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What the F#ck is wrong with people?


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Actually, you're absolutely wrong. Our government was NOT founded on christianity. Christianity just happens to be the currently most popular religion in this country. Our founding fathers weren't Christian.<snip>
Wow! Revisionist history in action yet again. Imagine that :roll:


Here is the religious affiliation of some of our founding fathers..




Table of the Religious Affiliations

of American Founders


Signer State Doc. Office Affiliation (Ref.)


Adams, Andrew CT A CO(l)

Adams, John MA D President CO(b)UN(a)

Adams, Samuel MA D/A CO(B)

Adams, Thomas VA A

Banister, John VA A

Baldwin, Abraham GA C CO(j,k)PR(n)

Bartlett, Josiah NH D/A CO(B)

Bassett, Richard DE C ME(g,j,m,n)

Bedford, Gunning, Jun. DE C PR(j,m)

Blair, John VA C Justice PR(a)EP(n)

Blount, William NC C EP(n)PR(f,j)

Braxton, Carter VA D

Brearly, David NJ C EP(n)

Broom, Jacob DE C QU(n)EP(m)

Butler, Pierce SC C EP(j,m)

Carroll, Charles MD D RC(d)

Carroll, Daniel MD A/C RC(d,j,n)

Chase, Samuel MD D Justice EP(a)

Clark, Abraham NJ D PR(c,e)

Clingan, William PA A

Collins, John RI A Governor

Clymer, George PA D/C QU(j,n),EP(j)

Dana, Francis MA A

Dayton, Jonothan NJ C PR(n)EP(j)

Dickenson, John DE A/C QU(j,m,n)EP(j)

Drayton, William Henry SC A

Duane, James NY A EP(l)

Duer, William NY A

Ellery, William RI(A)MA(D) D/A CO(B)

Few, William GA C ME(j,k,n)

Fitzsimons, Thomas PA C RC(j,n)

(variant spellings: Fitzsimmons, Fitz-Simons)

Floyd, William NY D PR(c,e)

Franklin, Benjamin PA D/C EP(n)DE(j)

Gerry, Elbridge MA D/A EP(j)

Gilman, Nicholas NH C CO(j,n)

Gorham, Nathaniel MA C CO(j,n)

Gwynnett, Button SC D EP(k,o)

Hall, Lyman SC D CO(b,k)

Hamilton, Alexander NY C EP(j,n)

Hancock, John MA A/D CO(B)

Hanson, John MD A

Harnett, Cornelious NC A EP(f)DE(f)

Harrison, Benjamin VA D Governor

Hart, John NJ D PR©

Harvie, John VA A

Hewes, Joseph NC D EP?(f)

Heyward, Thomas SC A

Heyward, Thomas, Jr. SC D

Holton, Samuel MA A

Hooper, William NC D EP(f)

Hopkins, Stephen RI D

Hopkinson, Francis NJ D Ep(l)

Hosmer, Titus CT D

Huntington, Samuel CT D/A CO(B)

Hutson, Richard SC A PR(l)

Ingersoll, Jared PA C PR(j,n)

Jefferson, Thomas VA D President DE(a)

Jennifer, Dan oF St. Thomas MD C EP(j,n)

Johnson, Wm. Saml. CT C Justice PR(a)EP(j,n)

King, Rufas MA C EP(j)CO(n)

Langdon, John NH C CO(j,n)

Langworthy, Edward GA A EP(o)

Laurens, Henry SC A HU(l)

Lee, Henry Lightfoot VA D/A

Lee, Richard Henry VA D/A Senator

Lewis, Francis NY D/A

Livingston, Phil. NY D P©

Livingston, Wil. NJ C PR(j,n)

Lovell, James MA A

Lynch, Thomas Junr. SC D

Madison, James Jr. VA C President EP(a,j,n)TH(i)

Marchant, Henry RI A

Mathews, John SC A

McHenry, James MD C PR(j,n)

Middleton, Arthur SC D

Miflin, Thomas PA C QU(n)LU(j)

M'Kean, Thomas DE D/A PR(m)

Morris, Gouv. NY(A)PA© A/C EP(j)DE(i,n)

Morris, Lewis NY D

Morris, Robert PA D/A/C EP(j,n)

Morton, John PA D

Nelson, Thomas Jr. VA D

Paca, William MD D

Paine, Robert Treat MA D CO(B)

Paterson, William NJ C Justice PT(a)PR(j,n)

Penn, John NC D/A UK(f)

Pinckney, Charles SC C EP(j,n)

Pinckney, Chas. Cotesworth SC C EP(j,n)

Read, George DE D/C EP(j,m,n)

Reed, Joseph PA A

Roberdeau, Daniel PA A

Rodney, Caesar DE D EP(m)

Ross, George PA D

Rush, Benjamin PA D PR(c,e)UN

Rutledge, Edward SC D Justice CE(a)

Rutledge, J. SC C EP(j,n)

Scudder, Nathaniel NJ A

Sherman, Roger CT D/A/C CO(b,j,n)

