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Is this guy jealous or just a @hole?


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Ok I am rebuilding my 93 LT1 at the tech school that I am attending. Here are the specs on the motor...


*Updated Opti-Spark to 95+ Vented style

*10.9 KB Hyper Pistons w/ Plasma moly rings

*New Hyd. Roller Lifters

*LT4 Hotcam Kit

*Port and Polish of Heads and Intake

*58mm TB

*36Lbs Injectors

*GM PM Rods

*New SFI Fluid Dampner

*Rotating Assembly balanced


Ok now heres the deal...


My parntner and I were taking down the my short block last thursday at school and this other guy in my class comes over to ask about my motor. He's like "whats the big deal about this motor?" So I tell him what makes it different from the first generation SBC's and he's like "oh" So then we started to pull of the old harmonic balancer and I was like don't worry about hurting it (that's what I told my partner) because I am getting a new one. Then this other guy is like "why" and I said because I dont want to risk using that old one on my freshley rebuild motor! He's like "what's wrong with it?" I said "well it's got a 100,000+ miles on it and why should I risk blowing that one up when I can put in a new Fluid Dampner that is 10 times better?" Then after that little discussion we started to pull the timing cover off and I "said dont worry about this either because I have a different one that I have to use with the updated opti-spark unit" Then this guy really start to give me crap! He's like " jesus why didn't you just buy a new motor?" I said "because I won't learn anything if I just buy a motor and stick it in my car!" Then he asked me if I was going to bore the cylinders at school or have someone else do it. I said I was going to and he's like "so your spending all this money on this motor and your going to bore the cylinders here rather than pay the $130 for a shop to do it?? I said "yeah I dont think that make a bigger hole in a piece of metal is that hard!!! Why should I pay for it if we have the equipment to do it here?" He thinks because he had a problem using the boring machine that I am going to! I later found out that he wasn't using it correctly and that it works fine! :D


So is this guy just and @ss or is he just jealous?






(Sorry just had to try a poll! :D:D )

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Guest ON3GO

he is a ass.

why? cuz he knows what your doing, an why your doing it but yet he still wants to interrupt and be a dick.

Hope that helps hehe.



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I think he is just ignorant. You will find that most people who claim to be motor heads know just enough to be dangerous. They have a lot of lingo to throw around but once you get into anything challenging they know nothing. Your average redneck tree mechanic would never change the balancer unless it was falling apart. He only worries about parts that make the car go faster. You can also spot them because they often mismatch car parts on engines. You know the guys you see with the dual 650 tunnel ram setup on a street truck or something like that! :roll:

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He is probably a bit uneducated, aka clueless. I understand the feeling "why dont you just get a different engine" because I feel that way sometimes, frankly rebuilding an entire car you could just about build it from scratch anyway. Obviously that brings several problems into play, money, time, fabrication skills, yada yada. The optispark swap is common and is under $300 for the whole setup, so its not the cost of going to another engine, unless you get an old school setup.

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Yeah when I made the poll I had the option for both but it didn't show up after I posted??? He is building a "old" SBC 350. He thinks that he got a great deal for his engine because he got almost all of his parts for like under $250. Oh yeah and he is reusing some pistons and rods that he got for free! I dont think he is balancing the rotating assembly either! I think he is going to be really dissapointed when he gets that engine to gether and puts it in his Firebird. He's not going to have the motor he thought he was building thats for sure!





I vote for both too! :D

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That sounds like a redneck mistake waiting to happen. Re-using old stuff is one thing, that can be done, but doggonit you better balance the goodies. I once in awhile hear of people not balancing things but they are so rare, and that is just not a setup that will last long or rev high, nor will it be smooth. False economy in the biggest way.

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he is just trying to sound like mr. PO-fessional. try this, instead of arguing with him, start asking him stuff to do to your motor, get inside the mans head, see what hes really about. in all reality, he sounds like one of those guys who thinks he can build one of those lawnmower motors to be faster than you cheaper, but you have to find that out from him by getting in his mindset, learn him out, he could be a nice guy.

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I kinda think he might be an a$$ but, there might be another side to the coin. Sounds like he doesn't have a lot of money. He might be acting the way he is because he sees you throwing away parts that are still good, "in his mind". And he sees it as a waste. I don't know. Maybe he is just an ass?


You might try and give him a second chance. You never know...you could find another friend. If he still proves to be an a$$, you can always laugh all the way to the finish line. And him still at the tree with a broken motor. :lol:

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Actually from being in class with this guy for the past 2 years I know that he is a Mr.Know-it-all. Granted he is the smartest in our class, but thats just because he has a memory like you wouldn't beleive. So he remembers all the technical stuff! When it comes to the common sense stuff he is a real dumba$$. You should hear some of the questions he asks! I can't rememer one of them off hand but they just baffle the whole class when he asks such stupid questions (yeah I know there is no such thing as a stupid question but this guy would make you think otherwise!)


Another thing I should point out is he is always picking on my friend who isnt't the sharpest pencil in the box but he is still kinda trying to get an education. The thing with my friend is that he expects me and the other guys in the class to let him copy our homework and help in on the tests. I don't do either because I know he wont do anything if I do. I think my friend has an old habbit of copying and is just learning now that you cant copy/cheat your way through life. So this guy is always picking on him for not passing his general educations classes (he passes all of his automotive classes though).


I have tried to get a long with this guy but he is always trying to prove how smart he is and it is just plain annoying!(sp?) :evil:



Guy :D

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