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Why not 280zx???

Guest badmiata

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Guest badmiata

It has been years sence my last z. I have had two a 78 and an 83( that was converted to a turbo). Which I Let an idiot do, that a stand alone fuel system that sucked to say the least. My big question is why is the older Z's always picked for the convertions? Set aside the weight. The reason I ask is that I loved my 83 with the t-tops, but I still believe the 260 to be better looking. However I want a turbo and all upgrades. Now wouldn't be a lot cheaper to just start off with a turbo zx? I mean no brake swapping and so many other things. I ask because I see so many badazz 240's and 260's but no one with the zx's. All opinons welcome...even if its about a V8. hail.gif

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Guest Anonymous


you raise a good issue, and I think you hit about 3 key points there.

Just to lay out my standpoint..

people DO modify zx's, including myself

I'm building my '79 up to 300rwhp to start with a swapped zxt motor, 60-1 turbo and intercooler, sds efi, etc.. it will make a nice daily driver & street/strip low-12 (maybe high 11 if I tune it) machine

I also have a '73 which I plan on swapping a 383 or other sbc into, and making it a full show and race vehicle. Anyway you'll notice there are quite a few who start off with a zxt and just build it up from the base.

although you said set aside, I have to say it

1- weight

a 240 weighs about 2450 with the L6, throw in some aluminum parts with the v8 and you can keep it that way

2- looks

the s30's just have class, classic class. I never trash on my zx to compare, but they are just two different machines. I'm keeping my zx because I love it for a daily driver, power steering, 4w disc brakes, cruise, power options, I couldn't ask for more really.

its just a bit more modern.

3-an easy swap.. sure, they all are, and an already packaged zxt is ready to go, and maybe that's the heart of the hybrid Z! We want to take a base s30 and modernize it to perform as well as modern technology will make it, its the ultimate hot rod that has characteristics of a true performance automible.

4- emissions/laws, most states have crap that dictates what can be done to modify emissions, granting some amount of incentive to obtain an exempt automobile ;)

5- insurance, now maybe this doesn't apply to most, but being a 17 y/o these days and working a part time job in college it certainly applies to me! If I had opted to start out with a zxt my premiums would have skyrocketted. My '79 insurance is cheap!


for the most part the people here just love Z's, old, and older ones! Its really the challenge of some of the issues of perfecting our 30 year old cars that leads to such great satisfaction upon completion.

I will enjoy having both an s30 and s130 that can haul balls and attract crowds, while both of the same Zlineage but upon scrutinization are derned different cars.

I wouldn't want both a 240zt and a 240v8z imho.

well, $.02 deposited.

What are your plans for your turbo?

-980mak rockon.gif

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I have the ZX, and there are pro's and con's to it. Yes it is much more modern, comes with 4 wheel disc brakes, and has as nice amenities if you get one optioned out.


It is heavier though. Mine weighs 292o without me in it. As in the previous post, a 240z is about 2450, early model one's are slightly less. It takes more hp to move that extra weight and get the same performance. You can see what mine runs as I have its fastest 1/4 in my sig. I like the look of my 280zx, and I like the fact that it slides under everyone's radar. Cops don't pay me any mind, and neither do most ricers. It holds more gas too.


What I don't like is the lack of headroom I have compared to my old 240. I like the lines of the older Z's better, and there is a lot more stuff out there for the older z's than the ZX. The support for the ZX is improving though.


You probably just had a bad experience with your stand alone programmer. There are people on this board who could probably guide you thru that if you went that route. I have a JWT upgrade that performs well, although I think I am going to have to get them to re-chip me for larger injectors since I am going to upgrade the turbo to a larger compressor in the hopes of getting down into the low 12's. Then if I dropped that into a 240, I bet high 11's would not be to hard to hit.


Kind of just depends on what you want to do I guess. Turbo one and get a good efi set-up going, and you will be pleased with its performance. I love the way mine hits right now.

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Guest Anonymous

I'll have to weigh mine in somewhere in town before/after my swap, I'd like to know. I honestly don't think it weighs much more than a '78 280z. And 2800-3000 lbs still has edge on most of the cars on the road! Sure, its somewhat heavy for a Z, but most ricers only dream of weight dropping their 3400 lb cars (unless its a bone stock civic or crx) to that low. Vettes, supras, mustangs, camaro's, still have a few hundred lbs on them. If I really want to lose weight, I'll probably go for fiberglass door skins, hood, and man do I wish fiberglass bumpers were made for the ZX. I won't be taking mine off any time soon but I bet both versions weigh a ton. Its funny you say lack of headroom, lock jaw, because when I get into my 240z I feel more cramped all around (shrug). Could be the seats I guess. Its a good snug feeling, everything is within reach and the cabin feels nice and tight in both cars. My opinion is this, why not 280zx? YES 280zx. Turbo-ing my 240z would take me at least a year, it needs brakes, suspension, interior, bodywork, the whole thing.. which I can look forward to when I'm done with the ZX to cruise around with in the meantime.

