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ZR8ED pics and vids


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SportZ should have a hybridz page :).. that would be cool.. like a hybridz car/memeber have there car featured.. would be neat... everybody likes Z's with lots'a power :)



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At some point as the magazine, advertising and subscription base grows, we'd like to have a section for each Z group out there, ie: hybrids, stock, all generations in every issue. It would be nice to have 3 or 4 project cars going at the same time.


As far as the video, I had no problem loading it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest lil'devil

What's up scotty.


It's your supra nemesis :-D


To anyone who hasn't seen zr8ed's ride. It is by far one of the sweetest zcar's I haave ever laid my eyes on.


Awesome job on the ride my friend



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My bipod was my Supra buddy..The only way he can be a tripod is if he takes his pants off, and there is no way in hell I'm going to let him do that near me! eheehehehehe (Autin Powers humour attempt baby...)


That was a very impromptu attempt.. a quick pass by, and then we got the heck out of there.


Tripod use seems to be inevitable now... Its pretty hard to get that shot by hand... He was standing less than 6ft away when I passed him....yup..you heard me... He's a good friend that trusts me.

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Please help...I still can't view any of the vids. Is there a way someone can send them to me via my email? Jwink25@msn.com


I have Realone Player, as well as, the Microsoft one. I click on the links and it says...connecting...but never does anything more. My windows task manager tells me the program is not responding. I can view and download other video files from other locations.


Can anyone help me?




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