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Improving the wiper motor


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I got a 73' that looks better than that and works great, I even have the Original Vinyl cover Bag that the motor slides into. no rips, tears or anything, I even have the white plastic buttons that hold the bag shut. That's why the motor looks Prestine.


J. Soileau RB26zcar.


I posted everything you need for the relay wiring on POST #155 and there is a drawn below that. There are also details on the spindle contacts in the gear box, follow the instructions only if the motor does'nt "PARK". I have a supplier for the Datsun Plugs and terminals and I got the Honda plug from the Junk yard. It kinda fell in my tool bag, on accident......:flamedevi


The black box is from Radio Shack. They call it a project box. The relay and the butt-connectors are all tucked away inside the box for a cleaner, weather resistant look.


As for hooking up a 3 way switch. Go to radio shack or some place that has automotive switches, get a switch that has a set-up like this..... OFF--ON--ON make sure it is NOT an ON--OFF--ON. Most auto parts stores have wiper or light switches that are "PULL" switches for the dash. "IN" is off and you pull out to turn on the low speed and pull out again for hi speed.


The switch needs a groung wire cause you want it to send a ground thru the wires to the relay in the engine compartment.


Find the blue/white.......blue....and blue/yellow wires that normally go to the wiper switch on the steering column. run them to where the switch will be located on the center console or dash. follow the diagram I drew out below. This is very easy to do and if you need help, let me know. I totally understand the Electrically illiterate, I use to be one, believe it or not.



I also JUST did the wiper motor upgrade (took 1/2 hour) and here are two final pics. The second wiper picture shows the plastic cover from the original wiper motor.. So is it a Datsun or Honda wiper motor under there?


And here's the new "Installed" video of the new wiper blades on a dry window. easy cheesy.




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  J. Soileau RB26zcar said:
I sent you a PM


I got the PM but have you read my reply to you just above this one? I tried to explain everything as clear as possible for you and as many electrically challenged as possible.


I went to Schucks (Krager / Check ) Auto Parts yesterday and picked up a $6.00 headlight switch for testing purposes. It looks like what you could use if you don't wanna use the stock wiper switch.


It's called a fused 3-position push/pull switch (universal Headlight switch)

But it's also exactly what you need if you're not using the Datsun wiper switch. Pull out 1 click for slow speed and pull once more for hi speed.


Pics below will show wiring and position on the switch.

Off switch_thumb.JPG

Low speed switch_thumb.JPG

hi speed switch_thumb.JPG

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Am I undertanding correctly....diodes are not required with the headlight switch?


Great effort BTW...I have never been happy with my slow-mo wipers! Just need to figure out where to install the switch. Even though my car is a hybrid_z I try to keep it "stock like"


Any ideas?



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  jerryb said:
Am I undertanding correctly....diodes are not required with the headlight switch?


Great effort BTW...I have never been happy with my slow-mo wipers! Just need to figure out where to install the switch. Even though my car is a hybrid_z I try to keep it "stock like"


Any ideas?




No diodes are required for the headlight sytem. The only real problem I had with my wipers was when it was dry outside and I would accidentally flip the wiper switch, it would drag slowly across the window then stop 1/4 way up the window. Which I'm pretty sure would start to overheat the circuit if I did'nt jump out and help it along till it would park.


As for where to mount a wiper switch, I own a 8/70 and the spot above the Hazard switch is empty and will accept the new wiper switch. just drill the 3/8" hole, wire up the switch and install from the back, screw on the Black knob (Blends with dash) and turn them on. Yes, it's that easy.



Thanks again for the compliments, that's why I do what I do,


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  jerryb said:
I hear ya......mine is an early 71 and I have that spot as well...BUT...the dash is perfect. Im a bit....VERY.... hesitant to start drilling.



I hear ya, the switch is (from the back to the top of the brass) 2 1/4" long and the "Supply" screw sticks out another 3/8" for a total of 2 5/8" before the knob.


