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2f squared

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

I saw it. What can I say? Free screening for military appreciation. The main character from the last one is back. He is now wanted in LA for muliple violations, living as a mechanic and street racer in Miami. Nice skyline. It was entertaining. Just remeber this is an action movie. You are expected to beleive that an Eclipes Spyder and an Evo can tag team against a Hemi Challeger and a Yenko and win a rely(SP). I won't give anymore away.

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They have a Yenko in there? Yenko what? Also, from the previews, it looked like a lot of the footage was CGI. I would go see it if there were actual stunts done, even though the first one had a lot of green screen and CGI too.


Still waiting for a movie that has car chase scenes of the likes of "Ronin" and "The Borne Identity" and have a good plot and have some hot almost necked chicks :D Gota have the chicks, I mean, when there is boring dialog you have to have something to look at :wink:



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Guest Anonymous

there is a Yenko Camero, Nice Hemi Orange Challeger. What you see in the previews is what you get. I agree Ronnin had awsome footage. Then there are always Steve McQueen movies. The Italian Job shows promise. Yes there are chicks in swimwear. A plot may be asking a little much here.

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Original Italian Job was a great movie. I figured in 2F2F all the DSM's would destroy everything, since Mitsubishi sponsored the movie...figures. It was mostly filmed about 10 minutes from where I live, I'll probably go see it just to see all the local places. I'm not looking foward to all the ricers trying to race me in my Explorer on the way back from it. A hundred poorly driving kids trying to imitate a poorly made movie has got to make the streets a dangerous place Friday night.

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Guest Anonymous

there was the TICKET OR CLICK checkpoint right in front of the theatre as I left and a Speed Trap on the way to the gate. the Military Police must have been forwarned.

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Click it (seat belt) or get a TICKET (for not wearing one). We've got the same program here in Arkansas, they run TV commercials before the major holidays and warn everybody. Funny though we don't have a helmet law here for motorcycles.



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Guest Anonymous

From the previews the movie looks like there is alot of domestic bashing (domestics getting destroyed and Mitsubishis toying around with domestics). Is that how it actually is in the movie?

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cant wait to watch it, were going on opening night, quite a few z guys, silvia swapped cars, and various turbo cars of all shapes and sizes, if its anything like the last one, its gonna be complete chaos at the street races again, big fun.

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I'm not going to pay $9.50 to go see the damn thing, but I did see lots of the "fun" cars out tonight. As I was just getting off work, I managed to see all them heading down to the movie theaters along the main drag. You wouldn't believe how much I wished I had my 240 ready, or the Cobra on hand. There's always a shot at "3 Fast, 3 Furious."

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oh man just saw it, my throat is still sore from screaming althroughout the movie, especially when the yenko came through stormin. the skyline was pretty lame, especially because it only gets like three minutes of fame. Tyrese is the true star of the film i think, and it was very entertaining, i mean the movie was terrible, but not worse than the first one, thats for sure.

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Guest smoov280zx

I know how you feel moridin, i took 2 laps around town just looking for some ricers to destroy, but couldn't find a single one. Talk about disappointment. Guess they all snuck home the back way.

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Just saw it! Better than the first. Nobody Yelling "NAWS!!!". No stupid lines that made the acters seem automotively retarded.


Yenko was the balls. My favorite car was the M3(in full GT racing bodywork). They crashed it into some water barriers.



Tyrese's expression after the Hemi revved up was priceless!


They crashed ALOT of cop cars :lol:

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Guest Damn Cracker

ijt with my gf today, I dunno, it was ok. Definily a lot better tha i was expecting, not as man stupid car coments, like the 2jz one, (wow, import car guy, and they don't know that all supras came with them) I did like how they understood that an eclise and an evo couldn't win a straight up race against two big block powered beasts, so they had to **** with them. I read the magazine reveiw of they cars, and it kind of pissed me off how much they bashed the camaro (they didn't review the challlenger), even though it was the fastest car they reviewd, and it had a stock motor.

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Guest livewire23

the plot was ridiculous, the acting was bad, and the morons all wanted a convertible eclipse over the EVO. but if you could get past that, well... I don't know, I still haven't gotten past that.


Len's right though, tyrese was definately the star. You gotta love how in the movies a skyline can get owned in a straight line by an s2000 and an eclipse and some other stuff. I also loved how EVERY last boosted car in the movie was pushing like 2 bar of boost. I guess they figured if you had a greddy gauge that goes to 2 bar, why push 1 bar? I guess I need to run 30 psi in my Z now.

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Yesterday My kids saw it. I'm sure I'm gonna hate it long before it comes out on Tape, since I'm not wasting a DIME to go see it at the theater...


I did spend some time with My younger son yesterday explaining in real world terms why adding a cold air intale WON'T have much positive effect on a bone stock car. I also gave him the Lingefelter book to read about engine principles, and how a motor must be modified to work efficiantly... You know, More air inlet needs more fuel inlet added, and both will require more efficiant spark (if it doesn't exist already) and finally, larger plumbing to allow the additional spent excesses to escape more rapidly... I didn't get into cams and heads, or compression yet, but we did get his brothers turbpo parts out and lay them out in a mocked up design so he could see how all the parts will work together on the LS motor we are building.


Hopefully I'll be able to dispell all the 2FSquared crap that I will certainly hear starting today...


Mike :D

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Guest livewire23

hondas run dirty rich at WOT, which is why they're a bit more responsive to CAIs than a lot of other cars. OR at least that's what I've heard. remember to tell your kids that if you have a turbo car you shouldn't just slide to a stop and turn the car off after racing for 20 minutes at WOT, and jumping a 50 ft bridge. You'll kill the turbo. Len mentioned that to me after I saw the movie. good thing he told me too, I would've done it... :lol:

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I saw a "making of 2 Fast, 2 Furious" on TV. I am going to have to see it.

I guess I'll get them on tape (I'm not paying theater prices) to see them.


Mike, way to go on educating the boys on how power IS made, so they can be informed, not repeat the nonsense they hear, and maybe set a few people straight as to how to actually do it. Showing them how an engine goes together, how it works, etc., and reading like you said is

a big help - wish my dad had done that. Well, I read a GM overhaul manual about 6 times, and "How to Hotrod your Smallblock Chevy" a number of times and rebuilt my first engine (327) when I was 16. Great education it was. The old man thought I was nuts :).

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