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water spray on a air to air intercooler

bumble zee

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researching this mod, a friend of mine i found a STI mod for a impreza intercooler that sprays water on the intercooler to cool it off even more.. gains of 20hp on that car. Now.. my thoughts... i have a volvo ic.. say i take a FI fuel pump, a water tank to hold the water, 4 to 6 n/a injectors and shoot it at the intercooler durning say, solos, or drag racing. Would the water be atomized enough to not effect the natural air flow through the ic and rad?? or would it be better to mount 4 injectors on the corners of the ic, and shoot them across the ic intead of into, and let the water go through with the fan and wind.

what are your thoughts?? confused2.gif

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Guest Anonymous

Nitrous Xpress sells a kit for 300 bucks i believe that hoses your i/c with c02.

But if your intent with the water, you might want to check on the injectors to see if they're stainless steel on the inside as they will rust out, same with a pump.


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i saw a demo at the old hotrod fest. put on by tnt to show how they'r nozzles were better then the competition using water. did a real nice job too. i thought at that time if it would work to cool a radiator or i/c. the only concern i would have would be the effects on the solenoids or pump. i geuss you could always find pumps for water.

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Might affect your traction at the drag strip, and I personally would not be your buddy if you hosed down the lane and I was next.


It only takes a little moisture for a turbo car to break tires loose with abandon, and my drag ta's are supposed to aviod water and the water box at all costs.


Maybe I am stretching a little, but thought I would mention it.

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I question how effective the spray technique really is, regardless of the substance that is sprayed. What sort of temperature drop does your air charge get during a run? The IC has a large thermal mass, and I don't think you could cool it significantly during a 5-15 second blast. Admittedly, you could pre-chill your IC before you run a 1/4 at the strip, but this would work only with the N2O. With water you'd be dripping up to the line, and get removed for wetting the track.

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Just food for thought:

When my Dad set the Land Speed Record in SA, (in a TT 427ci TA), he packed ice against the intercooler. This was at boost over a rolling 1 KM run. Good enough for 237+ MPH (averaged over 2 runs-one each direction).



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