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teasing a nascar addict?

David K

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Racism will exist until everyone looks the same.


Almost everyone is racist, not because they make a concious decision to be that way, but it is in the way they are raised. People fear what they don't understand, and people hate what they fear. Most people grow up around others of their own race by choice, people feel more comfortable around people that look like them, there is no rhyme or reason to it.


The real problem that comes into play is the broad stereotypes made about people of certain races. These stereotypes are ever strengthened by the government's policy of coddling a group of people that do not need it.


I think that it is all a bunch of BS. I'm in no way a racist person, i only hate people whom are completely ignorant, and it is not my fault if those ignorant people happen to be white, black, or anything between.


I think that it would be a good idea to have children associate with people of other races in an environment that they are comfortable with. If a child knows that there is no inherent danger posed by a person whom is different, there should be no fear, and if there is no fear there should be no hate, or prejudice to hate.


If you guys want to see ignorance in motion... flip through your daytime TV shows.. that is where the stupid people live.





"Profound thought is the key to any mystery worth solving."

-personality #27 (I'm not as crazy as i am)

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I'd have realized it was a joke the second time I heard the black racecar drivers name... when you slow it down it's - lemon jello - ! I heard a joke once about it. Twin brothers at the hospital and the nurse supposedly tricked the mother into naming them orangejello and lemonjello... :roll:

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this is what the world needs more of.... people willing to laugh and point at the idiots that give being a white guy a bad name. you know what'd be really funny? if at the carnival they had a "heckle the hick" booth. think about it... leading a redneck around chasing a can of skoal on a fishing pole... it's brilliant! i'm gonna be a millionaire!


like a friend once told me.... gang members might shoot you.... but a hillbilly will keep you. i'd rather be dead than some yokel's bitch.

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