And the total width is 1 5/8" from left screws to right screws. So check around the dash and center console to see where it'll fit and what works for ya.



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Even better update.....


So I had some time and found my wiper delay unit from years ago, that never got installed. Now that I figured out the whole relay for the park circuit thing, I attempted to install the Delay unit, with success.


So here are three wiring diagrams for the HELLA delay unit (HL87200) , AQUUS 9030 delay unit (I think I got it from Schucks Auto Supply), and a universal drawing for other makes of delay units like the MT-115 (maker unknown). I tested the AQUUS on my Z and it worked great. I took it back off till I'm ready to actually mount it the way I want it. I just disconnected the plug on the firewall and ran jumpers to figure it all out. Worked great.


On the instructions for your particular delay unit, it should show you which wires are (COM) (N/O) and (N/C). These wires are pointed out on the Universal drawing. (COM) to the motor, (N/C) to the switch, and (N/O) to the Park wire (Blue/white wire) If that not park it correctly, use an IN4001 diode from the Blue Datsun wire to the Blue/white "Park" wire, with the stripe on the diode facing the blue (low speed) wire. And cut the (N/O) wire and tape it off.


If you have any questions regarding the delay unit into your 240Z with the 91' Honda Civic or 94 Accord wiper motor upgrade with my Park relay, please PM me here or at wolfin32z@yahoo.com


You'll notice that the links are thru Classiczcars but I had NO choice, The largest I can straight upload here is only 620 X 280. CZC's is 1 MB. I don't have a site in mind for hosting the larger diagrams but this should work for now. ALL 3 diagrams are for a Push/Pull switch but the colors are the same for the 240Z with OEM wiper switch, just cut the blue and diode or tap the blue white. These instructions were originally for J.Soileau 74RB26zcar. Hense the 3 position switch.


This link is for the HELLA Delay unit.



The AQUUS delay unit from Schucks.



The universal diagram, use instructions above this diagram works on the (MT-115) unit that Justn54321 leant me for research.



Let me know when you get yours installed and working, and if I had anything to do with it. I need the occasional incouragement.



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  J. Soileau RB26zcar said:
Awesome job Dave !!! Thank You for taking the time, and putting the effort in the nice diagrams.


Major props to You my friend !! :cheers:



My Pleasure Joel. Did that video work? I AM SOOOOOO putting this on my Z, when I get the time to do it right. And the HELLA diagram is made specifically for YOUR Z, even though others can use it for the HELLA delay switch in their car with normal wiper switches.



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And now an EVEN BETTER *UPDATE* than the last one...


Good News!! It turns out that when you instal the honda wiper motor and MY relay set-up to allow the Motor to "Park", the delay unit only needs to put out a 1 second ground to the blue/white wire.


Delay units already put out a timed 1 second pulse, The instructions call for you to "CUT the Low speed wire, put the COM wire towards the motor and the N/C wire to the switch side of the cut wire" BUT...... it turns out that the way I designed the relay set-up will allow a simple 1 second grounding of the Park wire to give an intermittent wipe. Vholaa, intermittent wipers, using an aftermarket wiper delay unit. and you DON'T HAVE TO CUT A THING!!!


Most or Every delay unit that I've come across is huge or at the very least, a severely ugly hunk of plastic to try and find a place for in the Z, that allows access for the driver to operate the delay unit. And now the GOOD NEWS!....


Good news is that the delay unit can be turned on and set for a specific timing (2 to 20 wipes per minute) then tucked under the dash, out of site. THEN run the power wire of the delay unit thru a small 12 volt switch and back to the ACC. wire on the ignition, and install the small switch within reach of the driver.


