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Cast Iron Rings or Moly?

Chris Duncan

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Running a 280z in Chumpcar/Lemons endurance racing.


doing a hone and re-ring on a used L28 out of a ZX


should I use cast iron rings or moly?


if cast iron what is a good source?


I bought some Grant rings, the top ring doesn't look chrome but the instructions say they are moly?

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From what I recall when I did my rebuild:

Three types of rings


Cast was preferred for a street rebuild, in addition it is cheap, regular hone, etc

Moly was preferred for high speeds, better oil retention, requires a smoother hone but traded off with longevity, a littler harder and causes the cylinder walls to wear at a slightly faster rate.

Chrome will wear the cylinder walls down since they are much harder, takes a lot longer to break in, requires a really smooth hone so it doesn't catch on the walls.


I think my block still had the stock cross hatching when I took it apart, I would go for cast if available. I think they were 40$ for a set when I bought mine. 

Edited by seattlejester
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  • 2 weeks later...

The stated ring characteristics are for use in American Blocks...none of them really apply to Nissan Blocks with their high Nickel Content...


All characteristics otherwise are the same, it just affects how fast the RINGS wear out (which is what happens in Nissan's: the rings wear, not the block!)

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