I say 280zx all the way

-980mak rockon.gif

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Looks like the weight is the biggest issue. This can be aleviated (sp?) through removing parts of the body and replacing them with lighter parts like suggested above. I remember a few months back someone suggesting plexi glassing all the windows but if your like me I have to drive my Z daily so I think that would be impractical. Fiberglass parts and removing dead weight, ie...ac, power steering etc. would be your best bet. 2thumbs.gif

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Guest badmiata

Thanks guys. Does anyone know where I can go to find photo's of the msa front air dams, without buying the book. I would like to see some first. I saw a siver zx in Turbo a long time ago that was really nice, the other thing is how big of tire/rim can I go and still use the oem speedo. OH yea...what about coilovers for the zx does it really help handling. :D Once again thanks for the help

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I've had several ZX's and love them. Don't get me wrong where would we be without the early Z cars. But, honestly if you are going to drive it every day I think the ZX is really the way to go. The extra weight and better ride really go along way when it's the only way you have to get anywhere. I had a '71 for about 6 months in between ZX's and it really just beat the crap out of me every day. My ZX with the same type of suspension mods was much better. If your building an all out race car then the earliest 240 you can find is the way to go for the weight reason. Heres a few pics of my ZX. It's an 82 turbo with a best time so far of 13.9 @ 107.










Hope this helps

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I have to agree about getting beat up in the 240Zs if you drive them around a lot. That's the main reason why I bought the `81 280ZX GL with all the comfy heavy stuff. Besides the old seats the car is super comfortable, but it just doesn't feel sporty enough for me to put money into it to mod it. I keep the car in good shape, which is easy because they are very reliable.

Like stated before the 280ZX blends in with the croud and doesn't get as much of the attention from cops.


If you have a little more room to park cars I'd drive around the 280ZX daily and mod a 240Z for the reasons listed above. Also no one has meantioned that resell is much easier with a 240Z. I think you're more likely to get more of your money back out of it after putting money into it. People will travel far for a rust free, fuel injected turbo'd 240Z, but anyone can pick up a 280ZX for nickles and dimes. Don't get me wrong there are some nice 280ZX's out there worth the money, but I think if you put that same investment into a 240Z then you'd be better off.


If all you're concerned about is making yourself happy then none of that really matters though.


I live in California so my `73 and the `72 are smog exempt. Although I probably wouldn't do much to the 280ZX if I could. I'm pretty happy to have the good gas mileage, low interior noise, and no turbo lag.

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Guest Anonymous

Another factor I think for some at least in Kali (and Tony touched on it) is smog, 70-73 currently exempt, that in it self is the reason many in Kali don't go with the Zx or even later 280's, you'd need to go through the referee process.

Also many don't know how or can't fabricate the kits to run later Z's with a V8 (this was until recently with MSA's ZX V8 kit) in them.

I'd like to have a ZX as well, maybe a stock turbo I can boost up for a daily driver while the Z car gets its body straight and a few other things sorted, but $ probably will prevent that idea at least for a while.


For the record I like the looks of both of them, hell I even saw a third gen turbo going down the road the other day and it actually looked pretty nice (no slam on third gen guys, it just surprised me), I must be getting soft, I didn't like the 3rd gen's look at all, but with big tires in the right color, not bad. (I still wouldn't buy one probably, but who knows if the price was right). Just an opinion of course as it all comes down to personal taste.






Ps: To overcome the extra weight, I'd use a stroker SBC in a minute, 450 HP on 3000 lbs still goes pretty good in my estimation.

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I like my ZX, and mine weighs 3120+ with me in it, so you know I am kind of a beefy fellow. :D


I have not disconnected all the stuff on mine, quite frankly, because I am lazy, but also since I drove it everyday for a long time. Mine is well worn, and since I live in Alabama, I don't have to worry about smog stuff.


I think when I was looking at specs the other day, the ZX and the 280Z are about the same length, there is about 100 pounds or so difference in weight.


There are so many pro's and con's. I like the way the diff mounts in the ZX. I think the Z is easier to work on, and the diff is easier to remove.


I don't think you could go wrong with either car to be honest. My personal opinion is to get a non t-top car since the replacement rubber is so expensive. Nobody has it cheap that I have found.

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Guest Aaron

It all comes down to personal preference. I have always prefered the look of the 280zx over any other z or zx. That is what I will be converting some day. (Hopefully before it rusts away.)


BTW, I think I have said it before, Cody, that is one of my all time favorite 280zx's. Very similar to the look I will be going for, except I will probably go with a darker color.

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