When you flip the switch on, there may be a slight delay of up to 5 seconds but it'll do 1 wipe and set back to park, then wipe according to your setting of the delay switch.. Pretty damn cool. HUH? Just remember to shut the switch off before normal operation of the wipers (Low or Hi)


Now tell me ya luv me, :mparty:


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As in post 171, follow the link to classicZcars.com. I did a full write up explaining the whole proccess. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=28989


but a recap goes like this.


remove the wiper arms by removing the brass nut from each arm and wiggling each arm loose


remove the 4 screws that hold the colw to the car, push the cowl towards the windshield as you lift it up. pushing towards the windshield will help get it past the 2 rubber hood stops and the inspection lids without damage.


remove the 4 mounting screws that hold the wiper mounting plate to the car. unplug the wiper motor from the harness on the firewall and push the plug and the rubber boot thru the firewall towards the wiper motor.


lift on the upper part of the wiper plate to expose the 12mm nut that holds the wiper assembly arm onto the wiper motor shaft. loosen and remove the nut and the lock washer.


The arm will not just pop off, you gotta work it off, a flat head screw driver helps, along with lowering the plate back towards the window to ease the tension off the arm.


once it is off, remove the wiper motor plate and motor from the car. Remove the are 3 screws holding the motor to the plate. they may try to strip on ya but vice-grips will help remove them.


once the motor is removed from the plate, you can use the motor or the plate to help find the correct Honda motor at the Junk yard or pull-a-part.


The 91' Honda Civic has the correct motor but here's a few shots to help get the correct motor.


The motor on the right is the Honda motor. When you get the motor home, hold them side by side. the slots on the shaft should be aimed the same way. ( / ) ( / )



When you find the correct motor at the yard, save the 3 bolts and the washer and nut from the motors shaft.


drill the mounting holes in the Datsun plate like this.



then cut the notch out of the plate to accept the lip of the Honda motor.



Then use the honda bolts to mount the motor to the plate.



the top should look like this..




Follow all the wiring diagrams previously posted and drawn here and on classiczcars. wire up the relay. and run the motor and let it park. This should match up the wiper arm and the motor shaft so they slide together when you re-instal the plate back into the car. snug the nut on "Quickly" cause if you go slowly, it'll just turn the wiper arm and shaft.


Test it out after bolting the plate to the car. Let the motor park again by shutting off the wiper switch. Re-instal the cowl. attach the wiper arms to the wiper shafts and test the wipers again.


Thats it. If you instal a delay unit for intermittent wipers, follow the instructions above this post. And the wiper delay is as easy as ground the delay unit, run the (+) wire of the delay unit to a dash or console mounted switch, then from the switch to the ACC wire on the ignition (Blue/red). Then find the COMMON wire of the delay unit and tap the blue/white wire on the harness side of the combo switch (before the connector of the combo switch (headlight and wiper switch)


Set the wiper delay to about (5) and turn it on. tuck the delay unit under the dash somewhere, turn the key to ACC, turn on the switch you installed and wait a few seconds to see if it does a single wipe and parks.



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  jerryb said:
Thanx you sir!


Did I miss anything? I start writing and forget stuff. If you can vision the process in your mind, and see yourself doing it correctly, I've done it right.


If I missed anything, please let me know. What's really funny is the only reason I even looked at this thread to begin with was for someone else. He mentioned wanting it done to his car, so I said I'd research it for him and get back with him.


And after two weeks. It seems that not only have I researched it, I've come up with a solution for the previous problem of the upgrade, AND dicovered that my solution is also the answer to the delayed wiper problem. Cause every delay unit says to cut a wire but my relay stops that from being a needed process.


Glad to help, Now If I can just find a way to make money on these solutions, I'd be doing pretty good.



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  • 2 months later...

I found what I believe is the correct motor on a 1990 Accord. I'll know for sure in a couple weeks when I get around to trying to hook it up. I looked at several other 1990 Accords and they had the same motor and it is in the same place on the car. The spider ones mount to the firewall behind the engine, but the correct motor mounts on the top underneath a black plastic cover that goes across the front of the car and is just behind the firewall. Hope that helps anyone who will be looking for one.



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