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Keep & Complete, Sell Project, or Complete and Sell?

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Hey Folks,


As you can see by my last post and activity on the board life keeps getting in the way of my Datsun project. Since I purchased it i've done a lot of work and honestly it's not too far from being completed (if there is such a thing with any project!). I've got my hands full with a new job and two little kids and I need some opinions on what to do.


I'm leaning towards selling since I can't drag the family around in it and I know I can always pick one up later when I can put some more time into it & enjoy it. Right now it has become a source of stress...... just sitting in the garage in pieces with no plan for the future.


First a brief description of how the car sits.


73 240z, Signal Red, early bumpers, 280z vented hood,


Body and paint has been completed. New carpet, new weather stripping, Corbeau seats, harnesses, roll bar, tokico adjustables, MSA springs & sway bars, poly bushings in front (have the rear but not installed), new ball joints, bearings, rotors, pads, & 4 piston calipers up front, MSA air dam, grant wheel, aluminum radiator. Not installed but in my possession is a low mile rebuilt 2.8 turbo engine with a t3/t4, sds management, newer clutch & 5 speed, exhaust, intercooler with polished aluminum piping, BOV, new fuel pump, fuel lines, etc.


So here are my thoughts;



1.Hang on to it and finish when I can. Honestly with the job situation and until my kids get a little older I don't see this happening very soon. It is in the garage so it's not degrading with time, it just wears on me as it sits.


2. Post it up for sale as a project. I know when I was looking for a project I would purchase it but not everyone is like me! I suppose I could part it out and potentially get a reasonable amount of money that way too.


3. Get 'er running & driving and decide to sell or keep then. Problem is again- time to work on it.



So- let your opinions rip. I appreciate the advice of my fellow Z addicts!





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My opinion and vote goes for hanging in there and riding out the rough times now. With all that you have mentioned, it would seem to be in the final stages that one big push to make enough momentum to keep you stoked on the project. You have come this far, why not at least get that chance to grin from ear to ear while chirping wheels into 2nd. I find a lot of similarities (minus the kids aspect) with my situation and am just pushing on through with the project no matter how long it takes(three years + now). I feel as if I have invested so much time, money and blood sweat & tears into this that I just could not wash my hands of it at this point. All that plus I just plain love everything about the s30, it's such an iconic and classic sports car and looks fast, and curvacious just sitting still. Stick it out, complete it and enjoy, or sell and experience sellers remorse shortly after. Maybe you could plan out a week of work off or extended weekends here and there to make some head way and keep the passion alive. Just throwing out my thoughts....

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Kids require your time, and are magnitudes more important than the car. Put your time where it's needed. A project car is not a need.


I say sell it if it's competing for time, and don't regret it!


The other option is to keep it as a father-child project when the kids are ready, or just chill and store it for when you do have spare time to slowly work on it. Whatever you do, don't let a pile o rust car get in between you and your family. If you can balance your time, keep it, otherwise sell it and focus on what's more important.

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I agree with rejracer. I find that, usually, if I ask myself a question like this, I already know the answer. If you think you should sell it, you probably should.


On the other hand, you aren't going to get the time and money that you put in back. If you don't need the money, or the space, why not hang on to her? I know when I feel discouraged at the lack of progress on a project, be it car or woodworking related, I just make a resolution to do something small every day. Clean an interior part, torque something down, etc. Even 5 or 10 minutes a day can add up to accomplishing something bigger with the car.


A car project is like a shark; if it ain't moving forward, even slowly, its going to die.

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Do 1. Kids will go fast. Let it sit in the garage as long as money is not tight.


Otherwise, sell those parts above and beyond needed to make the car complete.


Try and get it running then sell the car seperate.

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Thanks for the responses folks. I think I will attempt zcarzach's approach of doing 5 or 10 minutes a day on her and see where that takes me. I also like the take a week off of work idea to knock out some big things. Once she runs I can decide to sell or keep.

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We have all been there..... I know what you are going through with kids, (3 of them with a bun in the oven). My wife has been kind enough to let me work one my cars once a week and longer if needed. Just get a schedule set that you can stick too. It helps all stay sane and keep your projects moving on!

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I'm in the same kind of boat. My projects are moving slowly this summer due to the Honey Do list, and I know things aren't going to get any easier with a kid on the way for me too, but it's a good thing. I'm keeping my project. Yeah space it tight, but the project doesn't cost anything to just have sitting there, and my wife is fine with it since she know I like tinkering.


So My vote is that you hold onto the project and work on it when you get time and impetance. If it's something you enjoy then keep it. You'll guaranteed spend more $ to recreate as far as you've gotten on this one, than if you sold it and tried to find another. You've already done so much.


Got any Picts?

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