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3-D Printing Machine???


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My gawd does EVERYBODY get the same e-mail all at once? :huh:

I had to have deleted the link to this 50 times in the past week.


Now, here, with the EXACT same title tagline "this is amazing!!"



Some of you guys got to get out more! Seriously! :D

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Yeah, it's kinda neat Rapid Prototyping. But this video has been floating around seemingly forever.

Cool the first time but 'amazing' may be a bit of over-egging the pudding. There are paper cutters that make up foam cores for cast blocks, etc. Those are neat as well, since you can have them cut paper and if you stack it you basically have a paper engine block sitting in a pile on your desk.


Cool, that...


But 'amazing'? <_<

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I was going to say 'ceramic' but plaster makes more sense. Thanks Derek! I didn't want to say anything cause I wasn't sure on the composition.


Hey, maybe they can do your horny conversion parts now... :P

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  • 2 years later...

Yep, Back from the Dead. But this thread is still on Topic.  A lot of advances in 3D printing have come about.  Obviously the high dollar machines like the Zcorp machines are able to do a nice job printing. But it's worth mentioning that Smaller hobby level printers are able to do quite a lot of work for VERY cheap.  a Prusa i3 RePRap cost about $300 bucks to build and then you can create your own parts in plastic for about .10 cents a cubic cm.   There are obvious constraints to size but  the  machines are getting better everyday.  I've begun recreating different small Z parts already on my printer, such as the 240Z horn mount ring, which are near impossible to find, but that I can now print out for a low price. I've also recreated a few other parts and would be hapy to  create more if someone had a need. Just let me know.

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