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Fuel Filter Before or After Mechanical Pump?


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I'm about to replace my fuel filter, but I'm reading lots of differing opinions online. Some say before the pump to protect the pump, some say after the pump to protect the carb in case the pump gets damaged. I'm running the stock mechanical fuel pump which then goes to a Holley carb. So, filter before, after, or does it not matter?


Also, how do we swap out the filters on these cars? I know that in newer cars you pull the fuel pump fuse and let the engine suck up all the remaining fuel so it doesn't make a mess. Do we just pinch a fuel line and run the engine (but isn't it bad for the pump?)? Or do we just make a big mess and have fuel pour everywhere?


Thanks in advance. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do what Domzs recommends, put the replacement filter where the factory had it. I would also recommend getting one of those small clear filters and placing it before the pump, that way, you can pick up any contaminants coming out of the tank and protect your pump. There really is no reason not to have the extra filter pre pump, they only cost a few $.

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