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I guess it really is winter time.

I was on my way to the san mateo bridge, and on my left (freeway) doing about 70-80 and accelerating hard is this really funky looking motorcycle, it looked like a dirt bike. He is like 30ft away from me, and its a little wet outside, not raining, butwet. He pulls away from me (no racing for me in this weather) and starts fishtailing really really bad(sounded like he was downshifting or something). At this point i have slowed down to get ready to get out of the guys way if he cant catch it.

Now he is about 200ft away from me in the fast lane, and the bike dumps on him doing about 80mph, sending the bike into the wall, and the rider into the emergency lane and tumbling, and his helment flies across traffic.

No motorcycles for me, that looked so painful. I saw the guy get whipped off his bike, hit the ground, and his helmment fly off his head and bounce down the street. whoa.

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No bikes for me, and not because of your example. I am worried about all the accidents you have no control over because of the other people on the road. There is a guy on a local forum who just got hit by a drunk driver (who fled the scene) and had to have his leg amputated. This guy was a very safe and responsible rider. Now he is missing a leg.


I would even wear a helmet in my car if it wasn't sure to get me pulled over immediately. I've been told that that's "silly." Well, that's fine, more air for me.

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There you have it... Brain doner... I have no sympathy for an IDIOT who doesn't take the proper precautions. :shock::roll::twisted:


No properly designed DOT approved/ SNELL 2000 helmet flies off your head unless your head comes off your body... Guy is an oxygen thief! :twisted:



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A few weeks ago a guy bought a new harley heritage, left the shop and rode about five miles before he lost it and hit an oncoming car. He ended up in the middle of his own lane and his friend who took him to pick up his new bike ran over him. Any Questions? Read my signature.

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Guest BigWhyteDude

my best friend got his first bike in high school. A honda CBR 600 rice rocket. Yes being a typical 16 year old kid with a 2 wheeled rocket he did do some stupid stuff like 140 MPH runs down back roads. He has a tape to prove it. But When he wrecked the bike it was not his falt. A Fed-Ex trucked pulled out of a dirt road in front of him and he was forced to either broad side the truck or take to the ditch. He ended us sliding about 300 feet on wet grass and hitting a drive way culvert head on. Sent him flying over the drive way. He was wearing a DOT aproved healmet by the way. He was ok though, save for being really sore and some good bruses thankfuly. He was doing everything he was suposed to, and the driver of the truck just i guess didnt not see him coming.


Another time with the same friend, he was ridding with a guy he met at work i think and the other guy was hiveing trouble with his bike while they were riding. The guy down shifted inadvertantly and the bike bucked and he lost it and went off of the road at about 60 mph. He ended up hitting a tree and breaking the bike almost in two. He died with my friend right by his side. The guy wasnt doing anything other than trying to ride on a quiet sunday afternoon. That was one of those freak accidents that killed him. He left behind a wife and a young son too. Thats why i will never ride a motorcycle. what MIGHT happen and what other drivers can and will do.

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being the average gear head i own 2 motorcycles.a 87 honda xr 600 and a 2002 yamaha fz1.been riding for 35 years.dont trust the cars around you-leave room.i feel safer in my 100+ mph 18' boat than on my bike though.the guy probably had a worn tire on a wet road.helmet must be strapped on.

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Learning to ride a bike safely is a process that never ends. If you don't realize your limitations, you will not live long.

If this was the focus of drivers Ed. everybody would be safer. Instead they burden us with silly speedlimits, and tickets for exhibition of speed.


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I've been riding motorcycles on the road for 20 years, and dirt bikes for 25 years. I've never been down on a motorcycle on pavement (Knock wood, I'm leading a big group ride tomorrow!) and I have always felt there are two types of crashes:


Accidents: Some fool just blows through a stop sign and clips you. This is an example where the victim had no warning, and was truly not at fault in any way.


Incidents: You're dragging knee on your favorite corner when you wash the front end and get high sided into Mrs. Crantz's flower bed, taking out the mail box with your shin in the process... THIS is not an accident. You contributed to the situation, causing yourself to be at greater risk.


Do I speed? Yes, every time I ride. Do I try to use common sense? Yes. That is why I only ride with those I trust and we set rules before each ride.

We also will NOT let anyone ride with us if they don't have FULL leathers, boots and gloves and an appropriate helmet.


I've been called a safety Nazi by more than a few, and I have un-invited many to my group outting, which is a shame, because to me, I'm looking out for them and me as well. You see, If someone in our group clips me out of stupidity, and I deem it just absolutely avoidable. I'm likely to beat them until they stop breathing, Give them CPR, and start beating them again! :shock: This is assuming I can walk and complete said beating.


Motorcycles are fun, and can be most enjoyable. They can also be as deadly as a firearm in the hands of a child. I look at both with the same respect. I carry a gun and I ride a bike, a big green sport bike.


Now that is an image 'ey? :lol:



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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA
What I want to know is why motorcycle insurance rates didn't go down in California after the helmet law was passed.


Because wearing a helmet doesnt make you any less likely to do damage to another vehicle. Technically it would cause more damage to the vehicle than a bare forehead :D


Guy is an oxygen thief!

I LOVE that! :wink:

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Guest Carrman
A few weeks ago a guy bought a new harley heritage, left the shop and rode about five miles before he lost it and hit an oncoming car. He ended up in the middle of his own lane and his friend who took him to pick up his new bike ran over him. Any Questions? Read my signature.



Yeah, his name was Curt Moberly, and he was a friend of mine. His nephew ran him over. He wasn't speeding either, as it was a 45 mph corner, and the bikes speedo was frozen at that speed. Curt wasn't stupid, he made a mistake. A fatal one unfortunately....



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Guest Carrman
I am sorry for his family and friends, but if that Harley was his first bike, and he had no experience with a heavy motorcycle, it was more than a tragic mistake. Was the car on his side of the road? If you're in the wrong lane, it doesn't matter if your going 45 or 145.


Actually, Curt was entering the curve and apparently he felt something was wrong as he deliberately laid the bike down in order to abandon ship. The bike slid into oncoming traffic, hitting a car but not injuring the driver. Curt stayed in his lane but was run over by his nephew following him.



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