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Hybridz links from google don't work


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Is it me or do pretty much none of the links for hybridz work when searching on google?  This makes it essentially impossible to find old information.  I thought it was bad before when links past a certain age didn't work, but now none of them do...great.

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Hybridz.org has been having lots of errors for me lately including the main front page leading to somewhere else, not the Z photo. I have noticed the google search not working. I have been using google, finding the title, then using the search function on the site. Hope this helps.

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If I wasn't working 50 hours a week and had two kiddos at home in diapers I'd be backing up threads I felt essential...


It was more than 48 hours of more downtime and uptime, with no update from anyone. There still hasn't been any announcement about the outages. Mods seem to be more and more scarce as of late. Call me paranoid, but I'm worried. The internet world is largely moving away from forums as places for information, and instead just becoming places to chit chat, which has never been hybridz's strong suite. Without more of us keeping our local factions alive, I'm worried there won't be the drive for there to be people to carry the torch much longer. I just hope hybridZ lives long enough for people to get at least most of the amazing information housed here into a more palatable format.


Again, maybe I'm just paranoid.

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