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Time to update your browser


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I started actually using Mozilla yesterday. Mozilla is now officially an opensource application framework backed by AOL, IBM and Sun. The actual browser is called Firebird.


I am now putting away IE. This one is actually way better. More configurable and much, much faster. Pages just pop right up. And speaking of, it includes pop-up blocking. Also has themes, several extensions - very nice.


There are some niggling little issues, but their bug tracking is phenominal. The touchpad scrolling didn't work on my laptop. 10 seconds of searching turned up a tracked issue with a simple fix. Impressive. (Turns out Synaptics does their window scrolling in a very strange, non-standard way).


My all time, hands down favorite feature is actually Text selection. In IE, like all windows apps that depend on MS libraries, text selection is "smart". That is, if you try and select a few letters of a word, it "smartly" ASSumes you must want the whole word - or even words plural. Freaking infuriates me. But these guys don't use any MS libraries!! Oh the subtle joy of regaining simple control. I am such a dork...... :roll:

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Way to go. I am using Mozilla exclusively at work, with my Linux install. At the moment I can't get completely away from Windoze (certain engineering software), but I dual boot and use Linux applications as much as I can.



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Guest greimann

I'm sold on Mozilla's firts cousin, Netscape 7. The best part is tabbed window view so you can have multiple web sites up without launching multiple browsers. That and those pesky Geocities popups can't figure out how to deal with Netscape and just quietly cringe in the corner. :-D

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Guest Aaron

I am personally sold on Opera at the moment. It has the same basic features that you guys are discussing. The only annoying part to me is the adds that run in the upper right corner, but it is not very intrusive running at 1280x1024 resolution. If you acctualy purchase it, the adds go away. I have downloaded the latest version, but I have not installed it yet. I love the "Mouse Gestures" feature, and if it ever closes abnormally, it gives you the option to continue at last page.

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Mozilla Firebird has a mouse gestures thingio too. I dunno - foreign to me.


I'm also digging the tool bar with the google box up in the corner. Waiting for them to finish up the server stored bookmarks feature so I can stop using the Yahoo toolbar.


Also, this is opensource - totally free. No ads, no nothing. Even better is that you can vote on bug fixes and feature improvements.

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Guest Your Car is Slow

and you dont think someone will eventually find a way to exploit advertisements in this new browser?


I want a set of the rose colored glasses you guys wear :)

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Huh? I'm not saying it blocks out all ads on a Page (although there is an extension that attempts to do just that).


The freely downloadable version of Opera has it's own ads, sponsoring your use of the browser, that are incoporated into the browser app itselt. What I was saying is that Mozilla has no such ads.


As to being able to defeat popups, that's easy. Mozilla has functionality that allows some specific domains to create popups (a filter list). But it's fairly easy for the browser rendering code to simply not allow one page to spawn a new instance of the browser. Surely the next version of IE will block popups as well, although you never know.


Also, it allows you to selectively allow display of Flash content which lets you block out those hugely annoying Intel, VW, etc. ads

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I'm currently using NS7 (kinda pretends to be Mozilla) and am quite happy with it--I prefer it over IE because it allows me to have my browser and email client all in one program, unlike the microsoft world.

I tried Opera, but was never quite happy with their new mail client--maybe I just didn't spend enough time trying to figure it out?

(BTW-for those of you who are using the free version of opera, if you were to go to http://astalavista.box.sk and evter "opera" and a version number in the search window, you might just find a way around those ads--not condoning piracy, just lookin for loopholes )

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Thats a supprise. I was a Netscape supporter and user back when, I stopped after 4.06 and switched to IE which always loads very quickly for me. When I tried Mozilla early on, it sucked, second release was supposed to fix alot of bugs though.

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Oh yes, those were the days I could tell my browser not to auto load pictures and pages were pretty snappy on my modem. How do you know what each pic was? Easy, the descriptor, now so many websites expect gui stuff that they rarely follow W3C rules, but with a cable modem I load pix anyway :)

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Love Mozilla. I've been using it on my Linux based laptop for months. I'm using NS7 on my Win2k based laptop. Love that tabbed interface. I may have to install Mozilla on my Win box to see how it looks.

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