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Car magazines, girls, and cars

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On the subject of girls and cars (first raised in the 400 vs. 350 thread), did anyone see the lastest issues of Hot Rod and that other Chevy mag with the girl on the cover. I had two reactions at first. First of all, feed them, they're in need of nourishment (just kidding--I think they're just right. Second of all, I don't think either of them have ever turned a wrench. Do you all agree with me that they don't belong on the cover. It makes it hard for me to 1. Buy the magazine without looking like a jerk and 2. Bring it into a public place to read it and actually look like a serious car guy. What do you all think?

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Hot Rods and girls go together like PB&J. I don't have any probs with it at all, but then again, I really don't give a hoot if anyone take me seriously....they will when I stand on the loud pedal!!

BTW, this isn't really a topic for this section, this should be reserved for tech. stuff (please don't take this as preaching).


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I dont know one normal guy that does not like to looking at a great looking semi- dressed young ladies next to his car! and personally 2 great looking young ladies are even better ,or maybe 3 or is it four,...get that stupid car out of here and make room for more semi- dressed young ladies!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D here look around in this site for awhile




now how many of you can remember what options the cars had..........yeh right ..you lying$#^%^%$%^&

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Awesome link Grumpy! I gotta get me a Vette some day. The one thing I don't like about the Z is that it's not exactly a babe magnet. Most chicks under the age of 30 don't even know what it is ('cause they were in diapers at the time they were new). Now I'm being a hypocrite. I started this subject trying to be all sensitive to women and all and now I'm treating them like pieces of meat!

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Grump, you are the undisputed King of Links. I salute you. Wonder if Silicone Boy recognizes anyone?



First of all, I have to agree that Grumpy always comes to the rescue. Second, how could I recognize anyone--none of them are my patients and from what I see, it's all natural bodywork (just kidding, there are a few that have had some customizing). By the way, a question for Grumpy. That one girl is sitting on the intake manifold. Isn't she going to heat it up and hurt performance. How many HP's or seconds do you think it's going to cost? Just a thought.

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I personally don't like J with my PB.... :D


I do like big breasted women with meaty thighs. :eek:


However, can’t say I have ever bought a car magazine because of the picture of the girl on the cover. I have skipped buying magazines when they didn’t have any articles that looked interesting. I’m probably in the minority here but have to second what Silicone Boy says, kinda hard to take some of these magazines seriously.

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Guest Azel

Is it me or is the chic layin on the black vette not wearing any undies!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :eek:eek2.gif:D2thumbs.gifrockon.gifcheers.gif


Grumpyvette, you are a baaaaaaaaaddd maaaaann.. twak.gif:D

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Tim's right! After finding the particular magazine you were interested in...Hot Rodder, Chevy Performance, Road & Track etc., what was the first thing that cought your eye on the cover...it sure as S--T wasnt the car...it was the girl! Advertisers discovered long ago that Sex sells, and sells big! Using the female gender has always been used to influence the male psyche. If you dont think so...then you need therapy my friend! twak.gif


LaterZ, 2thumbs.gif Van

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