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Good Friends Hanging in the garage...


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So Doug, Pete, Pete's son Eric, Jamie, Jamie's wife and new baby girl came up to hang out, swap some parts, and eat, drink and be merry!


Doug brought his version of the control arm up and we had Jamie Weld them up for him... Doug is SOOO meticulous with everything he makes, it just looks sooo good, I have to ding him when I can!


Pete picked up some arms from Jamie that had been powder coated, and I bought the WilWoods from Jamie. We hung out, BS'ed about Zs, and thing HP related and just had a generally good time drinking Black & Tans and smoking cigars!


Nothing like good friends on a Rainy Sunday afternoon!


Glad you guys could come and Hang!



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Thanks for having us up, I enjoyed hanging out (and the black & tans).

Thanks for your ideas, help and use of your equipment.

Thanks for lunch. (it`s on me next time)

Jamie, thank you for the welds.

Good to see everyone again.

So when is the next outing ?


Oh, I forgot to get your panel.

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Sounds like a great time and it was definetly a garage kind of Sunday. I added some much needed lighting to the garage and hung out with a couple of friends. When we were done it turned into a bench racing beer drinking episode that can only be done in the garage. It's been a good day.

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Well it was raining here too. It was a good day, I got some stuff on the Z done but I don't have any friends who are into Z's though so it kind of quiet. The kids didn't bother me out there so now I have to deal with a wife that is fed up with kids iterrupting her and the kids themselves. Times like this why we go to work. :D



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