow, just wow!!!!! All in all, I was having a really horrible day/week...... This doesn't make it all go away, but I'm very grateful!!!!
  2. i had NO idea the price of a Z car, especially the 240z...... it's like a good stock!!!
  3. Spent some time reading on the newer upgrades and this will save a ton of time and money...... thank god for all you people that have kept the R&D going!!!!!
  4. Thanks so much!!!! I can only imagine all the advances the past 10 years. Lucky, I'm not racing this car and will probably refresh both of them and leave them to my kids when I'm long gone:( For now, I'll rush to get one of them up and running and driving on the road within a month....I hope!
  5. what a long day..........had to work and make sure the company runs........ but excited to get things going!!!! will spend the evening reading.... My friend, Andy Craig, National Auto-x/Road Race Champion in a Z car, came by today and will probably help me work on the Z car. He's done a bunch of v8 conversions, but since my car is more of a street driver, we'll still set it up the best we can....
  6. well.....here's the car I was referred to- rust....i'll pass..
  7. first two boxes arrived from Motorsport.... also opened an account with Raw Brokerage (rb26dett parts) this morning and received a quote for all the parts for an RB26dett future project. I decided to see the Z that I was referred to at 4:00. I have no idea why I'm doing this, but it doesn't hurt to look.....I hope it's beyond repair for my sake....
  8. spent the morning looking around the parts shelves and found: rb26dett to 240z oil pan, rb25det 5spd., rb25det driveshaft, r200 diff.(don't know if it's limited slip or gear ratio)..... I know at some point, I purchased a billet engine mount for the conversion, but lost that as well.... but, found a glove box door, so I guess that makes up for it.... going to spend some time on the RB area as well and purchase the engine mount kit as well....
  9. Hey Folks, I may either buy another Z car this weekend, or use one I have in storage for this swap. Which engine/trans. mount kit are you guys using for 240z? thanks, Hoover
  10. I think it's a cassette. I don't think my son knows what driving around in a Z is like. He's used to my bmw and armada where things are kinda cushy. Little surprise coming up for him when he can't hear the music through the loud exhaust and that wonderful smell of exhaust fumes will make him think something is wrong with the car.....good times, here we come......
  11. Tony, that is hilarious!!!! I keep thinking I'm young and something keeps telling me to be in the car business, go to the track, get on the dyno, weld some parts etc...... I don't know how to grow up. Oddly, a neighbor in one of the buildings next to my shop saw us fiddling with the Z car in the parking lot. He told me that his friend has one sitting in a backyard doing nothing......SO, I'm about to go look at it a trailer it back to my shop! WHY!!!!????? What the hell is wrong with me??? I have enough going on and just don't need another project.....or do I?! Spent all day pricing an rb conversion and may use it to prototype....YES, I have issues!!!!! Tony, when we going to grub! Maybe I'll come down to the Z car convention. I'm sure Motorsport would be happy to meet the guy that orders every single day for about the next month!!!!! LOL!!!!!
  12. Working on our own front brake upgrade using AP caliper....12.9" rotor should work.
  13. i was thinking of building a front caliper option out of some GTR brakes, would be a good restomod. and brand correct too! Even on the used market, they are very expensive. I'm going with AP Racing instead and hopefully a 13" rotor will fit under the 17" wheels....
  14. I always wonder if I should have continued with Z/Nissan cars, maybe I would have been more established with that brand today- no regrets, however. I know a lot more today and still learning. Moving foward- I'm considering installing an RB single turbo to the Red Z and doing a full in/out paint job. It's already stripped down. Time....if only I had more time....Money....if I only won the Lotto!!!!! Man, it's been a life time and I think I have enough energy to do it one more time......
  15. Hi Dan, Thanks!!! Next week, we're working on the HVR all week and for the remainder of March, then the race car is off to the track for testing. I own 4 Nobles- two of them are full-out race cars. We did podium at the SCCA National Runoff's in Gt-1 class last year. An experience and expense that I will NEVER forget! Now I'm broke, but still having fun! Let me know if you are interested in a Noble. I know everything about those cars and I mean everything! Here's my Noble Race Car-
  16. JSM, When I saw the tape deck, I just started cracking up! I haven't seen one in lord knows how many years. Losing the tech3r really set the pace. I know I sent it back to the shop I bought it from since it failed on me and I removed it from the car before going to storage, but he has no recollection of it- my fault in any case- Life happens and I pay the price for not being organized.
  17. This z is a street car. At one point the lady wanted to make big power but no rollcage. I added the reinforced frame rails, and sheet metal under the dynamat and seat mount area...
  18. this is very inexpensive- i paid with discount 1500.00 for the tech3 gt yesterday. for 2000.00 more I could have a plug & pay for rb. it just seems my Datsun career has had three life times- 1.Teenager 2. My first real turbo engine, which took 6 years at a shop and I ended up getting married and kids during that time. 3. Storage for 11-16 years. Now here I am today...LOT older and maybe coming full circle.....??? You'd think I'd have one running by now....but I don't...I hope this time it works; atleast one of them!
  19. not sure how far I want to get into this- already spent a mint for parts in two days. the engine bay paint is ok, but just ok. no rust or anything and it's all there, just not bright as I'd like. These projects can and will get totally out of hand, so I'll just live with it. The red Z i may not have a choice.....uhhhggggg.....maybe I should have left them.....
  20. Thanks, Tim! About 10 years ago, I started working on component vehicles to this very day. I thought I'd give it a try and design my own brand. The entire exterior body weighs 58lbs. mid-engine v8, porsche transaxle and full Trans Am level competition chassis. My street car won't have the door bars and more plush interior of course.
  21. OK......question folks- I was looking around for unobtanium Z parts on Ebay- Man, the OEM parts are either impossible to get or uber expensive. BUT, the aftermarket parts are relatively inexpensive, IMO. What's with all the rb26dett conversion kits for sale? How much is an RB26dett nowadays? I still have all the stuff that James sold me years ago: oil pan, rb25 transmission, engine mounts etc..... Does anyone make a wiring harness to a stand-a-lone ecu? I'd build more Z's, but don't want to get into all the R&D.
  22. The more I look at the interior, the older I feel- there's a tape deck and my younger son doesn't know what that is and I don't even have any. My son plugs in my iphone to the truck every morning to listen to music on the way to school. Now I have to install something that has the input for iphone etc... more work..... wish I lost the tape deck instead of the tech3r!!!!!!
  23. Hi Tim, Thanks for remembering me, it's been a while! How are you? James has told me that you've made some really big power out of the l28 turbo beast! I mainly use social media and not often the website- turbohoses.com. there's a bunch of links to all else we do here. thanks, Hoover
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