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Should I even bother getting this Z?


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ok here is the deal. I have been saving money and looking for an affordable Z for quite some time now. but this whole time one has been just under my nose. One of the sales managers at my place of work is selling his old junker for $500ish. It is a 71 240z, just what I am looking for! It does deserve the cheap price though. It has a smashed hatch window, trashed interior, from what I hear some wiring issues, and who knows if it runs. I am pretty sure it is fairly rust free. I have access to it (its sitting out at work), so I will go have a look at it tomorrow and maybe take some pictures.


I have very little actual experience working on cars, but I am dying to learn. I would like to assume worst case scenario before I make any commitment to this. Lets say I had to re-wire the whole thing...is this a doable job for someone who is inexperienced? I also plan to do a turbo swap eventually, so a running engine isnt a huge problem because it can just sit while I wait to do the turbo swap.


So is this a worthwhile project? My dad says I shouldn't do it cause I wont be able to do it or will get discouraged and stop working on it and that I should just save more and get one thats already done. But I am fairly confident about it. Would the people who have been through this kinda thing suggest I go through with it or advise against it?

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Guest BigWhyteDude

i would say no if i had the same choice. this is just my openion"a-holes and elboes" bt since you have very little if any knowlage about cars and how they work i would not buy this car TO RESTORE. i would buy it for a parts car however.

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thanks for your input. and so fast too. I have been reading about Zs for over a year now and helping my friend (inZane240) with his. so I do have some knowledge about them just not much experience. I am not looking to get it to great condition just running condition with a turbo motor. I dont really care what the body looks like or the interior. I just want it to run and not have alot of rust problems that require extensive work to fix.

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

Since you are in CA I would say that it wouldnt be too hard to wait for something a little better, but it is a decent deal if you are ready to work on it. Dont be too discouraged if you have never done a resto. My first resto was my 65 GMC truck. When I bought it the interior was completely stripped (I mean it was bare metal with NOTHING). The engine compartment had no wiring, and the engine was siezed. Now its a 4000lb + Mustang killer :twisted:


Just decide what you want to do. There are benefits to buying a car to resto, but there are also a lot of complications. I wanted to get a Z that was stripped and start from the ground up, but I ended up buying my Z already running so I could drive it daily before doing my swap.

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Since you're in Lodi let me suggest you look on zparts.com There is a project car in the for sale section located in Lodi for $500. There is a brief description of it and it seems like a good starting point. It's probably not too far. Just thought i'd let ya know. Don't be intimidated by an old project Z if your not experienced. The old ones are easier than the newer ones and you said you have a buddy with a Z plus all the info on this site. Just make sure you get a project with little rust and not too hacked up as far as wiring and misc parts. Good luck!

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thanks for all the advise guys. went and had another look at the car this morning and took some pics too. it is really ugly but pretty rust free which is pretty much all I am looking for. it ran when it was parked and the wiring problems I heard about is because some wires are hanging out of the console a bit I think. but it should be alright. I am looking to make this an autocross car one day and dont care about looks or interior so it seems perfect. needs alot of cleaning up but other than that it looks alright to me. the floorpans are in execellent shape. the framerails look pretty decent too. no rust under the battery tray either. ok well here are the pics... http://midnights.thexpresidents.com/images/workz/workz.html



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Stop. Hold it. Woah.


Let's look at things rationally here. As someone who has been fiddling with these cars for years, let me tell you right now that having a rust-free body is worth $500 right there. BUT. Assuming that the engine is in decent shape, let's look at what you'll spend to get this one in presentable shape:


Rear glass plus install - $140.

Junkyard Seats in OK condition - $100

Carpet and interior dye/paint/trim - $50

Dash cap - $120

Tires? Probably $350 or so

Rims? Polish the ones on it.

