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Guest Anonymous

Mike, Sorry to hear, that sucks, hope they didn't mess up the car. You have to look at this as an opportunity, you now can put an even bigger wing on the car. Got any plywood scraps laying around? :D

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Guest the_dj
Mike, Sorry to hear, that sucks, hope they didn't mess up the car. You have to look at this as an opportunity, you now can put an even bigger wing on the car. Got any plywood scraps laying around? :D


Hardiplank. Very durable as a spoiler and I am speaking from experience! :confused2:

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Hi Mike sorry to hear the bad news.At least they did'nt take the whole car.

At times like this I always rember the James Bond movie where he parks the lotus and the camera pans the window sticker (Theft Protected). Shortly, a thief breaks into the car and starts it up only to have the entire car blow up. Good Luck, Tom

Ps.Any time after the first of july would be good to send the trans.

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Might have been some jealous ricer...you know, "my wing is bigger than your wing", kinda thing. Keep an eye out for a Civic with a Mustang wing.


Just teasing you, that really does suck. I hate people who steal or damage others property. Hope everything gets worked out ok with the insurance company.

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We also had something happen to our Cobra/Mustang. The first night we didn't cover it some jerk wad decided they wanted to hit the roof with an egg. It went through the clear coat and now we have a nice white mark on the top of our paint. I know how you feel.


Speaking of stealing, some dumb s*** stole our tip jar, again, at work. It was full too. There was probably $30 to $40 in that one. Stealing is bad.

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There are way too many scum bags on this earth. I tell you what, My wife and I are moving to the country in the next year or two and buying a house with at least 10 acres. I don't want anyone near me, and if they cross my property line they better be able to outrun a 40 cal bullit from my glock. :twisted: Sorry that had to happen to you Mike. Hope the cops catch em.

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No word. Police took the report. TOmorrow she goes to the insurance adjuster and we get a check... I have a buddy who owns a body shop and He is gonna fix the trunk and paint the wing when I order it...



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I know how you feel. I came home the other day to find that my soon to be ex had relieved my backyard of the swing and bench, and of course her father had driven across the yard in his truck, a major no no.


Its not so much the stuff taken, its just the act of sneaking in there like the common thief white trash, Jerry Springer show rejects they are that made me mad. Ask and ye shall receive, steal and get caught at my house, and I got some 185 grain .45 caliber dog biscuts to feed you.


Hope it is not a big deal to fix Mike.


Perhaps you need a machine gun mounted to a motion sensor. Of course a simple sign stating your property is a rattlesnake santuary would probably work too. :wink:

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