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Locksmith can't retumble hatch + door locks.

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  • 9 months later...

"Is this just another thread that hasn't been properly answered?"


Yes goddamnit, they OWE you their knowledge.


Throw stones elsewhere, or do it yourself and shut up people like me!


Here's a hint: quit being terminally cheap and pay the guy you said you were going to back in March 2012.


Or pop the lock apart and see for yourself what the "it ain't rocket science" comment is all about.


Those afraid to risk anything, usually accomplish nothing.

Edited by Tony D
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I wouldn't have been as harsh as Tony, but I kind of came to the same conclusion back when that was said. I was dissapointed that nobody came back to enlighten the whole world as to how to do it, but at the same time they gave me confidence to try something I've never done before.


That said I haven't gotten to it yet as there's more pressing matters in my life than eliminating my hatch key.

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To be fair, some peoople post a "Look what I can do!" project and that inspires others to give it a try.  On the other hand, many of us come here not only for inspiration, but for the "How to do it" tutorial.  Sooo, it's probably best, when posting a "Look what I can do" to add, "It can be done, now you figure it out" rather than promising a video or written directions that never materialize.



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