Brakes/hoses/belts - $200

4 generic struts - $200

Paint - $400 MINIMUM if you do the bodywork yourself and trailer it to Maaco

Front end soft-parts rebuild - $150 (I'm pulling this figure straight out of my a$$)


Other things like inoperative window regulators and stuck heater valves, the things that plague lots of old Z cars, can usually be FIXED rather than REPLACED. If you're thrifty, you can stay ahead of the curve, so that your car is always worth more than what you've invested in it.


These are durable cars that are dirt simple and with a few notable exceptions, easily fixed. I probably wouldn't want this car as my only transportation right now, but if it IS rust free, it could one day be that way.


The bottom line is this: If you want a car to learn on, this might be a good place to start.

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thanks a ton. thats what I was hoping to hear haha. the guy who owns it doesent know much so I am going to show him the bad stuff and try to low ball him I think. although I cant go too low cause he is one of my bosses and the owners son. I would be completly replacing the hatch from the jy cause it is a bit banged up too. the tires look good, just flat. I dont care what the interior is like and would want a racing seat so there goes that stuff. I dont care if the heater works and would actually take it out. it doesent get that cold around here and I can always keep a jacket in the car. would do aftermarket struts anyway. paint would be down the road but would just be maaco flat black or somthing. so this could stay a cheap project. thanks for the advise. I think I might go through with it now. ill talk to my dad and see what he thinks (he had a 240z with tripple webbers and the works back in the day). he has been saying its a bad idea but ill try to convince him. thanks again. any other input would be greatly appreciated as well.

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I personally say for this car, "RUN AWAY!!!" Seriously, you are buying a car that is going to take even more time and a LOT more money to make it decent. You'll put tons of time into the car and realize it will almost never be as nice as the next guy who paid a little more and bought a much more decent car.


I bought a much much better one then that for $1000. Sure, it has a leaky sunroof, but it has urethane bushings, 5 speed, R200 w/3.9 gears, Starion seats, Eibach springs, tokiko struts, etc etc. The point is: keep looking and waiting for the best deal (or at leas a better car anyway) to show up. If you are patient and keep looking, it will.


Hang in there and save your money for a better car.



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I bought mine running and had 4 flats and in better condition for a $100 but it was a 75 Z . Just offer him a $100 and tell him your taking a risk by just buying it. It looks like it was already gone over for some of the good parts already. Most of the parts missing can be bought from the salvage yard if your lucky. I bought a whole dash with gagues and wiring behind it, carpet, gas tank rubber flap weather stripping, all for $40. So it depends if your willing to work your butt off for it go for it, but if you can find a better Z go that route.

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Guest bastaad525

Oh man that thing looks sad :( but definately not beyond saving


Dude... I agree with one big point here... do NOT get it if it is gonna be your only car/daily driver. And do not think that you're just gonna spend a couple grand to make this car what you want either. I did this exact same thing starting just last year... a '72 that sat in some guys garage for 13 years, I already had a complete, rebuilt drivetrain (I had started with a ZX, built up the hell out of it, and wanted to put it into the lighter 240 body) and this guy only wanted $250. Same deal... body was okay, minimal rust, no interior. It cost me so much just to get the car running and decent. Then I got bored of my 200hp N/A motor and decided to go turbo... and now I'd say I'm some $12,000 into this car. Now, mind you, the thing is still just black primer, it is not a pretty car at all, I did spring for new carpet, used seats and door panels in good condition... decent suspension... figure also though that it cost me this much because I did not do most of the big labor like engine swaps myself. And my first recommendation to you if you buy this car, before you even think of getting it running, is to drop the fuel tank and get it cleaned and recoated on the inside. I thought just draining the fuel out of my tank would be enough, but the left over residue in the tank was enough to cause valves to stick and cost me a head rebuild.


They are extremely easy to work on (will be a bit less so if you do drop a turbo in it) but at the same time.. you buy that one, you will be doing a LOT of work. Expect to replace just about every piece of rubber on the car too... hoses, belt(s), seals/weatherstripping (you'll need this if you dont want to die from the horrible amounts of exhaust that will find it's way into your car thru bad seals)... stuff like that.


