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Trouble...almost unbelievable...

Guest Riker

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My friend has a major issue on his Daihatsu 1.0 TD


He removed the turbo. And drove mile down the street to buy some parts...


So he turns the car on....parks...turns the car off....car is still running....pulls out the keys....STILL RUNNING.........gives pedal to the floor...throttle stucks at max rpm.....cut off the fuel pump.....car still screams!!!!!!!!!!


eventually after 5 mins, cooler exploded, car stopped....maybe somethings broken, we dont know....




- How could we have stopped the engine???

Note- the throttle pedal was fine, no trouble with that!

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I think you could have best stopped the engine by sealing off the tailpipe with a rag or something. Within a few seconds you should have gotten so much backpressure that the engine wouldn't run anymore. Or you could have plugged the air intake, but usually it's tougher to get at than the tailpipe.


How on Earth did he get it to run with big holes in the intake and exhaust systems???


Yeah, diesels are wierd. If you get a mechanically injected one it could work with zero power to it. I've even heard of a few Mack diesels that would happily run BACKWARDS if you did something stupid. Not a common occurance, but definitely possible.

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Guest Carrman
My friend has a major issue on his Daihatsu 1.0 TD


He removed the turbo. And drove mile down the street to buy some parts...


So he turns the car on....parks...turns the car off....car is still running....pulls out the keys....STILL RUNNING.........gives pedal to the floor...throttle stucks at max rpm.....cut off the fuel pump.....car still screams!!!!!!!!!!


eventually after 5 mins' date=' cooler exploded, car stopped....maybe somethings broken, we dont know....




- How could we have stopped the engine???

Note- the throttle pedal was fine, no trouble with that![/quote']



This is something that used to happen with the old Detroit Diesel 2 strokers. They would start running on their own oil. One time a shop had a 12V71 (meaning 12 cylinders, v configuration, and 71 cubic inch per cylinder displacement) on the dyno when it began to burn it's own oil and run away. Well, evryone started runing around to find something to kill it with. One guy took a pair of coveralls and stuck over the blower intake. Well, that thing swallowed the coveralls like they were nothing. Meanwhile this thing's screaming and everyone decides it's time to leave before the engine grenades and kills someone. Just then, someone got the idea of slapping a chunk of plywood over the intake. That starved it for air, and she shut down before she flew apart. Another time, right after Cat introduced intercoolers, a brand new truck with one had a turbo failure. Mechanic went out, replaced turbo, and fired her up. She immediately redlined and was running away. He couldn't get her shut and she blew up. Timing gears sawed through front cover, clutch blew up and detroyed everything in it's path. What happened? When the turbo failed, it filled the intercooler with engine oil. Fired the engine up, and it sucked it right down. Cat didn't realize that possibility, but they honored warranty, and immediately sent a service bulletin out that whenever an intercooled engine suffered a turbo failure, to clean out the intercooler afterwards!



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Guest Carrman
I've even heard of a few Mack diesels that would happily run BACKWARDS if you did something stupid. Not a common occurance, but definitely possible.


One time I was driving a Grove 4 axle crane that had a 6-71 Detroit in it (6 cylinder, inline configuration, 71 cid per cylinder) when she tried to stall. I pushed clutch in right away and she continued running. Let out the clutch and began to move backward while in a forward gear as smoke come out of the intake. Damn thing had started running backward........



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CO2 fire extinguisher in the intake works. About 12 years ago I was working at a shop and I stuck my hand over the intake of an International Scount with a Nissan diesel in it to kill it, but my boss almost had a coronary. Apparently people have done that and had the flesh sucked off their hand...



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Thats like some snow mobiles Ive heard of; they actually turn of for a split second, and then run in reverse so you can back up! And I've seen a front end loader (case I think it was..) stall, and then run backwards! I was working in a wrecking yard, so you can imagine the condition of this machine to begin with! There were no brakes left on the thing, so the Boss would just smack it into reverse to stop, and then into nuteral. It was then that it stalled and started in reverse... it was quite funny when he tried to back away from the car he was trying to pick up.. and ran right over it! Never heard such a foul string of rude nasty words come out of his mouth like that!

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