Smith, James PA D PR(c,e)

Smith, Jona. Bayard PA A

Spaight, Richard Dobbs NC C EP(f,j,n)

Stockton, Richard NJ D PR(c,e)

Stone, Thomas MD D

Taylor, George PA D PR(c,e)

Telfair, Edward GA A

Thornton, Matthew NH D PR(c,e)

Van Dyke, Nicholas DE A EP(m)

Walton, George GA D AN(o)

Walton, Jno. GA A

Washington, George VA C President EP(a,j,n)TH(i)

Wentworth, John Junr. NH A

Whipple, William NH D CO(B)

Williams, Jonothan NC A UK(f)

Williams, William CT D CO(B)

Williamson, Hu NC C PR(f,n)DE(j)

Wilson, James PA D/C Ch. Justice* EP(a)PR(e,n)DE(j)

Witherspoon, Jonothan NJ D/A Minister PR©(e)

Wolcott, Oliver CT D/A CO(B)

Wythe, George VA D EP(j)






A = Articles of Confederation

D = Declaration of Independence

C = United States Constitution




CE = Church of England

CO = Congregationalist

DE = Deist

EP = Episcopalian

HU = Huguanot

LU = Lutheran

ME = Methodist

QU = Quaker

PR = Presbyterian

PT = Protestant

RC = Roman Catholic

TH = Theist

UK = Unknown

UN = Unitarian

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wah wah wah.


There is a reason that we never discuss religion on this board. and it is the same reason that church is removed from state. When you discuss religion, reason is non-existent, and blindness prevails. DUH!!!!




and the only people that will say that i am wrong, are the religious. because agreeing with me may somehow lessen your faith. blah blah blah blah.





Child abusers, murderers, and people who steal when they do not have to will always exist, no matter how hard you try to eliminate them. Becuause the eliminators become the murderers.


I am all for execution though...

For all the people who think that execution is murder, You should ask them if they would like to have a bunch of death row inmates over for dinner, maybe they could live with them, kill them in thier sleep to steal some jewelry and the family car.





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So JoeinCa, instead of personal attacks perhaps you'd like to discuss the facts. Do me a favor and explain this :

Child abusers, murderers, and people who steal when they do not have to will always exist, no matter how hard you try to eliminate them. Becuause the eliminators become the murderers.

You go on to say you are in favor of execution which I think EVERYBODY else said. Apparently "elimination" means something else to you? Please explain.

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mwahahahaha... lol


yes, eliminators/executioners, same deal.


what i was saying is that race "cleansing" and the entire idea of it is a very dangerous proposition.


and for the record, i used no-one's name, therefore, what i said was an in general comment, no personal attacks.



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Wow, take a couple days off, and I miss this whole thread....! lol, probably best I did, or you all would most likely be unified and shouting at me :P

I saw some great points made here, and some pretty funny inaccuracies as well. No, I wont point them out, `cause I like you all and want to keep it that way = ) However, one of the stronger points made here was that (paraphrasing) this country was not specifically founded on religeon, but it was founded with the intent of keeping government out of religeon. (Back then, religeon of some sort was pretty well taken for granted. It was also assumed by most that that religeon would be christianity.)


While many of our current traditions seem to be rooted from our founding, many came much later, as pointed out earlier. I have gotten into several conversations/debates with my girlfriend over various issues pertaining to Catholicism, and the origins of certain beliefs, practices, or traditions. Her 7 year old was playing on the computer in the next room during one such conversation. He has since raised holy hell with his Nun/religeon teacher at his catholic school, quoting me practically verbatim to support his positions. Fortunately ( or unfortunately, depending on whether or not you are catholic, lol) I was pretty much quoting the bible when I questioned some the the issues. Three different sets of parent have since called us to tell different versions of what happened that day, but they all agree on two points: Many of the Nuns answers boiled down to "because the Holy Father talks to God, and tells us so", and finally: "We will discuss this further later" Of course that has not happened. I further aggravated things at a parent/teacher meeting when I commented on how hot the school was at 7:00 at night. The teacher innocently replied that it was much worse during the day. My big mouth blurted without consulting me, and pointed out that the Church across the parking lot was air-conditioned 24/7, and used a few hours a week, but the school, (which is busy cutting programs and increasing both tuition fees and demands for donations) regularly exceeds 85 degrees. Since that time, it seems that the 7 year old has over-night become a problem child, altho they are usually weak on details. I think it is all pretty funny, but it definitely points out and supports the need for separation of church and state, perhaps beyond any level that the Founding fathers could have anticipated. There is a need in our society for both government and religeon, but like certain bodily functions, the two should be kept in separate rooms, so to speak. I know that gets a little vague, but I dont really want to offend one belief system over another.... :lol: I personally am not an atheist per-say, but I definitely share a mistrust of any major denomination's beliefs or traditions. I spent too long as a kid studying history and religeon, and know the origins of too many of those beliefs and traditions.

well, I typed too much again, lol... would love to know how that PM debate is progressing = )

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