They are awesome cars man I love mine and will probably have it for the rest of my life, and have only considered selling it when things went so badly wrong with this turbo swap and I was just out of $$ and patience... otherwise I would never get rid of it. However, I would not even THINK of taking on a project like this again if I didn't have another car to use as backup/daily driver, and w/o having a substantial amount of money set aside. The saying goes: "Add up whatever you think it's going to cost you, and then double that amount" (got that from Tim240z) and I've found that to be very very true. Also expect it to take three times longer than you think it will :) Good luck man.

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

That is sad, that is a lot of rust. And the worst part is that if you can see that much rust there is going to be a lot that you cant see. For about $700-$750 you could come up here to Sacramento to the Pick n Pull and drive home this white 240 that is there. It will have a salvage title on it, but you can get those cleared now.


I'm not sure I would consider spending any money on that. I'd try to talk the guy into letting me take it off his hands for the sake of the car.


BTW, why is anyone still saying "rust free", did you look at the pics? :shock:

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the car has been in central cali all its life. probably one of the best climates for keeping a car from becoming a rust box. it does have some surface rust but from what I can tell that is the extent of it. the floorboards are in perfect condition. as for towing it home, I would just leave it at work and put it under a tarp. then when I wanted to work on it get it into the shop where I have every tool I need and a roof over my head. I am really starting to fall in love with this ugly duckling. as far as money goes its not really an issue. I work full time and live at home. this car would be around for a long while anyway so the money will always be there. I have 2 other cars I can drive at the moment and one of them is as reliable as hell so I wont have to worry about this thing not running. I think it will be fun and a learning experience to work on. I have a ton of time on my hands and I am incredibly bored on the weekends so this should fill my life quite nicly. the guys can always help me work on it. =)plus the loss isnt that huge if I never spend time on it. I think I will talk to the owner and see what we can work out. I dont think he has seen it in about 5 years so we will see what he has to say about it once he sees the shape its in. thanks again guys.

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man, if i showed you all my car you'd have told me to run away fast too! but i went through and made sure it was solid where it needed to be, and ended up spending 1500 on a 74 260 with a very little surface rust, very good interior, some shoddy bodywork, but a rock-solid frame that just happened to run like a$$. now it's torn apart awaiting it's v8 (ah, poor me,right?). but what i'm trying to say is this...1.i wish i lived on the west coast. z's are so much cheaper out there! and 2. look extensively for rust but if it's tight and you can get it cheap BUY THE CAR! the total of your receipts might seem like alot but over time it isn't quite as bad, and in the end you'll be driving something that you ressurrected yourself. i told myself that when i almost sold my 260 for the cost of a case of beer and almost got myself a running car i could enjoy now. besides, the less you spend on the car itself the more you'll have for whatever it needs.

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well I bit the bullet and went into the owner of the Zs office and pretended to make casual convo about it. I asked him when the last time he had seen it was and he confirmed what I had thought. he hasent seen it since he parked it. I asked him if he knew about the hatch window and he had no idea. I said he should go take a look at it and he thought it was a good idea. he asked me what I thought it was worth and kinda dodged the question and then it came, he asked me if I wanted it. I said I was considering it and he said he would go have a look and we would talk. so we will see what happens and how cheap I can get it for. I am pretty sure he is under the impression that it is in better shape than it is. so I think I can get a better deal than $500 on it. I am really excited and its all I can think about. maybe I will take a trip out there tonight and use a forklift to pick it up so I can check the frame rails more extensivly.

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Bought a Z about 4 years ago looking just like that one for a $100 bucks! The car still doesn't run so it is sitting outside of my garage and I have bought another Z for $2,500 bucks that is running and came with a boat load of parts. The hundred dollar Z now gets used as a parts car, something it should have been all along.


You need to check the spare tire well because if that window has been missing for sometime you will find tons of rust under the spare, trust me I learned the hard way :twisted:

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